The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Rockwell 6S - Plate #4
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (5th Use)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations - Smoked Black Tea
Brush: TSC Member Brush by Eric Sorrentino...the "Luca Brasi" in Finest Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Fine Accoutrements - Fresh Vetiver

Forgot to snap a pic...I'll get it next time.

I finally was able to pull out my LNHC Smoked Black Tea soap. Most of you guys have already commented on it and it seems that the impressions of this scented soap in particular are a little all over the place. This is my first time using this new base and I am not giving a full review of this soap quite yet. In my usual fashion, I want to shave with this soap a few times to really feel out the nuances of the performance. But my first initial impressions of this soap are very positive. So I really like the scent a lot. I can smell the smokiness and the black tea...and the scents seem to move in an out. First I am grabbing the smoke, and then the next thing I know I smell the Black Tea. It's like the scents swirl around in my nose one at a time and constantly. This isn't good or just is...and it's very interesting. But as far as the scent itself...I am really enjoying it!

As far as the performance of the soap's solid. I think there are some characteristics that are better than others, and I am not getting into it all today, but overall this comes together as a great soap! I'm not assigning it a Tier or rating quite yet...but I can already tell that this will be battling it out with Storybook Soapworks Visions and Revisions for a permanent place in my rotation for best Tea scented soap.

The Danger Zone:

I have a lot going on this week. I have interviews tomorrow for work that I need to go to a pretty remote part of Louisiana. No easy way to get it's going to be another one of those days where I am spending eight to ten hours in the car and only two hours interviewing people. Then on Wednesday...I am attending a funeral. I have two best friends in the whole world...and lately we haven't been as close as we have been in the past. You know how it just happens and people get families. But these guys are like brothers to me. Anyway, one of these guys, Jason, his mother
last week fell off a ladder and broke a rib. At the hospital they found out that she punctured a lung. Over the course of the week, she developed pneumonia and this weekend she passed away. I wasn't close with his mom, and to tell you the truth, Jason had a strained relationship with his mother also. But it was his mom...and I feel really bad for the guy.

Sorry to be a Debby Downer guys. But I hope each and everyone of you has a wonderful Monday and a great start of the week!


I forgot an important part of the shave....a quick note about the Rockwell. I used the number four plate and really was expecting blood everywhere with the Feather blade I have been using. I may have had my first ever truly BBS shave. I did have several days of growth and a tiny weeper. But all in all I might be smoother than the dolphin skin that Dave tries to chase!
Catching up a bit, Don. Sorry about your friend's mom. Like you said, "strained relationship...but it was his mom". Drive safe with all your travels.

On a good note....congrats on your new found wardrobe!

And shaving-wise, I still haven't actually used my new Lisa's Smoked Black Tea soap yet. I've done several test lathers with it, but haven't cued it up for a shave yet; probably will in the next day or two. I can't comment on the performance side of things yet, obviously, but I can say something about the scent. So far, from a scent perspective, this one really isn't for me. I bought it for two reasons. First, the Doc Holiday was sold out and I wanted to try the new formula; and secondly, because it was tea scented soap, and I was curious how the smoke combo would work. Now that I've thought about it, why would I want a smokey tea scent? It's just odd to me; I find it to be a bit strange. But perhaps once I actually use it, I may have a completely different perspective.
Very nice write-up Don, and condolences and prayers sent out to your friend. Your description of the scent really has me hankering to give it a run as soon as it arrives...Drive safe today!
Don great stuff on the clothing. It is a crazy feeling isn't it?! I am still blown away that I bought a size LARGE shirt. No X's in front of it! Keep up the great work.
Great shave Don! Glad the soap is performing solid so far.

Way to go on supporting your buddy. Your heart is in the right place.
Razor: Rockwell 6S - Plate #2
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (6th Use)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations - Smoked Black Tea
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Fine Accoutrements - Fine American Blend

No Pic for You!

After yesterday's shave and well into the face felt great! The post shave feel that I experienced in day one of LNHC was fantastic and this post shave feel is among the best. If I was grading this soap on post shave feel/moisturizing alone, then this would be an elite soap...hold your horses...I'm not there yet. But seriously...moisturizing properties in this soap are that good!

