The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: SuperMax Platinum Plus (2nd shave)
Soap/Cream: Storybook Soapworks - Coffee Spoons
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Storybook Soapworks - Coffee Spoons


Got done with mowing the lawn and took a shower. Then I decided it was a perfect time for a shave. Working in Chad's theme of the week for the Month of March..."So Good You Could Eat/Drink It" I decided to go with Coffee Spoons! The name of the soap is taken from a poem by T.S. Eliot called Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock...

For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.

So how should I presume?

The poem is long and I just inserted the relevant stanza. Anyway...the soap is typical Storybook know...good. Super slick and nice to lather. Post shave is up there with the really good ones too. I love this scent. It is probably the closest to a real coffee scent than most other soaps in this scent profile. Most coffee scented soaps that I have experienced tend to be on the chocolate side of things. This one is pretty much coffee. According to SBSW website...this soap is scented with Brazilian Coffee Essential Oil and actual cold brew coffee is added to the formulation. The scent of the soap is subtle. You can definitely detect the coffee in it...but it isn't strong at all. Normally I would complain about a week scented soap...but one that is scented as coffee is probably best on the light side.

Three pass shave with no cleanup and a couple of glugs of the matching aftershave. I have to say that I am less than impressed with the aftershave. It does the trick, but I feel like it is lacking something. All in all I got a DFS+ and am happy with that.

The Danger Zone:

Don't have a lot planned this weekend but then again...who needs plans. LSU Basketball is really taking a hit today as our Head Coach has been indefinitely suspended while an FBI investigation is going on. He is only a witness into it...but it looks like there are some NCAA. Don't know what all this means. But I will be surprised if Mr. Will Wade will be coaching at LSU next year. It's a shame.

Hope the Cadre has a wonderful weekend!
Well look who has one of them there pro-fessinal looking fo-tos.
There is a little WWII museum down town. I have known one of the gentlemen that run it for years. It was opened here in the middle of nowhere to honor the women that worked in the munitions factory that was here during the war.
Here is Steve in the museum talking about Kabar knives that are made locally also.

There is a little WWII museum down town. I have known one of the gentlemen that run it for years. It was opened here in the middle of nowhere to honor the women that worked in the munitions factory that was here during the war.
Here is Steve in the museum talking about Kabar knives that are made locally also.

Pretty awesome Shawn! My wife's family, as you know, is from western PA. She had several family members, including women, that worked in factories also. I think it was her Grandma that worked on a line assembling torpedoes! I took a class in school about US history during WWII on the home-front and it was just amazing at what the women accomplished stateside. Sounds like a great museum, especially for where you live! Thanks for sharing!
Eastern Market is nice. I used to be stationed near there in the mid eighties so have not been back in thirty years. From your pic it looks to have changed quite a bit.

It was lined with fish mongers and butchers and all sorts of meats and cheeses and other items. It was just an awesome place that I wish I had available to me where I live now. The wife and I had breakfast at The Market Lunch inside and it was delicious! Outside they had a flea Market/craft market/food market going as well since it was the weekend. The wife and I just loved the place!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: SuperMax Platinum Plus (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Buffalo Shave Co. - Saloon No. 10
Brush: TSC Member Brush the "Luca Brasi" by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu
Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Captain's Choice -Bay Rum


Again, keeping with Chad's theme of the week for the Month of March..."So Good You Could Eat/Drink It"...I went with Saloon No. 10 by Buffalo Shave Co. Sad this artisan is out of business like so many. This particular soap won't wow you really, but it is a very good performing soap. I would make it a very high tier 2 soap out of Chad's three (or really four) tier scale. But to be honest, individual characteristics of this soap on their own are all very low tier 1. But together, it just lacks something. It's the scent that made me shave with it today. It is a Root Beer and Bay Rum scent...predominantly root beer. I wasn't sure if this scent combo would work, but it really does. But while shaving you get a nice dose of that sweet but spicy drink that we all undoubtedly put a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream in a frosted mug. The stays with you through the shave...and only dissipates when you are finished. I have to admit...this was a much better shave than I really expected. Three passes, no clean up and I am BBS for most of my face and neck. Today was a really great shave indeed!

The Danger Zone:

Got a lot of work down around the house this weekend. Most of it wasn't even planned...but it just happened. It stopped raining long enough here for some stuff to sort of dry out...sort of. Either way, I got the yard mowed as well as my mother's yard. Installed a rail system in the garage to hang a bunch of lawn equipment and power tools on the wall, cleaned out most of the garage while that was happening, and helped the father-in-law put in insulation in his work shed. It was a much busier weekend than I had anticipated...but I feel really good about the work I accomplished!

Let's get this week started right Cadre! Go ahead and kick Monday in the you know what! 🤪😎😛
Nice shave Don, What hair/syn is on that Luca Brasi? Looks great.
It's in finest badger. I think it's a Virginia Sheng knot. Other than a week's worth of shedding it hasn't lost a hair since. It is one of my favorite brushes!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: SuperMax Platinum Plus (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Mystic Water - Coconut Sandalwood
Brush: Stirling Synthetic (@Joe Hackett )
Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accoutrements Platinum


Starting a new theme week for March and I am pleased that we are shaving with @Mystic Water Soaps. I'm not sure if MW was my first love in shaving soaps...but I sure have stuck by her. She is a great soap that really offers all of what I need in a soap. I know some have found her difficult to lather. But I have not been one of those. MW and me...we hit it off from the start. And of course...I have to start the week off with a Coconut Sandalwood! A soap that I had a small part in bring to life. But just a very small part. Michelle at MW was the full on creator!

What can I say about the shave this morning...I love the way this soap lathers and shaves. Super slick and a post shave feel to die for. Residual slickness is really where this soap is at. I feel like I can keep shaving with no lather after my first pass! Three passes of the normal directions and all is well in the world! A healthy glug or two...or maybe even three of Fine Accoutrements Platinum Aftershave! Yup...I am ready to attack the day!

The Danger Zone:

This weekend is my mother's birthday so it looks like I will be hosting a crawfish boil! Not a ton of people...just family and a couple other relatives from out of town. But it will be the first crawfish boil of the season for me. Need to pull out the big pot, paddle, and burner! Don't worry...I'll take pics for you all. I just wish I could send you all a plate through the interwebs!

I hope the Cadre has a fantastic day!

#MysticWater #CoconutSandalwood #StrirlingSoapCompany #MerkurProgress #FineAccoutrements #PlatinumAfterShave #TheShavingCadre #TSC
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I’ve never had crawfish before Don. I’ve heard good things though.

It's one of those things were if you like all types of will like crawfish. But if you are not big on probably are not going to care for it. Not that they are the same...but just in that realm.