The Shaving Cadre

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What are you anxiously waiting to be delivered ???

Sigh...electronic bay got me again. I felt the need to get this nearly locally made razor, a Shumate Pacemaker. It is much more local to @Luecke3262 (surprised he didn't snag it)

Yep very local for me! I own several and they are all great shavers, enjoy sir!
Been watching a couple others, but I really don’t need any more razors...
Well darn all the luck these two just looked too temping with zero bids and low prices. Looks like some more sharpening zen is in my future.

Roger’s Cutlery Extra Hollow Ground, Germany

B. S. Co Phila PA Germany (appears to be bone scales)

It was a bear to find this since it's been a Harrod's exclusive until lately.
A rare blind buy, but based on my favorite review comparing it Antaeus and having favorite notes, it's been on my list for a long time.
Got lucky, I hope, and found it at 50% off. Always a bit nervous buying from a new vendor though. Fingers crossed.
Another local to Missouri straight razor to add to the pen. Simmons Hardware Co, Number 8 Special.

That razor has a cool bellied hollow grind. I own three of them, but they are all honed nearly to death. Yours looks to have more blade left, very cool!
@OpusX, bought a Simmons, No. 8 Special with the cool bellied hollow ground blade... SO HE SET OFF MY RAD, which by the way, I should not have RAD any more... I thought I was cured of that, is that weird??
So I shot in a low offer on a Simmons No. 8 Special and they accepted.