The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Pre-Shave: Musgo Real Glyce Lime Oil Pre-shave Soap
Razor: Assured - Dollar Tree Razor
Blade: Assured (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: A&E - CBL Premium Shave Soap - Ghost Dragon's Blood
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Suavacito - Whiskey Bar

Did some yard work today and what better way to finish off a day of accomplishments than a shower and a shave. That is unless it's a Dollar Tree Razor Shave. So I decided to take the advice of the Cadre and pitch the blade that so offended my face. I grabbed another Assured blade and inspected it to be sure there were no nicks or dents. There were not. I placed the blade in the razor and checked for alignment issues...there were none. I went ahead and did a towel strop of the blade in the razor...both sides...I should be ready to go! Lathered the wonderful soap and the scent of Dragon's Blood is almost enough to make one forget any misgiving. I said...ALMOST. The North to South pass was almost a decent pass. Felt the blade a good bit but was expecting it. There was some stubble reduction and I thought all would be well. I attempted the South to North pass and this is where the trouble began. The blade seemed like it would catch on EVERY...SINGLE...WHISKER! Seriously...the blade would pull and tug on every hair follicle that I waved the razor over. Under and around the chin area is the worst. I finished up the best I could and decided I was done! Yup...three shaves with this ra
zor and these blades are enough for me. I might want to try it with a regular razor...but I am going to give it a few days before I commit to that. A splash of aftershave was nice...but this shave really sucked. No real bloodletting occurred...but a little tiny nick under my chin is there. Go figure. Again...this was not a great shave...but just a shave.

The Danger Zone:

This up coming week is going to be super busy! I have several interviews to conduct and I have to finish up a couple of cases so the attorneys can do what they do with them before they present the case to the Board. Toward the end of the week I have a writing class I have to attend for work. I get the distinct idea that this class will be something that I should teach rather than learn from. But I will keep my mind open and see what I can gleam from it.

I hope the Cadre has a wonderful start to the week!
Yikes! I'm not man enough to pit my face and neck against bargain razors and blades. It is an experience I most assuredly can do without.
Good luck with the class Don. I've always wanted to take writing classes, but I'm sure they're much different than the class you're about to take lol.
I believe the makers of the Assured blade may have licensed the “tug and pull” system from Graham Field, but they weren’t quite able to achieve the pinnacle of tug GF was able to attain.
Connor came home from school learning about forces. Push and pull. Don't push the razor on your face Don. According to my soon to be 5 year old it's that easy
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Voskhod (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Oz Shaving Co. - Foxville
Brush: Stirling Finest Badger 24 mm fan
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Oz Shaving Co. - Foxville

Coming off the Dollar Tree Shave and having an interview today I decided that I want a REAL shave and not one where I feel like the blade was only ornamental. Anyway, It's chilly here this morning and calling for some wintry mix (yeah...I'm surprised that all of southern Louisiana hasn't shut down yet), I wanted to go with something a tad seasonal. Oz Foxville was just perfect for this morning!

I pulled out the newly acquired Progress and I have to say...this might be my favorite razor in the den. I still have plans on getting a Rockwell at some point...but until then...this razor is pretty awesome! If you are not familiar with the is a two piece safety razor that has a knob at the bottom so you can adjust just how much blade exposure you have. On the knob there are numbers to indicate a level of aggressiveness and a mark on the razor handle to identify what increment you are on. When you adjust all the way to the least aggressive it doesn't fall on the "one," but keeps turning. The least aggressive incriment falls just after the I will call this "-3." Art the begining there is a "+" and I will call this "0." My very first shave with this was at the "1," my second shave with this was at the "-3." Today I adjusted the razor to the four and I will call this "-2." All three shaves so far have been very nice. These last two have been on the "safe" side of shavi
ng, but I ended up both times with a smooth shave. Today's shave was VERY smooth and carefree! No blood in any form or fashion!

A splash on of the Foxville aftershave and I am ready for the world!

The Danger Zone:

I stopped going to PT for my back, but have been continuing to do exercises and stretches from home. These and propper posture and using my legs more have really made all the difference. That and I have been moving more at home and work. Instead of sitting or lounging on the sofa...I am trying to remember to get up and stand more...get in a squatting position...and just be a bit more active. I got out and pushed mowed my back yard as well as trimmed and edged...and then did the same for my mother's yard (sans the push mowing...I used the zero turn for that). I thought that I was going to be stiff and sore. Just the opposite! I felt good and slept well that night!

Where ever you are at in the world...I hope the Cadre has a fantastic day!
Completely agree! I am trying to add some things a little at a time. A lot of these type supplements don't really have a noticeable effect though. So it is hard to determine if it is worth getting. But they end up helping the totality of your health greatly. The issue I have with supplements is that they are not really regulated. So you are definitely have to do your research. Some supplement brands are better than others. And other brands don't even contain what they claim to have. Then there is the issue of what else do they have! The last time I bought fish oil/ cod liver oil from the store (I usually look for capsules) I was amazed at the "other" ingredients in them. Evidently it is incredibly difficult to find a capsule of any kind WITHOUT corn oil or soybean oil. Its' really disgusting! I heard a podcast the other day about mushroom extracts. Some brands don't even contain the mushrooms they claim to have. Instead they grow mycelium (the vegetative part of fungus that you usually don't see and in the case of mushrooms grows underground) on grain. Henceforth, none of the properties that mushrooms contain. Anyway...I ramble on and you get the idea!

This sounds like the Garcinia Cambogia that the (crackpot) Dr. Oz was pushing on his show. Come to find out the brand he was selling to the people was complete crap and nothing but filler. He had to issue a public apology, but if he didnt take the time to reaserch a product before pushing it to millions of people his intentions are less than genuine IMO.

Your right about the capsules as well, some are cellulouse based but what kind can be difficult to determine. Plus you want a capsule that will break down easily to allow your body to absorb whatever nutrients.
Glad to hear the back is on track. Good advice for all of us. Except Chad. He’s lucky he’s just a kid yet.
Wintry mix? So in other words.... something white might fall from the sky hit the road and melt. Are you guys in a state of emergency? Have you stocked up on milk, eggs, toilet paper, and bottled water? The end is near!
Wintry mix? So in other words.... something white might fall from the sky hit the road and melt. Are you guys in a state of emergency? Have you stocked up on milk, eggs, toilet paper, and bottled water? The end is near!

Hey...last year we had snow that lasted four days!
Great update Don! Glad you had a nice shave today after the Assured.

Whats this about using the zero turn on the MIL’s? Isn’t she supposed to be the hard to please one, all for seeing you sweat a little?