The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Oh I also forgot to mention that I started listening to that podcast you were talking about. The Drive. I listened to the first episode to get an idea of what it’s all about and it was good. I didnt Understand some of the things they were talking about, but overall it was good. I just started the most recent episode on mindfulness meditation. Gonna take me a while to finish as it 3+ hours long!

Mr. Three Names! I am glad you took a chance and listed to The Drive. I understand that it isn't for everyone and he gets a bit technical sometimes. But I have learned a ton from that podcast and even changed my views on a couple of things (of course...after doing some of my own research). What I did was jumped from episode to episode on the topics that I thought I would be more interested. But what I found was that the other topics were sometimes more interesting than the ones I wanted to listen to. Either way...I hope you learn something from it and enjoy them!
I appreciate all the comments and concerns gents! I'm not going anywhere...Life just happened...that is all.

This will be a non-shave DANGER ZONE:

Really just a bit of an update...and some other things.

First things first. I have been sick (again) for the past several days. Just a head cold it seems and nothing else. No cough and nothing in my that is a plus. Just enough of a cold to make you feel miserable.

I have been going to physical therapy for my back and hip pain. And just like the physical therapist thought...they are both connected. The PT is actually helping a lot. Concentrating mostly on stretches right now, but have been doing some building of the core muscles. I have been hitting the stretches pretty aggressively at home...I don't want to be in PT for ever. I have pretty decent insurance, but at $25 a visit for copay (two visits a week)...that can add up pretty quick. Just imagine all the shaving gear I could buy with that copay! To help out the PT a bit...I have been doing some beginner yoga poses at home. I know some of you all commented on thinking about starting yoga, but didn't know where to begin. Here is what I am doing. Amazon Prime has a ton of Yoga content on their streaming service. I found one that I thought might suit me and started doing it. It's a great way for me to start doing some beginner stuff without the added cost right yet. I will likely get in an actual class at some point...but for now...this seems to help.

The Mother-in-Law had surgery on her foot a few days ago. The doc had to stretch her Achilles Tendon about an inch. The Doc also broke the MIL's heel in a couple of spots and reset it to correct some issues. wife has been staying the night with them to help out and things have been out of sorts in the Danger Household.

To top all of this has been unusually busy, also. So that sucks.

So I know this is a long post and I really don't expect you guys to read all of this...but if you still are..give yourself a pat on the back.

A couple of months ago, my wife and I sent off a DNA test to Ancestry.Com. We got the results back and found out some interesting stuff. So, what a lot of people don't know, is that if you take one of these DNA tests through places like Ancestry or 23 and Me, you can download the raw data. The raw data for your DNA will consist of a sequence of your genes and the alleles. There are other services that you can run the raw data through to give you more information for a nominal fee. Two that I know of are from the websites and I used the Found My Fitness website because the creator of that site, Dr. Rhonda Patrick, is a well respected biochemical researcher. I also happen to listen to her podcasts from time to time. The generated reports list the different genes and expressions and what they might mean to you concerning the different genes and alleles you carry concerning metabolism, physiology, micro-nutrients, and more.

Anyway...I ran my raw data through the engine and I received my report. This might have changed my life! First off I have to say that just because you carry a gene sequence does not mean that you are predestined to have that particular expression. Environment plays a huge factor in all this also. As well as other influences. But this gives me something that I can discuss with my doctor and look into myself.

One example that I was interested in learning about was the ApoE gene. This gene has been linked to an increased risk, normal risk, or decreased risk in Alzheimer's Disease. From what I understand is that you care two sets of these alleles. There are three allels - e2, e3, and e4. So you might have ApoE 2/2, or ApoE 3/4, or 4/4 or 2/3 or so on and so forth. If you have even one copy of the ApoE 2, you have a decreased risk and even a protective meassure against Alzheimer's. ApoE 3 is associated with an a normal risk. If you have one copy of the ApoE 4, you may have a four times higher risk of the disease and if you have two copies, you may have a 12 times higher risk of it. Notice I say "may." Because nothing is set in stone. I personally have the ApoE 3/3 which means that I have just a normal risk.

Anyway...I have bored you all long enough. I am sure that I will have more to say about this later. I am sure I got some of this I apologize in advance. I hope you all have a great weekend!
Don thanks for the update. Glad things are well relatively speaking.

We want to do one of those tests but haven't put the time into yet. Maybe here soon.
Don thanks for the update. Glad things are well relatively speaking.

We want to do one of those tests but haven't put the time into yet. Maybe here soon.

There was really nothing to it. We bought the Ancestry one because we are getting into genealogy of our families. You literally just spit in a tube and send it off!
Welcome back Don. Interesting stuff! Yes, of course we stick with you and read everything you post.
Good to hear from you Don! And of course we read it all! Would want to miss out on you inventing the Downward Don pose for yoga!

Glad you’re on the mend.
Don”s back! Welcome back buddy! The post wasn’t too long, I read through the whole thing. Sounds like life is throwing a bunch at ya. Hang in there!

An interesting side note on geneology. Way back when the internet opened to the public, a site popped up called rootsweb. You could create a free account and upload your family history. It could also upload pics and census data. They taught things like researching through census data and all types of things. You could also see and search others data. That was when you just paid to get on the internet. Once on, all data and research was free. Those were truly the good old days before paywalls. The shell of that system is still out there, but owns it now. So went the way of the internet. Data/knowledge/information became a commodity to be bought and sold.

That is not an urban legend, I watched it happen over the decades. It is for that reason that I will not voluntarily share my dna. It will become data to be bought and sold. Used to market services to me or used against me. I have no doubt that the government and big business (insurance, etc) would use that data against me. I fight hard enough now to get insurance claims paid.

