The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Stirling Soap Company - Weekend in Malibu
Brush: Stirling Soap Company - Synthetic Pro Handle
Penultimate Aftershave: Ultimate Osage
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling Soap Company - Weekend in Malibu


It's June 1st and so starts another month of shave themes! The shave theme for June is TSC Artisans, Hobbyists, and Vendors. Yup that is right...shaves are going to be centered around those who support TSC. I am starting the month off with an all (well almost all) Stirling shave. Brush, soap, and aftershave all Stirling. And it's a Weekend in Malibu kind of day! Scent notes of citrus, vanilla, sandalwood, and lily of the valley make this a really enjoyable warm weather type of scent. It's almost aquatic. This is one of my favorite scents by Stirling @Joe Hackett.

I went with four light passes this morning after the weekend stubble and was rewarded with an almost BBS shave. I have been getting more and more of these lately and wonder what has changed. I am loving the 7 O'Clock Super Platinum and I think that this might be one of the differences. A splash of the Ultimate Osage and a Super Splash of the Weekend in Malibu. I am now ready to work from home! 🤪

The Danger Zone

Weekend was nice. Got some yard work done and some cleaning out of a closet or two done. This morning I go get some blood drawn for a doctors visit next Monday. This one will be interesting as the last few months has been interesting. I have been working out a good bit. But the diet has been up and down. Oh well...we will see. I won't get anything back today.

If anyone is interested, I am giving away a well used Safari Land Tactical holster for an M9 Baretta. It should also fit a Beretta 92FS. It was worn daily for a little more than a year when I was in Afghanistan. Anyway...check out the thread here: Safari Land Tactical Holster for a Beretta M9

I am so happy to have the Cadre as a wonderful group of friends. I hope your day is just fantastic!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - The Shaving Cadre
Brush: TSC Member Brush the "Luca Brasi" in Finest Badger
Penultimate Aftershave: Ultimate Osage
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling Soap Company - Sharp Dressed Man


A little rushed this morning so this will be a short one. Working on the shave theme of the month and I decided to use a soap, aftershave, and brush, all by people here at TSC. I haven't used The Shaving Cadre soap in a while, but man does Chris really now how to make a product. I love the scent too! Nice and grassy but bright also. Used the 'Luca Brasi" brush also by Eric @Smattayu. If you ever want a quality custom brush for a really good price...Eric is your Man. A regular three pass shave and my face is feeling clean and smooth. So Sharp Dressed Man by Stirling Soap Company and @Joe Hackett call got the call today. Liberal splashes today..."glugs" if you will as I have to actually go into work. With social distancing and all...I have to make sure that I have enough aftershave on so people can smell me!

The Danger Zone

As I said...I have to go into work this morning. The only day this week. So I guess it's okay... :) .

The hits keep on rolling in one of the earliest Tropical Systems is heading my way. I don't expect this to be a real big deal...but it sucks anyway that I have to worry about a storm while worrying about everything else going on right now. 2020 isn't even close to being as bad as 2016 for me...but it is quickly becoming a runner up.


There was a glug ... I saw a glug! Rock it Don!

Our tornado count was low this year. Maybe that storm will stay weak or miss ya.
Liberal splashes today..."glugs" if you will as I have to actually go into work. With social distancing and all...I have to make sure that I have enough aftershave on so people can smell me!
I appreciate you thinking of others. It’s a reminder to all. With people wearing masks we’re going to have to be extra potent to enhance their day.
I appreciate you thinking of others. It’s a reminder to all. With people wearing masks we’re going to have to be extra potent to enhance their day.
According to my wife, I'm there most days already. All that's needed is a good finger-pull, and sometimes it even comes without that effort! 🤪
The Danger Zone

A quick update...

Taking the wife to the Doctor today. It's time for the anatomy scan for the baby. The wife has some anxiety over this...there is nothing she should be worried about, but this is the nature of a pregnant woman I suspect. I just reassure here and let her know that I am sure all will be okay. I'm still not allowed in the hospital, so I will be doing my usual listening to a podcast and walking around the lake. Our state enters into Phase II today, but the Woman's Hospital isn't taking any chances. No Visitors. I can appreciate this more than most will know. But it still kind of sucks. Feeling the need to meet my daughter.

Getting ready for Cristobal that should be a Tropical Storm by the time it gets here. I am not overly concerned about it, but still need to take the regular precautions that we need to make. It seems like it will move through pretty quick...but evidently it will cause some serious rain. That is always a concern for me.

Hope the Cadre has a wonderful day and an even better weekend!

I'm sure everything will turn out fine. Enjoy your walk, Don. We'll probably start bracing for Cristobal today or tomorrow. Let's hope it's a weak one.