The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Great stuff Don! Hemp oil is great for the skin and is absorbed fairly quick, plus it is not as tacky feeling as other oils.

As for Vitamins and things, have recently started taking Chorella/Spirulina algae tablets and it has helped (along with other stuff) with sluggish feeling. Most of us have a diet that lacks certain vitamins causing various ailments.
Great stuff Don! Hemp oil is great for the skin and is absorbed fairly quick, plus it is not as tacky feeling as other oils.

As for Vitamins and things, have recently started taking Chorella/Spirulina algae tablets and it has helped (along with other stuff) with sluggish feeling. Most of us have a diet that lacks certain vitamins causing various ailments.

I just looked up Chlorella and Spirulina. I am actually kind of impressed with both of them. If you can find a high quality supplement...these seem to add a lot of micro-nutrients that we might be missing from regular diet!
The Danger Zone:

Well it's a non-shave entry again. And since I have been all about my genes is one that I really found VERY interesting! One of my gene expressions is:

ACTN3 - rs1815739(C;T)

From the report...

"Alpha-actinin-3 is a protein that plays a role in the contraction of fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibers and is encoded for by the ACTN3 gene. This polymorphism, rs1815739 (also known as R577X), is located in the ACTN3 gene. The variant allele, T (sometimes called X), has been reported to introduce a premature stop codon into the gene which prevents the ACTN3 protein from being produced. This polymorphism is common in the general population, with approximately 20% of individuals worldwide having two copies of the variant allele. Individuals with the (T;T) genotype are deficient in α-actinin-3, however, rather than causing muscle disease, this deficiency appears to alter how muscles function. Sprinting and power activities require fast-twitch muscle fibers, which do not function optimally without α-actinin-3. However, muscle fibers without α-actinin-3 appear to be resistant to fatigue and thus may be beneficial for endurance activities. This genotype, rs1815739(C;T), may be associated with intermediate fast-twitch muscle performance."

The report goes on to link studies that support and define this expression and suggests that people with the C;T expression may benefit from High-Load Low-Repetition resistance training to build muscle and may benefit from High Intensity Training (HIT) to improve VO2 Max (maximal oxygen uptake - basically, aerobic endurance) during endurance exercise.

At any rate...this is one of the more interesting items on the report that I think I may be able to use. But like all things...this may not be set in stone and I just need to do some experimentation!

Hope the cadre is having a wonderful weekend!
I just looked up Chlorella and Spirulina. I am actually kind of impressed with both of them. If you can find a high quality supplement...these seem to add a lot of micro-nutrients that we might be missing from regular diet!

They are both really good for you in many ways aside from their vitamin content. Picked up a huge 50/50 mix bag from Zerbos a while back and have recently started taking them again. The tablets dont taste as bad as the powder, but the powder is easier to add to smoothies or power drinks. There is a wealth of natural remedies out there and most do not have the negative side effects of pharmacuticals, although a little reaserch is usually a good idea before taking anything.
There is a wealth of natural remedies out there and most do not have the negative side effects of pharmacuticals, although a little reaserch is usually a good idea before taking anything.

Completely agree! I am trying to add some things a little at a time. A lot of these type supplements don't really have a noticeable effect though. So it is hard to determine if it is worth getting. But they end up helping the totality of your health greatly. The issue I have with supplements is that they are not really regulated. So you are definitely have to do your research. Some supplement brands are better than others. And other brands don't even contain what they claim to have. Then there is the issue of what else do they have! The last time I bought fish oil/ cod liver oil from the store (I usually look for capsules) I was amazed at the "other" ingredients in them. Evidently it is incredibly difficult to find a capsule of any kind WITHOUT corn oil or soybean oil. Its' really disgusting! I heard a podcast the other day about mushroom extracts. Some brands don't even contain the mushrooms they claim to have. Instead they grow mycelium (the vegetative part of fungus that you usually don't see and in the case of mushrooms grows underground) on grain. Henceforth, none of the properties that mushrooms contain. Anyway...I ramble on and you get the idea!
Excellent and informative non-shave today, Don.
Razor: Assured Double Edge Safety Razor from the Dollar Tree
Blade: Assured Doble Edge Blade that came with the Safety Razor from the Dollar tree (2nd Use)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Soap - The Shaving Cadre
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Antepenultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Penultimate Aftershave: A&E Shave Serum No. 3 (Lightly Scented)
The Ultimate Aftershave : Fine Acooutrements - Fresh Vetiver

A little pressed for time so I need to keep this short...yeah...right? Second go around with the Dollar Tree Razor. Is it possible to have a worse shave than the annual voyage? Well, I did. No blood to speak of...but man does my face feel pretty raw. To be honest...I think it is more the blade than the razor. Seriously...I haven't shaved with the Graham Field blade...yet...but this IS the worst blade I have shaved with so far. It is not good at all. Only a two passer (north-south-north) today and absolutely hell no there was not going to be a clean-up! I came out with a serviceable shave...but that is about it. I paid attention to alignment...but I don't think that was the issue. Anywhoo...another shave with the Dollar Tree razor down.

The Danger Zone:

With the Dollar Tree Razor Shave I feat that I don't look my best. The wife assures me that only I can tell...but I guess that is the issue right there. I can tell. So I don't feel my best. I have a fairly important Interview today for a case I have and now I am feeling as if I should have gone with something more proven. Oh well...what is done is done. And like Chris of the detective movie variety said a day or two least I smell like a million bucks!

It's the beginning of the week for me and I hope the Cadre has a great start!
I believe some of the guys from the last group that did this had different takes on the blades. I remember some saying they were able to get great shaves with the blade/razor combo and some saying they didn’t get a good shave until they used their blade of choice. I think it’s probably a QC issue.
Um yeah...the blade I have in it now is not good at all. To be honest...I keep catching my face with the blade which makes me think that I keep going in at the wrong angle. But I'm starting to wonder if this blade is more blunt than it should be. Because when I do catch's not a cut..
But it hurts like hell!