The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

I've been more careful on food selection and such as last week after blood work for the second time in a year thet want me on statins. My family has had bad experiences with them so I refuse to take them. I will correct it thru diet or live whats left without them. I know the liver has a lot to do with it they're learning. Teach us Don
Thanks Don, \nI am just the nerd to want to heard that Cholesterol post.. Link please.
\n\nI have just started listing to Peter Attia...he is a Medical Doctor that specializes in Longevity and has some very unique perspectives. Anyway...he had a five part series podcast with a Dr. Tom Dayspring who is a serious heavy hitter in Lipidology. I am not going to lie...A LOT of this went over my head...I mean A LOT! But I believe I got the topographical lay of the land. I do not understand every little detail...but I believe I understand the general context. The first part in this series probably isn\'t the most interesting...but after listening to all five\'s hard to separate any of them out. I found the fourth part to the series the most interesting as the host and guest went into detail about different class of cholesterol lowering drugs and different treatments and uses. I really thought that this was going to be a bash session on the pharmaceutical industry and to my surprise it wasn\'t! Each link to the podcast on Dr. Attia\'s site has a transcript of the podcast with some pretty awesome illustrations. So if you prefer to read instead of listen. I was listening to the podcast on Google Play Music. But I know you can get them through iTunes also as well as several other sources. I hope this helps!\n\n \n \n \n \n
Nice shave Don. Your avatar game is spot on as of late!

(Close enough for us non-science types

Thanks! I plan on keeping my Avatars seasonal for the time being! And yes...that GIF is highly appropriate!

Thanks for the update Don. Like you, I don't always respond..... but I do read every single post on this forum.

Your Journal is definitely appreciated.... even if you do use the same products every day...... and you still forgot how cameras work.......

I applaud you looking into the inner workings of the body and understanding how food interacts with our bodies. I'm too lazy to get into all of that.

I didn't forget how the camera works. It's just a little hard as of late to get the time in to do one. It's post production that really takes up the time. I am thinking of keeping things a bit simpler so I can get more in. The research on nutrition and how the body works isn't necessary to become healthy. But I have a healthy (or maybe unhealthy) skeptisism of our modern health system that I am trying to understand my own health decisions. For example...I am Vitamin D deficient and have been prescribed Vitamin D2. Reading medical research and journals are indicating that very little D2 gets absorbed and the more bio available version of D is D3. So...not that I think my Healthcare Professional prescribed me something that i won't get a benefit from...I just want to ask her..."why?" She has been really good to me about explaining things when I ask....but that is the crux of it. I have to ask.

I've been more careful on food selection and such as last week after blood work for the second time in a year thet want me on statins. My family has had bad experiences with them so I refuse to take them. I will correct it thru diet or live whats left without them. I know the liver has a lot to do with it they're learning. Teach us Don

I am not a huge fan of Statins for general use prescription...but statins are also a very complicated drug to understand. But it does help certain people out with certain types of bio-profiles. But too many doctors look at LDL Cholesterol and say...Oh, your LDL is high...I'm going to prescribe you Crestor." Or another type of statin. I want to a doctor to tell me why I need a statin. High Cholesterol isn't what it used to be. There is a lot of research out there on levels of cholesterol...and it has to do with a lot more than just LDL. How about LDL partical size. How about APO-A1, APO-a, APO-B, APO-C...density size...receptors...what happens in the liver or small intestine....there is just so much more have high LDL. If my Nurse Practitioner ever said that and didn't have a more specific reason...I'm walking out.

And as far as teaching...sorry guys...this is way more complicated than I can recite. I KNOW I would get it wrong. I encourage you though to ask your Medical Professional questions about anything.

Nurse Dave has just puked and decided that I am the enemy.

So what does your podcast on cholesterol mean for the upcoming Thanksgiving feast?

Really...not much. I have decided that I don't want to be socially I make exceptions from time to time. I discovered...get won't kill me. At least immediately. But there are some things that i try to do.

