The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Good comparison to the creeper soaps. Don’t have to stay up until midnight to get Chris’ either
I haven't used the THB creeper options before so I can't compare. But I don't know if I would like the Lime much colder. Also I agree once water hits that soap it goes to about a 5 on the scent strength.
I haven't used the THB creeper options before so I can't compare. But I don't know if I would like the Lime much colder. Also I agree once water hits that soap it goes to about a 5 on the scent strength.

I think the cold factor on Ghost Lime is about perfect for year round use. It's only my first use of it, but so far so good. I will admit that I like the idea of a colder burst during really hot days...but not all the time. That and the fact that CBL is a better soap...make Ghost Lime an attractive offering. I like it a lot. Now...a Ghost Lime aftershave?
I enjoyed your thoughts on the CBL Don. We had a high of 52 yesterday and it was 53 this AM, after several weeks in the high 80s, low 90s. It rained all weekend, all night and all of today so far to boot. So be careful what you wish for.
For me the scent of the lime was way too light. It started off at a 1, and maybe bloomed to a 2. I'd like it to be a lot stronger. And the cooling was nice, I enjoyed it, but again I'd like it to be a lot stronger. I'm happy with the soap, just wish it had a few tweaks.
Nice read Don. Wow scent at 4. It stepped up for me but not that high and while I love the soap and is a new favorite, a little stronger wouldn't hurt it for me. Good stuff and nice journal entry.
Thanks Dave! Yeah...maybe a littkle stronger would be okay...but then the next guy would complain that it's too strong.

AMEN Brother!
Just another day...right?

Great mini-review Don! I found out today that my weekend was actually longer, but I had forgot
. I have the day off today. Sounds like your weatherman is like ours, he can’t read chicken bones worth a crap. Have a great day!
Sure...rub it in...but really...have a nice day off!

I'm intrigued with the CBL Lime. Interesting initial observations.
I think you would like it. It's a nice lime scent. Nothing more!

Good comparison to the creeper soaps. Don’t have to stay up until midnight to get Chris’ either
No you don't...and I actually think the performance of the soap is much better. Now if we can get Chris to do some fancy marketing and interesting packaging...he can start charging $50 a tub!

I haven't used the THB creeper options before so I can't compare. But I don't know if I would like the Lime much colder. Also I agree once water hits that soap it goes to about a 5 on the scent strength.
Yeah the cooling effects are going to be very subjective. I don't think it's lacking at all...but I know some will want it stronger!

I enjoyed your thoughts on the CBL Don. We had a high of 52 yesterday and it was 53 this AM, after several weeks in the high 80s, low 90s. It rained all weekend, all night and all of today so far to boot. So be careful what you wish for.
We have had a lot of rain here also...and I am tired of it. But man I want it to be cooler. I know you guys in the north always say that you don't want to live in the cold. But I will say that you don't want to live in the heat and humidity! Why can't I live in a happy! I would kill for 50 degree weather right now Walt...and yes...I do like cold weather.

For me the scent of the lime was way too light. It started off at a 1, and maybe bloomed to a 2. I'd like it to be a lot stronger. And the cooling was nice, I enjoyed it, but again I'd like it to be a lot stronger. I'm happy with the soap, just wish it had a few tweaks.
For some reason when I started to lather it...the lime just came through in abundance! It is a good performing soap.
Live lived in South Texas, and South Florida for approximately 5.5 consecutive years. I get it.
Live lived in South Texas, and South Florida for approximately 5.5 consecutive years. I get it.

You definitely got it! Try to stay sis-in-law says they are getting flood warnings where she is at. She is over in Western PA about an hour and a half north of Pittsburgh.
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless - Green (5th Use)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Soap - Ghost Lime
Brush: Rudy Vey - Shavemac Two Band Silver Tip Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Captain's Choice - Cat of Nine Tails (Co9T)

No Pic For You!

Went with the Ghost Lime again this morning. Not to be be confused with a Ghost Pepper. Shaving with that might be catastrophic...or maybe epic? Anyway...the badger LOVES this soap. getting the perfect release of moisture at the right time. My lather was a bit more luxurious this morning and a little bit slicker...and just a little bit better. The ghost cooling effect...or since it's getting close to Halloween...maybe I should say...a ghost "ghouling" effect!
Boy, I am full of it this morning! Anyway...the cooling effects even seemed just a bit cooler this morning. My thoughts on the post shave feel are improving. I know right away it's hard to determine these effects...but latter in the day (yesterday) my face felt really good. I need to make a determination on where the CBL Premium Soap falls into this category. Right now...Declaration Grooming Icarus base is tops...but I don't think CBL is far behind. All in all this is a great soap that I am going to continue to dial in.

The Danger Zone:

Yesterday went slightly better than I thought at work. So I guess it wasn't a complete loss...even though I was dragging my feet most of the day. But it was an especially hard day for the wife. She has an employee that has been a continual problem and while the details are really most of the story...I can't really get into it here. My wife, her HR, and the employee were scheduled to have a meeting to let him know that his probational status wouldn't be extended and that in November he would be let go. This would give him two months to find a job. However, they have been letting him know that they were not pleased with his performance for months now. Anyway...her agency got a new Executive Director and his first day was yesterday. Well he decided to let this guy go yesterday instead. Let's just say that my wife's employee was not happy and t
hey was some yelling and verbal intimidation going on as well as threats. He was escorted out of the building by a Sheriff's Deputy...and things were just...unsettled. My wife is worried today...and as a person who has given training concerning violence in the "Spidey" senses are up. My wife and I went over a plan on what she should do in different scenarios should something happen at her work. It's actually scary to think about...and likely nothing will happen...but it's better to have a plan than not these days. Anyway...I encourage all of you...think about where you work and how you will react in certain environments. In this day an age when there seems to be some kind of active shooting at least once a's good to have a plan!

