TSC Yoda
Some samples of Stirling bath soaps. I know that they've gotten great reviews, but I want to try them before investing in the full-size bars.

I love that stuff!Well, Mysore Milennium bath soap is just too expensive for me, but I had a real hankering for a Mysore sandalwood soap, so I ordered this 3-pack, hoping its scent will be good.
Neither. Just a pure sandalwood. It’s strong too. The bar fills my bathroom with the scent. I scored it for a buck a bar at an Indian marked several years ago and stocked up.I've almost bought that several times. How's the scent @Spider ? Are we talking a spicy Sandalwood or a cologne sandalwood?
Wow, that's a great price. Hmm. Might be time to go check out the local markets.Neither. Just a pure sandalwood. It’s strong too. The bar fills my bathroom with the scent. I scored it for a buck a bar at an Indian marked several years ago and stocked up.
Well I guess I'll always be "waiting for delivery" as the USPS has managed to mis-delivered yet another package, so who knows where this actually landedWhat can I say, I am sucker for a KCMO marked razor.
Picked up this Hytone Straight Razor, marked as made for, L.H. Schenkel Barber Supplies Kansas City, MO.