With that said, I don’t think I’m a conspiracy theorist, I’m applying a new data point to an observed behavioral pattern. Sounds all scientific huh? I’m just a realist.

Glad to hear of what you are learning and that the yoga will provide relief for you. Thanks for checking in. Sorry for the long reply.
I just reread that post and hope I didn’t come across as a jerk. That was not my intention, I just got caught up in reflection.
Glad to see you back Don! I’ll just plus one what everyone else said instead of repeating it all lol. Except Tim. That guy’s just a jerk....??? just kidding!!!
Don”s back! Welcome back buddy! The post wasn’t too long, I read through the whole thing. Sounds like life is throwing a bunch at ya. Hang in there!

An interesting side note on geneology. Way back when the internet opened to the public, a site popped up called rootsweb. You could create a free account and upload your family history. It could also upload pics and census data. They taught things like researching through census data and all types of things. You could also see and search others data. That was when you just paid to get on the internet. Once on, all data and research was free. Those were truly the good old days before paywalls. The shell of that system is still out there, but owns it now. So went the way of the internet. Data/knowledge/information became a commodity to be bought and sold.

That is not an urban legend, I watched it happen over the decades. It is for that reason that I will not voluntarily share my dna. It will become data to be bought and sold. Used to market services to me or used against me. I have no doubt that the government and big business (insurance, etc) would use that data against me. I fight hard enough now to get insurance claims paid.

With that said, I don’t think I’m a conspiracy theorist, I’m applying a new data point to an observed behavioral pattern. Sounds all scientific huh? I’m just a realist.

Glad to hear of what you are learning and that the yoga will provide relief for you. Thanks for checking in. Sorry for the long reply.

I completely understand your mistrust of the "system." I used to be in the same mindset as you and often still wonder if what kind of information is out there on me. Insurance companies getting their hands on this kind of information is definitely a concern...that is something that I don't want to happen. I can see it now. Someone carries a gene and has a higher risk of obtaining some sort of disease or deficiency and an insurance company won't pay for something because it is considered a "pre-existing condition."

I used to be really cautious about what I put out on the interwebs. One of my previous jobs I looked for ways to find people and their information based on open source information. It is relatively easy to find people now days. I also used to actively find my own information and learn how to remove it from the internet. It's not easy...and some cases not cheap...but it can be done. I'm not saying I was completely invisible on the net, but at one time I was pretty close to it. Now days...I honestly just don't care anymore. I post more on TSC than I probably should. I do try to restrict some things in the internet. And I don't go out of my way to make myself completely visible in some ways. But in the end...I got tired of it. I should probably be more cautious...but I'm not.

In the end...I felt like the benefits I will receive from the knowledge I gain from this DNA report is well worth the risk. I am on a mission to live a very long healthy and happy life.

I just reread that post and hope I didn’t come across as a jerk. That was not my intention, I just got caught up in reflection. totally didn't come off as a jerk. And believe me...I have made many a comment that come off as one thing while I intended another. With 20 years in military service, 7 years working for a law enforcement agency, almost two years in the job I have now, and living with my wife more than 10 years now...there is not much that you can offend me with.

In fact...I appreciate your opinions and your candor!

Thanks to the rest of you for reading my thread. Believe me...there is more to come.
Pre-Shave: Musgo Real Glyse Claus Porto - Lime Lime Basil Glycerin Soap
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Voskhod (2nd Use)
Soap/Cream: Sudsy Soapery in Collaboration w/ Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre
Brush: TSC Member Brush, aka - the "Luca Brasi" by Eric Sorrentino
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Sudsy Soapery in Collaboration w/ Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre

Okay, this soap is really growing on me. I liked it from the beginning, but getting it dialed in and noticing the subtleties of the scent...I am really starting to appreciate it for what it is. Plus it's the only predominately rose scented soap that I have tried that doesn't burn the ever living crap out of me. maybe I need to take a shot at other rose scented soaps. This is definitely a high tier one soap and on the cusp of an elite status. It is one of the better soaps in my den. A quick three pass shave, but only in the north-to-south direction and then south-to-north, yielded a very comfortable shave. Maybe not the closest...but a very comfortable and care-free shave.

I just wish they would have toned down the menthol in the aftershave. If you are not a menthol lover...skip this will be over-powering! The menthol seems to last quite some time. I splashed on the aftershave about 30 minutes ago and am still feeling a cooling sensation. But after all that tones down, what is left is a nice subtle scent of lemon and rose and something ever so slightly earthy. I will catch hints of it throughout the day...but unless someone comes in real snuggle one else should detect it.

The Danger Zone:

As I discussed previously, I went ahead and had my DNA tested to see what might come up. One of the genes and phenotype I posses is the SLCO1B1 rs4363657 with the (C;T) alleles. But what does this mean. Evidently this sequence has been associated with a 4.5 fold increase of myopathy from statin use. Now, if you have read my journal, you know that I am no lover of statin drugs. I have soften my stance on them a bit and think they can be very beneficial for certain people. But knowing now that I posses this gene...I now have a good reason (I had a good one before but my doc and I didn't see eye to eye on that issue) to not want to take them.

The wife and I did pretty much nothing yesterday. We binged watched "The Last Kingdom" on Netflix and got about half way through the second season. I am VERY impressed with this series so far. In my opinion...much better than Vikings on the history channel and from the best of my knowledge, more accurate from an historical perspective.

Hope the Cadre starts their week off right and has a great Monday!