Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Astra SP (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creation - Coconut Oud
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino
Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Queen Bee Apothecary - Copperhead Woods
View attachment 2009
Well I know this is Lisa's
@LNHC older formula for her Premium Artisan line of soaps. But I still think it is better than 95% of the soaps out there. I think the major difference between he older version and the newer is the newer stuff is more moisturizing on the skin and has a significant better post shave feel. But like I said...the stuff I used today is still so much better than most of the stuff out there currently! And who can say no to Coconut Oud! I remember when Chad first brought up the scent and Lisa's natural Herbal Creations. I wasn't sure what to think. But man was he right. This is a great scent that I really do believe is a year round scent to be sure. Light enough to where in the hot and humid and spicy enough to pull out in the winter. This is just some really good stuff!
I finished off my shave with a balm. I typically don't do this because most balms make me sweat! But I was looking for something this morning a bit off my beaten path and I ended up on a balm that TJ
@DocHoliday0831 PIF'd me a while back. Coppehead Woods by Queen Bee Apothecary. Looks like they are out of North Carolina and have a decent enough website. This particular scent is as "mixed woods, rare spice, sambac, Masc. unisex." I wish it was a tad more specific in the scent...but my impression of it is that it smells like sweet cooking spices like ginger and nutmeg. It's on the lighter side of things, and as I sit here, I don't smell the balm anymore, but only the coconut oud from the soap. I think this is a good thing because I really don't want my balms to be all that strong. It seems nice and moisturizing. As far as balms/serums go...so far my standard is A&E Post Shave Serum No. 3. This isn't up to that standard, but it is much better than most balms.
The Danger Zone:
I just want to take a moment and really thank all you guys who read my journal. I try to make it as entertaining as possible and in some cases...educational?

I feel guilty sometimes because I can't get to every single post that the Cadre writes. But I just really appreciate you guys reading my journal...giving words of wisdom, positivity, criticism, and a good ribbing more often than not!

These are the things that make this place wonderful!
It's Friday Ladies and Gents! And it couldn't come at a better time! This week wasn't hard, but I am tired nonetheless. I the Cadre goes out and crushes the day to take you into a weekend of relaxation and happiness!
# LisasNaturalHerbalCreations #LNHC #CoconutOud #TheShavingCadre #TSC #TSCAnniversaryBrush #Smattayu #EricSorrentino #QueenBeeApothecary #CopperheadWoods #AfterShaveLotion #HumphreysWitchHazel #MerkurProgress #AstraSP