The below video is only five minutes long (give or take) and was developed by Houston Police Department and the FBI. It is considered one of the absolute best training videos out there on active shooters. Take the time and view it. Workplace violence can happen at anyone's place of matter how secure. An active shooter can do his or her evil deeds anywhere! Sorry for the soapbox guys...just in the forefront of my mind.

Sounds like an excellent shave, Don.

And for the real world stuff, that video is excellent. Isn't it a shame that the phrase, "Active Shooter", is now in the everyday lexicon? Sigh. By way of coincidence, I just saw a similar video that the company put out for our continuing quarterly training. The one you have linked is much more in-depth. Thanks for posting that.
Sounds like an excellent shave, Don.

And for the real world stuff, that video is excellent. Isn't it a shame that the phrase, "Active Shooter", is now in the everyday lexicon? Sigh. By way of coincidence, I just saw a similar video that the company put out for our continuing quarterly training. The one you have linked is much more in-depth. Thanks for posting that.

No problem Chris! Just for those who don't know...I was an Intelligence Analyst with the Louisiana State Police for about six years. I have seen more of these videos than I care to. I even sat through an in depth analysis of the Sandy Hook incident. far as training videos go....this one is widely accepted by most law enforcement agencies to be the best. It's really decide if you want the little ones to watch it. The work place I am at now...we just watched this video for our quarterly training also. It's good stuff.
Nice read Don. My employer has shown that video before. I hope to never be in a situation like that.
I hope today is a day just like a normal day for your wife.
Nice read Don. My employer has shown that video before. I hope to never be in a situation like that.
It is one of the best training aids out there on the topic. It's just sad that active shooter training has become commonplace like hurricane, earthquake, or tornado preparedness.

I hope today is a day just like a normal day for your wife.

Me too brother. I'm sure everything will be okay...but I would rather her be prepared and nothing happen rather than something happening and her not be prepared!
That is a horrible situation that your wife was put into by the new director. Why doesn't he just fire the entire HR department if he is going to make unilateral decisions like that? Obviously he is able to do their job as well as his.

Penn State had an active shooter incident back in the 1990s when I was not even here, and before the term active shooter was in our lexicon. A female student opened fire on the HUB lawn with a bolt action .30-06, killing one and injuring another with three more bullets lodged in backpacks with no injury. Compared to more recent massacres, this pales by comparison with regard to carnage, but at the time, we thought it was horrific. When the shooting at Virginia Tech occurred, I was at Penn State. From that day until this, I vowed to never be a victim of such senselessness. It does change the way you act while walking across campus. It is truly a sad state of affairs.
Great shave and read Don!

Praying for your wife's situation!

Great info in the video!
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless - Green (6th Use)
Soap/Cream: Chiseled Face - Summer Storm
Brush: TSC Member Brush "Luca Brasi" in Finest Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Chiseled Face - Summer Storm

Forgot to snap a pic...

I decided to get back to some of the soaps I have been generously PIF'd...especially the ones from TJ...there is just so many of them! This morning I grabbed the Chiseled Face Summer Storm. For a soap with such muted tones...out of the tub this might actually be the strongest scented soap I have EVER smelled. Seriously...SoS was at least a four out of the might have been a five! It's that strong! Once you start lathering, however, the scent tones doe to about a three. Summer Storm really does smell like walking through a wet forest or wooded area right after the rain...well it smells like that if you don't live in Louisiana.
But it's a really nice earthy aquatic scent. Very nice indeed.

I can see why you guys like the Chiseled Face Soaps. I had a tub a while back and to tell you the truth, I thought the performance was okay...nothing to write home on. But this time around I was able to get an exceptional lather. I think Chiseled Face Soaps are very good...but they do lack in a couple of areas. Oddly enough...residual slickness is a lot better than I was expecting. Over all this is a soap I will keep in the den and if I can ever stop testing out new soaps and samples...this soap would make it into my rotation!

The Danger Zone:

Thanks guys for putting up with my soap box! All in all yesterday went by uneventful with my wife. That's how I wanted it. We have discussed that she still needs to keep her guard up...but in the end...I think a p
hysical threat might be passed. I was talking with my mother about the incident and she began to comment that at her place of work they have had irate people show up to the corporate office from tie to time and that she never thought about what she would do in a really bad situation. It got her thinking and she started to make a plan of attack if the need was there. My work here is done...the world is a safer place just by getting a few people to think about this.

My work was crazy yesterday. I won't and can't get into specifics, but I had an attorney who wanted to represent a respondent (a person who is alleged to have violated one of our codes) and he also wants to represent a group of witnesses that I want to interview who may have facts in the case. I explained to him why I thought this was a conflict of interest and disagreed with me. So I had to get my director involved. Let's just say that those are three hours of my life that I will never get back!

I hope the cadre has a wonderful day today!