The Shaving Cadre

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Having been born in Texas, that soap gets my attention on name alone, let alone the scent profile
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But with the impending Jeckyll & Hyde purchase, I definitely need to stay on SWMBO's good side.
Having been born in Texas, that soap gets my attention on name alone, let alone the scent profile
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But with the impending Jeckyll & Hyde purchase, I definitely need to stay on SWMBO's good side.

It's definitely good stuff! And I think it is in your wheel house.
That Lonestar is a winner for sure. I'll be interested to see how you like Trail once you get it.
The Trail is the only NO scent that really appeals to me. I’ll need to get a sample sometime.
The Trail is the only NO scent I've tried. I like quite a bit. The pine/fir/coniferous notes predominate, so stay away if you're not into that. I suspect it will become more of a favorite as the weather continues to cool.
Thanks guys for reading and commenting! The Lonestar is a pretty good scent. It probably won't be my favorite from Noble Otter but it is very nice! You guys that Love the GTB scent will probably like the Lonestar scent. Not saying it is the same thing...but it is in the general wheelhouse!
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Voskhod (3rd Use)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming - Vide Poche
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche

No Pic Today...Again...and Again...

I went in a different direction today. Yesterday's scents were all about leather and today it's about freshness and rebirth! I know that might sound a little weird to some (and let's face it...I pride myself in being left of center), but the Vide Poche smells like spring flowers at the height of summer when the Earth is full of life. Okay, let's just face it...I didn't pick this soap and aftershave for any of those things this morning. I picked it because I just really like the scent! I need to decide if this DG Icarus base is Elite or not. Without careful examination my heart is telling me, "yes." But I think I need to do a close analysis of the situation. Either way I LOVE THIS SCENT! CBLindsay gave me a sample of one of his hemp oil based soaps that is in the same wheel house as this. And then there is Pilot from Victory Shaving that is also similar. Each is just a bit different. The Vide Poche uses honeysuckle as the floral arrangement in the scent. While CBLindsay's sample uses rose and jasmine. Pilot from Victory uses gardenia. They all accomplish the same thing in a similar scent fashion. I think the Vide Poche is my favorite out of the three, but Chis' soap is a really close second!

The shave was good...not spectacular. I kind of dug in there a little too deep in my clean-up, but all is well...the soap and aftershave leave my face feeling incredible anyway!

It's HUMP DAY!!!! Hope the cadre has a great one!
....The Vide Poche uses honeysuckle as the floral arrangement in the scent....
Interesting. I wonder if honeysuckle is a tricky one for soap makers. The reason I ponder that is due to the Mike's Honeysuckle soap that I have. It just didn't quite work for me, scent-wise, in that it didn't smell natural. But from your praise of the DG Vide Poche it sounds like they nailed it. Now, if I could just get past that Icarus funk - oy!
Interesting. I wonder if honeysuckle is a tricky one for soap makers. The reason I ponder that is due to the Mike's Honeysuckle soap that I have. It just didn't quite work for me, scent-wise, in that it didn't smell natural. But from your praise of the DG Vide Poche it sounds like they nailed it. Now, if I could just get past that Icarus funk - oy!

I don't get the Icarus funk from my Vide Poche. But then again, there isn't any more Vide Poche. The honeysuckle is just one part of this scent. I believe there is freesia, amber, some citrus in it also. I forget exactly what all the notes are...but I really like it. But be warned...When I first got this soap and AS...others said it was just "meh." So maybe the scent was just for me!
....So maybe the scent was just for me!
And that's all that really matters, eh.
You guys that Love the GTB scent will probably like the Lonestar scent. Not saying it is the same thing...but it is in the general wheelhouse!
I said the exact same thing when I tried a sample of lone star.