1. Minimize my sugar intake as much as possible (except for my wife's apple pie...oh man...that is some good stuff)
2. Stick to dishes as much as possible that contain more Whole Foods (like veggies and meats)
3. Under no circumstances will I eat straight up bread or rolls. They don't interest me anymore and to your's like eating a spoonful or more of sugar.

It's not a perfect plan...but it gets me through the holiday. Believe it or not...a little bit of exercise (like walking around the block or so) helps keep your blood sugars low and will minimize the effects of carb feasting (at least a little bit).

Lol! Plenty of time for application after the holidays, hm?

And then...there is this.

Sometimes the things that seem the most boring are actually really cool when the smarties dumb it down for us normal folks lol.

Yeah, I vote for apply later. Boo to Tofurky!

To be clear...I don't eat soy in any form or fashion. I don't even do premade dressings anymore because they ALL contain soybean oil.

Dietary Cholesterol for most people has only a minimal effect on raising serum cholesterol. If you look at scientific/nutritional/medical studies in the last 10 years...the weight of evidence supports this.

This is why most doctors and other health professionals have got away from telling patients to not eat eggs. However, there are still some people with certain medical conditions that need to watch their cholesterol intake. Each of us is very different and there are very few blanket medical statements that apply to all populations.
When I switched to eating eggs daily my cholesterol went down. Now granted I was also paying closer attention what I was eating and working out more too. But I am of the mindset that eggs are really good for you!
When I switched to eating eggs daily my cholesterol went down. Now granted I was also paying closer attention what I was eating and working out more too. But I am of the mindset that eggs are really good for you!

Yeah me too. Provided you get a decent quality egg, they have lots of good fats like Omega 3 and other nutrients. Some one once told me that eggs are nature's multivitamins. It's a simplistic view...but not entirely wrong!
I appreciate people that do their research and then make decisions. It's the people that read one article or even worse a post on Facebook and then think they know all they need to and that medicine knows nothing. You read some stuff, look around and then decide you believe something other than what's common practice, that's cool. Just keeping your mind open is important for both sides. Medicine isn't static, that's for sure.
Yeah, Soybean oil is not good. I'm trying to get away from Mayonnaise, because it all has soybean oil in it. I'm weaning myself off, and try to buy stuff with Avocado oil in place of at least some of the soy. I will start making my own soon.
I appreciate people that do their research and then make decisions. It's the people that read one article or even worse a post on Facebook and then think they know all they need to and that medicine knows nothing. You read some stuff, look around and then decide you believe something other than what's common practice, that's cool. Just keeping your mind open is important for both sides. Medicine isn't static, that's for sure.

You are absolutely right Dave. And to be honest...I have changed my tune on the use of some drugs (statins being some of them...I do think that there are specific uses on them that help a good number of people). I just hate the blanket use of them or medical professionals telling me I need something when they cannot or do not explain to me why I need to take it. And this is coming from a guy who has a pharmacy of medications that I take...but I'm trying to get off of some of them. I want to correct a problem...not just treat a symptom.

For the record...I didn't mean to go off on a tirade here. I do my own research...but I am not a doctor or a nurse or in the medical field. I am not a scientist, a nutritionist, or a dietician. I am just a guy who is interested in not having a heart attack, a stroke, or becoming diabetic. I want to live well into life and be active. I am deathly afraid of cancer, neurological Disease, or other diseases of the brain. What I say is not medical advise. What I do is under the supervision of my own medical professional. What I post about are my views and opinions about things I read, watch or listen to. These are practices that I have tried that may or may not work for me. The only thing that I will suggest is that you do your own research and ask a lot of questions. You decide your own path and no one can decide it for you.
Eggs = good? What? Well if that’s good, then eggs fried in bacon grease must be even better!

Good info from everyone! I still say boo to Tofurky! Just because I want to?
Eggs = good? What? Well if that’s good, then eggs fried in bacon grease must be even better!

Trust me they are! I eat 3-4 eggs fried in bacon grease at least once a day. Yes, I said at least. Sometimes I have it for lunch as well. And a couple of times I actually ate it for all 3 meals. Just wanted to try it out, I've heard of folks doing "egg fasts", eating eggs for every meal for a few days.