The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Hope all goes well with the scan, Don..

I went through a few 'canes and Trop-storms when I was stationed in Norfolk back in my Navy days. The tropical storms are manageable. I've experienced similar thunderstorms here in Bama. No big deal. It's the Big Twisty's you have to watch out for.

Still, you guys stay safe down there!!
Hoping and knowing all will go well today for momma. Hoping the rain event is lighter than expected !
Thanks! Things went well and the storm seems to be on the lighter side...for now.
Prayers for you and your family! That scan was a little nerve racking on my wife too.
Thank you so much! A little anxiety, but after everything was done the wife was relieved. More below.
Hope you at least get some good pics or videos today
We got both.
I'm sure everything will turn out fine. Enjoy your walk, Don. We'll probably start bracing for Cristobal today or tomorrow. Let's hope it's a weak one.
I got over five miles in and it was a really nice day. Doesn't look like you guys will hardly be affected by the storm...if at all.
Hope all goes well with the scan, Don..

I went through a few 'canes and Trop-storms when I was stationed in Norfolk back in my Navy days. The tropical storms are manageable. I've experienced similar thunderstorms here in Bama. No big deal. It's the Big Twisty's you have to watch out for.

Still, you guys stay safe down there!!
Typically I am not worried about Tropical Storms or Hurricanes too much. But Louisiana has a history of some really bad and destructive storms lately. We also have had a few flood events the past few years or so that has made everyone around here nervous. I have probably been through some where in the neighborhood of 20 or more Tropical Storms/Hurricanes in my life. Worked several of them also while I was in the National Guard. So I am definitely no stranger to them. I do appreciate the good will though!
Prayer for momma and baby! Hope the appointment went well!
Thanks Chris!

The Danger Zone

While I wasn't able to go into the hospital with my wife on seemed that things went pretty well. I remained outside and did a nice walk with the trees, brushes, flowers, geese, and turtles. The Hospital Campus has a one mile walking/jogging path around a retention pond that is quite nice and tranquil despite being located next to a major highway. While the wife was getting poked and prodded...I accomplished more than five miles of a brisk walk. If I was able to brisk walks my entire time in the Marine Corps, I might have stayed in longer. All that running really screwed my knees up (well that and marching, and rucking, and jumping out of helicopters and other vehicles that were not exactly low to the ground). Okay...enough about me.

So the wife went in for an anatomy scan of the baby. Evidently it took twice as long as it was supposed to because the baby wanted to do back flips, high dives, somersaults, trampoline bounces, judo kicks, and speed drills on the punching bag. In other words, she was moving around a ton and it was hard to get good scans. And as a final insult to the whole daughter raised her hand in triumph as to say that she will never be conquered...

Baby Fist.jpg

I am not sure if I should be proud...or scared! 🤪 The tech who was doing the scan labeled this girl "Wild Child" and said that she was not volunteering to babysit. Not sure if this is a warning of what's to come. Afterward the wife met with her doctor in her office. Not the exam room...but the doctor's actual office. This made my wife very concerned. But it turns out there is absolutely nothing to worry about. My wife has lost a few pounds during her pregnancy and she has been worried about the size of the baby. Turns out the doctor said that it's really a misconception that there is a correlation between how much the mother eats and how big the baby gets. At the time of the Doctor Visit...the baby was within two days of gestational development of where she is supposed to be (there is probably a better way to say that). In other words...the baby and mother are just fine.!

Getting ready for the Tropical Storm. It doesn't seem that this thing is going to be an overly big deal for us in our location. But you never can tell. We have made some preparations...but honestly...there isn't much more we can really do. We are starting to get some wind gusts right now. No Rain as of yet...that will roll in about two to three hours from now. We are going to get parts of this storm going into Tuesday. But all in shouldn't be all that bad (knock on wood).

The wife had her aunt and uncle come in town. I wasn't expecting it at all. She said that she swore she told me...and told her it must have been the baby brain...guess how well that went? Anyway...the aunt and uncle are in town to help out the Mother-in-Law. She is having a small surgery this week. So they are in to help out. But as it would go...the wife sprung on me (spur of the moment) that she wanted to have a crawfish boil for the fam. I groaned and grunted (doing a spur of the moment crawfish boil is actually more work than you would think)...but in the end...the gets what the wife wants. So I boiled a sack of crawfish (38 pounds) with all the goodies: sausage, garlic, corn, potatoes, mushrooms, and a pineapple...yup you heard that right...a pineapple. All in all it was a good time. The wife and I, the in-laws, the wife's aunt and uncle, and my mother even came over. It was just a nice family event. Pics below.

Anyway...I hope the Cadre is with the ones the love and care about in these crazy times. I hope the rest of your weekend is just spectacular!

Thanks! Things went well and the storm seems to be on the lighter side...for now.

Thank you so much! A little anxiety, but after everything was done the wife was relieved. More below.

We got both.

I got over five miles in and it was a really nice day. Doesn't look like you guys will hardly be affected by the storm...if at all.

