The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations
Brush: Stirling Synthetic Shave Brush with Pro Handle
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Platinum


This was actually my shave from the other day that I forgot to post. Not much to say about it other than it was pretty damn awesome! I love this scent and really need to use it more often. I know this tub was an experiment in design. I like it okay...but I think Lisa has really knocked it out of the park with her newer designs.

This month is Artisan and Hobbyist month for the Themed Shaves at TSC. Some of our skilled members don't necessarily make shaving gear, so I would like to showcase a little of a Hobbyist that has done some really nice work!

@ShawnF made this knife for my brother. I wish I had a better pic of it...because this one does not do it justice. But Shawn makes a really high quality knife! What was awesome was that Shawn will work with you to make just about any kind of design too! There is a lot of creativity that goes into his work that people just don't realize!


The Danger Zone

Had to go into work yesterday. I was stupid busy too! I usually make sure I get out of the office on my lunch break even if it is just to take a short walk around the building and get a little sunshine. I wasn't able to do that. Worked right through lunch. It happens.

Not to get all moody and all...but I am definitely feeling a little down in the dumps. You turn on the news and world has lost their collective mind. I can't watch whatever sports there are...because current events are taking over. Social media? Well I gave up on that being positive a long time ago. Surely TSC is a beacon of positivity? Usually it is...but yesterday I clicked on the wrong thread and read the wrong post. I'm just over it all.

The rain is gone for a while here. It ushered in some really high temps and some awful humidity...but it's sunny. I'm going to get out into the sun today and see if a little Vitamin D can help me out. Didn't mean to dump on all of you...but I know I can count on my friends here at TSC to at least listen a bit.

Hope that the Cadre has a fantastic day!
Not to get all moody and all...but I am definitely feeling a little down in the dumps. You turn on the news and world has lost their collective mind. I can't watch whatever sports there are...because current events are taking over. Social media? Well I gave up on that being positive a long time ago. Surely TSC is a beacon of positivity? Usually it is...but yesterday I clicked on the wrong thread and read the wrong post. I'm just over it all.

The rain is gone for a while here. It ushered in some really high temps and some awful humidity...but it's sunny. I'm going to get out into the sun today and see if a little Vitamin D can help me out. Didn't mean to dump on all of you...but I know I can count on my friends here at TSC to at least listen a bit.

Hope that the Cadre has a fantastic day!
Music, brother.. It can cure many ills! Put on something that you like, that means a lot to you and just chill. Unplug.. Disconnect for a while... When I feel like that, (and I have lately as well) I usually go for a drive.. Just me.. Put on some tunes that make me feel good and get lost for a while.. And I have gotten lost before! LOL! Glad I had GPS on my phone! 😁
One day at a time Don. Hang in there. View attachment 26781
Hang in there Don. I've not talked about it but have been down since end of March. Just talk myself thru it and do what's needed to care for myself emotionally. Sounds like you're doing the same. Keep up the fight 👊
Music, brother.. It can cure many ills! Put on something that you like, that means a lot to you and just chill. Unplug.. Disconnect for a while... When I feel like that, (and I have lately as well) I usually go for a drive.. Just me.. Put on some tunes that make me feel good and get lost for a while.. And I have gotten lost before! LOL! Glad I had GPS on my phone! 😁
Good thoughts Mark. I jump on my bike and usually around 110-120mph. Leave my troubles behind 😉
This was me until I got rid of mine. It's about the best therapy I ever had........
Keep your chin up Don! A good shave and some Vitamin D can work wonders, if you let it.
Thanks guys! It's not all that bad...just feeling a little down. I'm usually the happy go lucky always joking and lifting spirits up kind of guy. Yesterday and today are just a bit harder for me I guess. This too will pass.
We need to talk to Shawn about his choice of sheath colors...white and green stripes is not “in” right now.

The knife came out beautifully though! Was it a birthday gift for your brother!
We need to talk to Shawn about his choice of sheath colors...white and green stripes is not “in” right now.

The knife came out beautifully though! Was it a birthday gift for your brother!
My brother had Shawn make the knife after I made the recommendation. As for the brother had a sheath made separately. But yeah, the knife is a beaut.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Mystic Water Soap - Coconut Sandalwood
Brush: Purple & Geauxld Brush by Eric Sorrentino
The Penultimate Aftershave - Ultimate Osage
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Platinum


For the Artisan and Hobbyist themed shave today, I went with a soap by @Mystic Water. It's a soap I have had for years now. On fact...One of our featured contributors and hobbyist (@ShawnF ) purchased this puck for me. The soap is awesome. It's perfect to get you into that summertime mood. But not only does it smell performs very well also. Pulled out the new Purple & Geauxld brush made by @Smattayu to whip up a serious lather! A 20 second load and a healthy bit of water yielded one of the best lathers out there. The lather is atypical, so it throws some people off. It's a bit thinner feeling...but that definitely does not mean that it lacks in slickness and all the other wonderful shave properties that this soap has. Speaking of connections...after my four pass shave this morning...I did an intermediary splash of Ultimate Osage that Kyle @uacowboy whipped up for me. I feel the freeze brother! Finished everything off with several glugs of Fine Platinum! Yup...only two people are allowed in an elevator at work because of all the crazy stuff going on...but I want to make sure that the one other person that might join me on a ride gets the privileged of smelling what I got for the world! Your Welcome!

The Danger Zone I am feeling a little bit better. Got outside for a while yesterday and I know it sounds corny...but a little sunshine does put a smile on your face. I am sure there is a scientific reason for sunlight increasing certain hormones...synthesizing Vitamin D...fresh exchange of oxygen...I don't know...but I feel better for doing it.

A lot of sunshine this weekend...and heat. With all the rain we had earlier in the week...the grass grew exponentially. I have a lot of weeding and mowing that needs to be done this weekend.

I hope this weekend treat the Cadre well! Have a great one TSC!