The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Not sure I would have the guts to try a dollar tree set-up. I tip my hat to you though for gutting it out.

You touched on something that I think is a huge part of wet shaving when you talked about not feeling your best. When I have a bad shave, I feel like what sheep look like when they get sheared - that what the heck just happened to me look. I also just feel disappointed and my day is started on the wrong foot. With a great shave I feel confident, happy, and ready to tackle the day. With my cart shaving in the past I had no feelings at all, it was just a thing I did like brushing my teeth. There's definitely a + emotionally to having a great shave and that's what keeps me going. Good stuff Don! I'm guessing if I sent you a flint shard it might be more comfortable
Pre-Shave: Musgo Real Glyce Lime Oil Pre-shave Soap
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Voskhod (2nd Use)
Soap/Cream: A&E - Choco Cubano
Brush: TSC Memeber Brush "The Luca Brasi" by Eric Sorentino in Finest Badger
The Antepenultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Penultimate Aftershave: A&E Shave Serum No. 3 (Lightly Scented)
The Ultimate Aftershave : A&E Choco Cubano

Taking a quick break from the Dollar Tree Razor. Don't worry, I have a couple more shaves with it coming up. The other day I went into the Art of Shaving store to exchange some Christmas Items that I likely wasn't going to use. Yeah, now I remember why I don't go into that place anymore. Came out with the Merkur Progress razor. Gave it a whirl yesterday and today...and I have had two of the smoothest shaves I think I have ever had! Yup...this razor is a keeper! Used the Choco Cubano this morning and cannot say enough about how much I love this scent! I will feel like I am in a cigar lounge sipping on a good whiskey all through the day!

The Danger Zone:

Next week for work is going to be a real busy one for me. I'll try to get online as much as I can...but I have a feeling it will be long hours all next week so I can get a couple of cases finished.

I came across an initiative that helps with children's health. It's called Standup Kids ( I thought this is one of the more interesting health initiatives out there. I mentioned in my move around thread about doing micro movements and hip stiffness and all that. Kids typically at younger ages don't have that because they haven't been subjected to a life of nine hour work days sitting in front of a computer and not moving much. of the things this organization does is they help put standing desks in classrooms. I know this sounds odd...but there has been all sorts of positive studies that are coming out of this. Teachers getting through their curriculum faster because kids are paying better attention. BMI reduces by over 5% in a couple of years. Children are burning more calories. And so much more. Anyway...I really thought this was a novel and practical approach to health.'s Friday and for most people the end of the work week. I hope the Cadre has a wonderful day!

It's the beginning of the week for me and I hope the Cadre has a great start!
Stand Up Kids sounds really neat. I’ve heard great things about those stand up desks. I tried to get the higher ups let me do a test run with one, but they’re not having it.
Congrats on the Progress and excellent results!

I’ve seen the standup desks for sale, but only in actual use a couple of times. Interesting idea. As long as I could freely move away from my desk and not be rooted to the same spot, I guess it might work.
Love that you went with the Progress.. Great Razor and agree with you.. One of the smoothest razors one can get.. What setting did you use?

Interesting about the concept of the Standing desk with Kids. My wife uses one at her office and loves. My son went to a play based preschool and was a much better atmosphere for him than a traditional one.
Great shave! We have several of the standup desks at work. Each department has to buy them through bldg svcs and they are expensive. We all have the ergo chairs with a billion adjustments.
Lol I heard the music too! Almost the same sounds made when brushing the teeth.

Glad and you’re enjoying the new razor!