My face from yesterday using plate #4 of the Rockwell 6S was still pretty smooth. On a normal day I may not have shaved...but it's going to be a long one with my travels that I mentioned yesterday so I want to look fresh as long as I can. for fear of slicing and dicing my man jowls...I used the #2 plate. Two passes (WtG and AtG) with extensive cleanup and I am mostly BBS. I think I will have a little irritation today as I am still pushing too hard on the razor...but it's really nothing that the soap and aftershaves can't handle. But I am continually impressed with this razor!

I am really having a hard time finding a fault with this soap. The two other biggest factors for me in a soap other than post shave feel are slickness and residual slickness. I have read through many of the journals and reviews of Lisa's soaps, and some are saying that slickness is lacking...or the residual slickness is lacking...I get none of this. I did a face lather this morning and both of these characteristics were pretty darn good. I have soaps that might be a tad better in these departments, but those are the elite soaps and maybe the Tier 1 Box 2 soaps...maybe. I did my entire cleanup on residual slickness alone...and like I was an extensive cleanup.

So I guess what I am saying is that my shave was pretty darn good!

The Danger Zone:

Not going to say much here...I don't have a lot of time before I hit the road for work. I likely won't be able to comment much today as I will be on th
e road most of the day. I am behind on the after my morning dose of sports talk radio (it is football week ladies and gents) I will be listening to the likes of some of our fine members here in the Cadre!

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!
Safe travels Don. Watch out for the stupid distracted drivers

Great read Don. You and I were on the same wavelength this morning. I am really liking the soap base also, and having a hard time giving a final rating!
Don - your shaves reviews are always entertaining. If you do need more shirts, I can think of a few options that would accommodate the sizing. Also, dont ever forget that a few dollars at the dry cleaner/tailor will save a lot of the existing shirts especially in the chest/waist area.
Don - your shaves reviews are always entertaining. If you do need more shirts, I can think of a few options that would accommodate the sizing. Also, dont ever forget that a few dollars at the dry cleaner/tailor will save a lot of the existing shirts especially in the chest/waist area.

Thanks Tom! Yeah, I have a box of shirts that need to go to the tailor as well as three suits an two sports coats. My body has changed so
Much that I'm not sure some of my stuff can be tailored.

Glad to see you back!
Great shave Don! Hope the drive is uneventful and the interviews entertaining!

Oh the interviews are always entertaining! I am rarely surprised anymore to the lengths people will go to cover their butt in my investigations.
Razor: Rockwell 6S - Plate #2
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (7th Use)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations - Smoked Black Tea
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Fine Accoutrements - Platinum

Sorry...just haven't been in the mood to do staging and once pic (which shouldn't be confused with a toe pick!

This might be the longest I have ever gone on one blade...and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. It is certainly the longest I have ever gone on a Feather. I am usually one and done with those things on account that I am supposed to donate blood...and not let it pour done the bathroom sink. But there has only been a little bloodletting this time around. And it has only been in the form of a weeper or two...nothing more dramatic. I don't know if this is because of improved technique...or because of the Rockwell razor.

I decided to go with plate #2 again. Mostly because I an getting really smooth shaves and the beard growth isn't what I am used to the next day. If i was to shave with this razor day in and day out...I am starting to think that the #2 plate is really all I need. If I skip a day...#3...if I skip more than a day...#4. I haven't tried #5 yet...but that will be Friday. I will likely not shave tomorrow so I can get a fair assessment of the #5 plate.

But today's shave was much in the way of yesterday's. I went for two passes and extensive cleanup. This method is actually working well for me and I am wondering if it will translate over to other razors. I am mostly BBS and that is better than 90% of my shaves to this point.

The more I use LNHC's new blend of soap...I am really digging it. I know it's all the each his own and YMMV and whatnot...but I am getting some gosh darn good shaves! Is that a thing? Can I make an acronym out of that now? Gosh Darn Good Shave = GDGS! I mentioned it yesterday, but the Post Shave Feel aspect of this soap is ELITE! I and I might go as far to make the statement that this soap has the best post shave feel of any other soap I have or have is that good! The other attributes are extremely good also...bu
t post shave feel is where it is at.

