The Danger Zone:
No shave today as yesterday's wasn't all that great and I am giving the face a rest. That and I got up super early to drive the wife to New Orleans to jump on a plane. It's just me and the Danger Hounds until Sunday night.
After the trip and back from the airport...I had my first appointment with the Chiropractor. I was a little apprehensive about going but wanted to out as I didn't feel the traditional way with the Orthopedist and the Physical Therapist really did that much for me. I have been taking charge of my own health lately and this is no exception. I have read up a good bit on Chiropractic practices and it seems the term Chiropractic is a very general term. It ranges from someone who simply just does an adjustment to a practice where there are physical therapists, message therapists, nutritionists and much more. It seems they range from very shady to highly professional. So my apprehension about going was warranted. A coworker of mine recommended this practice and a little research of my own revealed that this doc travels with a Crossfit team and works on their needs.
Walking into the establishment it really looked more like a regular doctor's office or physical therapist than some of the places I have seen on YouTube. I was relaxed a bit when one of the physical therapists walked into my room and asked me about my ailments and my some other physical history. When the Chiropractor walked in he started to discuss in great detail a conservative treatment plan and how things on the body that relate to my lower back pain work. He explained things in much more detail than any doctor ever has with me. Needles to say...I was already impressed.
First I was laid on a table and electrodes were hooked up to areas on my lower back to help stimulate muscles. While this was going on...heat was applied to these areas as well. Next the Chiropractor did three adjustments. I don't remember what they were called, but two of them were aimed it improving movement in my hips and back while the other one was specific to the lower back. Next the message therapist worked certain areas of my back, glutes, and hips. And finally I was placed on a roller table with a cold treatment.
That was the extent of the treatment for the day. When I got up from the roller table I was sore...I mean I was really sore! But as I started to move around a bit the soreness went away. After about thirty minutes...I was feeling pretty good. I'm not going to say that I was completely pain free. But I didn't feel as stiff as I have been and some of the pain was a bit decreased. I go back in a few days, so we will see what happens there. I give this a few treatments and see what happens. So good.
Hope the Cadre had a wonderful day!