The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Cattey Creations Barber Straight / Gillette Slim
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless - Green (3rd Use)
Soap/Cream: Ariana & Evans - St Barts
Brush: TSC Member Brush - the "Luca Brasi" by Eric Sorrentino
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Ariana & Evans - St Barts

Well I did it! Sort of...

A while back I had a shavette customized for me by Cattey Creations. The Owner and his wife, Rob and Mariah, are super nice. Anyway...I couldn't be more pleased with how it came out. My first shave, the video is posted here somewhere, turned out to be a blood bath. Well, I haven't had a chance to use it again with all the soaps and creams and samples that were sent to me. This morning I woke up and decided that I wanted to shave with it again. Let's just say that it went much better than last time. I have a video of it and it's uploading to the cloud as we speak. If I have time...I will try to edit it at lunch and upload it will be later today. Just a couple very small nicks...that's all I got with the one pass with the barber straight. I continued on with the Gillette Slim and I got a nice DFS. Followed the shave up with several glugs the the Ariana & Evans St. Barts aftershave and all was right in the world. I am now hankering for a mojito...but I fear that my employer would not appreciate me coming to work smelling like booze. I will be wearing a new Hawaiian Shirt however!

I hope your Friday is just absolutely fantastic!
Will this video be as cringe worthy though? The first one was like a horror movie at times!
Redemption or repeat performance....the viewers wait on the edge of their seats.
So glad the blood letting was under control. I have two DE blade style shavettes, and complete control, attention and a very light touch is requisite.
WooHoo barber razor vs Don! Great stuff ... Now I have to watch the video to see the grudge match!
Yeah sorry guys! Couldn't edit the video at it will have to wait until tonight!
Great read, shave, and picture Don!

Glad to hear this outing with the Cattey went better than the 1st!
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless - Green (4th Use)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Soap - Ghost Lime
Brush: Asylum Brush Works - The Cheswick
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Avon - Island Lime

Well...the pic isn't a great one today and it's all about proportion. But you get the idea of what I used today. First outing with Chris' new brand and I was really excited to use it. This isn't a full review, just some thoughts. With the entire Cadre buying up Chris' soaps...I am sure there will be more than enough reviews. At any rate...To be honest...out of the tub I had a hard time smelling the lime. It was there, but subdued. I smelled more of that "soap" scent than anything. Not bad...just an observation. It's when you start to load and build lather...then the scent explodes. Out of the tub I would say the lime scent is about a 1.5. But while lathering...I think the scent jumps to a solid four out of five! I'll get into other properties of the soap on subsequent shaves...but I do want to address the cooling. I understand that Chris is using the same cooling agent as what The Holy Black uses in their Creeper Soaps. Comparing Ghost Lime to Tangerine Creeper I would say that both soaps function in the same way as far as cooling goes. I do think that the Tangerine Creeper gets colder and maybe a little longer. Again, this is just an observation...not judgement. I will say that I like the subtleness of how the cooling agent works on CBL Premium Shave Soap. I honestly think I would get more use out of Chris' than THB. The one thing I can say in judgement is that the CBL Premium Shave Soap is a much superior shave soap than my Tangerine Creeper. And at more than half the price (soap only) it's a way better value.

The Danger Zone:

Not a lot going on in the Zone. The weekend really needed to be a much longer. Just not feeling the work thing today. Alas, several cups of coffee in a bit, and I will be ready to go. I thought we were going to get cooler weather for a bit this week...but the weatherman lied. Looks like the forecast has temps back up in the 90s. Re
ally want summer to just die! This happens every year with me. I can handle the heat for a spell...but when the stores start putting out fall decorations, clothes, and what not...I want cooler weather! I saw some store selling jackets and coats...I'm still wearing shorts and t-shirts!

Anyway...I hope the Cadre has a wonderful Monday!
Nice read Don. Wow scent at 4. It stepped up for me but not that high and while I love the soap and is a new favorite, a little stronger wouldn't hurt it for me. Good stuff and nice journal entry.
Nice shave Don!

dangerousdon said:
The weekend really needed to be a much longer. Just not feeling the work thing today.
AMEN Brother!
Great mini-review Don! I found out today that my weekend was actually longer, but I had forgot ?. I have the day off today. Sounds like your weatherman is like ours, he can’t read chicken bones worth a crap. Have a great day!