If I had to pick a second best attribute...then it would be residual slickness. I found myself actually shaving off of my residual slickness at one point and realized that I had an entire brush full of lather. I think the trick to getting the residual slickness going is that this soap requires a healthy amount of water. I know it's a softer soap...but I bloom the soap...I wet my face with bloom water...I face lather and introduce a lot of water to the lathering process...I wet my face between passes...I think you get the picture. I will say that I have not bowl lathered with this yet because I'm not sure I trust myself to know exactly how much water I need. Face lathering allows me to feel where I am at in the hydration department.

The Danger Zone:

Not going to say a lot here. Today's the memorial services for my best friend's mother. The wife ordered a dish garden for the services...and while I haven't seen it yet...the place we ordered from is known for their beautiful and full arrangements. The wife doesn't like to send cut flowers to events like these. She like to send an arrangement that can be taken home and last for...well longer than a couple of days. I agree with here whole-heartedly.

I am wearing a suit that I haven't worn in at least 10 years...but to be honest...I think it has been like 15...I'm not really sure...but it has been a while. It's an Italian cut black pinstripe suit...and it is the only one out of the four that fit me. The others need drastic altering. Anyway...I have a brown belt from Col. Littleton that I love and where everywhere...with suits, slacks, or casual. But it's brown. I don't know why I don't have a black Col. Littleton belt...but I don't. Off to Belk's last night to find a black belt that I can wear with my suit. The quality of belts that you find in stores is just absolutely awful. I really think almost all of these belts that you find in department stores are made my the same company. Because the all look alike and they all seem to be the same crappy quality. I bought one...and it will be serviceable...for today. But I will likely only be able to get a certain amount of uses out of it before it breaks or tears or peels or whatever! So that will be $40 down the drain in a couple of months. That could have bought me two soaps...or two aftershave...or a combination thereof...or a lot of Avon Aftershave at a junk store...or a quater down payment on a Paladin...or...or...well you get the picture.

I hope you all have a wonderful day...and when you get home tonight...hug your loved ones and tell them how much you love matter what has happened during the day!
Don, I know our impressions on scents have matched up quite a bit in the past, especially when describing Avon scents. But I think we also agree on what constitutes a good razor. We both seem to prefer mild razors. So I'm asking you, what are your favorite modern razors that you have tried?

It's an Italian cut black pinstripe suit...and it is the only one out of the four that fit me.

Yeah, I think we're going to need to see a pic of the suit!
Don, I know our impressions on scents have matched up quite a bit in the past, especially when describing Avon scents. But I think we also agree on what constitutes a good razor. We both seem to prefer mild razors. So I'm asking you, what are your favorite modern razors that you have tried?
I'm probably not the best person to answer this question, because I don't own many modern razors. I have tried a few...but I am thinking that my technique has changed a good bit over the years. I honestly really liked the Merkur Slant that I tried a while back...but I am not sure it really gave me a much better shave than anything else. Up until late...I thought the Timeless was the bees knees (with a straight bar and scalloped head...I think)...but I am really doubting myself on that now. The Karve was a good razor and I wouldn't mind checking it out again with one of the milder plates...but the ones that Dave in KY have are too aggressive for my taste. Que the Rockwell 6s that I am using now. I have tried all the plates except the #5 and #6 plate. I am really liking it a lot! So far I can see that the #2 through #4 plates all have a place in my shaving rotation...and I have been getting the best shaves of my life. I hate to admit...but I really like this razor a lot. The one thing that would hold me back on purchasing that I hate their marketing strategy. The collect money through kickstarter to get the funds to produce the razors. But something never really adds up to me. They always say they need "x" amount of money to get things started...but always end up collecting WAY more than that amount. What happens to the rest? I am sure it is on the up and up...but for some reason it just doesn't sit right with me. To be fair...I haven't done extensive research on this...and the answer may be out there. I just haven't seen it yet.

I haven't tried and Above the Tie razor yet...they are beautiful, but unless one is lent to me, I am likely not to buy one. I am vary interested in the Parker variant that Dave is using. I know some say it's the best shave they have ever had.

I know this probably doesn't help all that much. Sorry, I am just a little limited in this department.

Yeah, I think we're going to need to see a pic of the suit!

A pic of a 15 year old suit? Yikes...I'll try to get one...but no promises!