The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Holy Crap! That was a really rough week at work. I got slammed and had some super tight deadlines! I hate to miss a deadline in any fashion, but most of the time my deadlines are not just some date based on what a supervisor thinks. My investigations have prescriptive periods and certain dates are not just arbitrary dots on a calendar, but are statutorily mandated. In other's the law! Our agency has been down one investigator for about five months of them had surgery about a month ago and only now just got back to work. Another investigator has a surgery scheduled in a couple of weeks and will be out for about two months, only to retire a month after that. And our newest investigator has a baby due at the end of March. So a lot of investigations are getting shuffled around to make sure nothing prescribes or is in danger of prescribing. new cases are being assigned to only a few of us. All of this chaos has disrupted the natural order or workflow...and section is really feeling it! I wasn't the only one in a tight fact all but two of our investigators was in the same predicament that I was in...tight deadlines that needed to be met.

Well I met mine! It wasn't easy, and it wasn't all. But I did it. But going into work early and coming home late really put a damper on my TSC style! I think I remember shaving a time or's all a blur. But I smelled good like I always do and I hope I represented Wet Shavers of the Wolrd and TSC the best way I could! My brain has been so ramped up that I am having a hard time turning it off. I woke up at 4 AM strategizing about my next few cases and what I have to do to get the information that I need. I ain't going to sucks...because it is the weekend and I should be sleeping still!

Well I hope to be posting more. I have a mail call or two that I didn't post about. I was sent a Graham Field blade by our friendly neighborhood @Spider Man that evidently I have been called out on to do a video. There are a couple shave videos that I need to i have a lot that is on deck. I just need to figure out when and where. Videos are a little hard now because my mother is staying with the wife and I until she closes on her house. Should only be a couple of weeks.

Anyway...I say all of this just to say that I miss you guys and TSC. Guess I have a lot to catch up on! Which reminds me that now I am completely behind on Bingo! I don't know if someone one yet or not! Guess I need to get to work!

Have a great weekend Cadre!
Glad to see you back, thanks for the update. Sorry your workload has increased so much, sounds pretty stressful. Hopefully your morning shaves can give you a little bit of a zen moment to start the day!
Don’t know what you’re talking about Don. Nothing has happened where while you’ve been gone. We’re just all waiting for you. Haven’t even shaved this last week!
Great update Don! Way to go, chugging through and pressing on at work. I hope you get some breathing room soon!
I know what it’s like Don, I was in your boat a few months back. Hopefully the work load lightens up for you soon. But like everyone here told me: we’ll be here when you have time to check in!

Looking forward to that torture....I mean Graham Field video haha!
Good to here from you Don! I can relate to those crazy deadlines. My team is also trying to work in vacation time that we haven’t been able to take. But our deadlines don’t move, so we end up working from home. It might sound better, but it’s still work.
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Chroma Diamante Stainless (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Sudsy Soapery - Jack Frost
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Chiseled Face - Cedar and Spices

I would have talked about the shaves that I didn't jot down in my journal...but I decided that instead of rehashing the past, let's just move forward. Tried a blade that I don't think I have used before, the Chroma Diamante Stainless. This was by the will of the shaving gods, because in a pitch black bedroom, BRAVELY I placed my hand in a bowl of razor blades...fished around a bit and pulled out that particular blade! Yes, I have a bowl of loose blades just laying around. but if only life's decisions were this easy. Anyway...I hadn't shaved in several days so the beard was thick. The Chroma Diamante seemed to do a better than average job! But most blades on their first use do so. I did get a couple nicks that I only noticed after I applied my witch hazel. All in all a very nice shave. I wasn't going for anything fancy, just a good solid shave!

The Danger Zone:

Well I did it...for the second time in my life, I have put my foot through a ceiling! I was at the in-laws yesterday helping to get their Christmas tree and decorations up. Went into their attic to retrieve the tree and other items. There was plenty of decking to walk on and really didn'
t have to think on where I was stepping. This here is the problem. Not paying attention to where I was at...there is one space that is about eight inches wide along one of the ceiling joists. The decking comes up to it but not across it. So I stepped on the edge of the decking which I realized afterward was not supported my much and my foot rolled off the decking and my leg up to my knee fell through the garage ceiling! I banged up my knee pretty good and I have a saucer sized scrap on the side of my knee. But over all...the only thing that is really injured is my pride. It will be an easy I am not too worried about it...but wasn't what i wanted to happen on a Sunday afternoon!

I hope the Cadre has an absolutely wonderful Monday to start off the week!
Guess the family has a new holiday story. Some people have Santa coming through the ceiling, we have Don.
I think we've all been there Don with the work situation and I hope you weather it and get to some normalcy there. I had a great aunt put both legs through a ceiling then laugh so hard that her poor old bladder.....well you get the picture. The family talked about it for years and we still do. Hope the leg heals up.

Glad you can get back to doing some regular wet shaving.
Good stuff Don. You and I seem to live parallel lives. Not just that bad things happen. But when they do they usually happen at the in-laws.