Typically I am not worried about Tropical Storms or Hurricanes too much. But Louisiana has a history of some really bad and destructive storms lately. We also have had a few flood events the past few years or so that has made everyone around here nervous. I have probably been through some where in the neighborhood of 20 or more Tropical Storms/Hurricanes in my life. Worked several of them also while I was in the National Guard. So I am definitely no stranger to them. I do appreciate the good will though!

Thanks Chris!

The Danger Zone

While I wasn't able to go into the hospital with my wife on seemed that things went pretty well. I remained outside and did a nice walk with the trees, brushes, flowers, geese, and turtles. The Hospital Campus has a one mile walking/jogging path around a retention pond that is quite nice and tranquil despite being located next to a major highway. While the wife was getting poked and prodded...I accomplished more than five miles of a brisk walk. If I was able to brisk walks my entire time in the Marine Corps, I might have stayed in longer. All that running really screwed my knees up (well that and marching, and rucking, and jumping out of helicopters and other vehicles that were not exactly low to the ground). Okay...enough about me.

So the wife went in for an anatomy scan of the baby. Evidently it took twice as long as it was supposed to because the baby wanted to do back flips, high dives, somersaults, trampoline bounces, judo kicks, and speed drills on the punching bag. In other words, she was moving around a ton and it was hard to get good scans. And as a final insult to the whole daughter raised her hand in triumph as to say that she will never be conquered...

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I am not sure if I should be proud...or scared! [emoji2957] The tech who was doing the scan labeled this girl "Wild Child" and said that she was not volunteering to babysit. Not sure if this is a warning of what's to come. Afterward the wife met with her doctor in her office. Not the exam room...but the doctor's actual office. This made my wife very concerned. But it turns out there is absolutely nothing to worry about. My wife has lost a few pounds during her pregnancy and she has been worried about the size of the baby. Turns out the doctor said that it's really a misconception that there is a correlation between how much the mother eats and how big the baby gets. At the time of the Doctor Visit...the baby was within two days of gestational development of where she is supposed to be (there is probably a better way to say that). In other words...the baby and mother are just fine.!

Getting ready for the Tropical Storm. It doesn't seem that this thing is going to be an overly big deal for us in our location. But you never can tell. We have made some preparations...but honestly...there isn't much more we can really do. We are starting to get some wind gusts right now. No Rain as of yet...that will roll in about two to three hours from now. We are going to get parts of this storm going into Tuesday. But all in shouldn't be all that bad (knock on wood).

The wife had her aunt and uncle come in town. I wasn't expecting it at all. She said that she swore she told me...and told her it must have been the baby brain...guess how well that went? Anyway...the aunt and uncle are in town to help out the Mother-in-Law. She is having a small surgery this week. So they are in to help out. But as it would go...the wife sprung on me (spur of the moment) that she wanted to have a crawfish boil for the fam. I groaned and grunted (doing a spur of the moment crawfish boil is actually more work than you would think)...but in the end...the gets what the wife wants. So I boiled a sack of crawfish (38 pounds) with all the goodies: sausage, garlic, corn, potatoes, mushrooms, and a pineapple...yup you heard that right...a pineapple. All in all it was a good time. The wife and I, the in-laws, the wife's aunt and uncle, and my mother even came over. It was just a nice family event. Pics below.

Anyway...I hope the Cadre is with the ones the love and care about in these crazy times. I hope the rest of your weekend is just spectacular!

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What a great post! I'm glad to hear mother and child are both doing well. And it's great to visit with family, and over a feast to boot! Good luck with the storm. The dog looks very interested in the boil!

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What a great post! I'm glad to hear mother and child are both doing well. And it's great to visit with family, and over a feast to boot! Good luck with the storm. The dog looks very interested in the boil!

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Chauncey...the dog...or as I affectionately call him..."Turkey Ball Junior"...was VERY interested. He may or may not have filled himself up with scraps that fell to the ground (the visiting family were amateurs when it came to peeling crawfish)...and may have made himself sick.

Thanks for the kind words!
That's a damn good update, Don. I'm glad everything is a-ok with your wife and the baby. The storm is definitely missing is entirely. I hope it doesn't end up being a big deal for your corner.
That's a damn good update, Don. I'm glad everything is a-ok with your wife and the baby. The storm is definitely missing is entirely. I hope it doesn't end up being a big deal for your corner.
It's not looking like it will be all that big of a deal for us. But I think those in coastal Mississippi and Alabama are going to get a lot of rain. As of looks like the track has shifted east of Baton Rouge ever so slightly which put the eye passing right over where I live. So we might get some stronger winds. But flooding will be a minimum.
From an Ohio boy standpoint, you gotta flip over a whole mess of rocks to get that many Crawdaddies! Happy to hear of spouse and offspring units being within normal operating parameters.
From an Ohio boy standpoint, you gotta flip over a whole mess of rocks to get that many Crawdaddies! Happy to hear of spouse and offspring units being within normal operating parameters.
Here they harvest the mud bugs ponds, rivers, and basins. As much as we eat crawfish here in Louisiana, most of them are harvested and sold to Texas.