The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Goat yoga? COOL. I used to raise goats (up until a few years back), one of the coolest animals on earth. Such attitude. My goat, bingo, was a heck of a lot of fun. When it was small I used to head butt it, rear up and SMACK. It was all fun and games until he got bigger, I could take him but my boys got a beating. Stupid thing ate or chewed on EVERYTHING in my backyard except the weeds he was expected to eat.

Better that you are doing goat yoga than HOT yoga, bad enough you’ll be wearing yoga pants he last thing you need is to be sweating like a hog (pigs are fun too but NEVER ask a pig to do yoga... they look atrocious in yoga pants)

OMG!!! If I had coffee in my mouth it would have been all over my screen! Instead I may have peed my pants...not really...but I felt like I was going to! do you come up with this stuff!
Totally unrelated note. But the last few days I've been wondering, does Don's wife know he calls himself Dangerous Don? If not, I'd love to the video of her reaction of him telling her.
Goat yoga? COOL. I used to raise goats (up until a few years back), one of the coolest animals on earth. Such attitude. My goat, bingo, was a heck of a lot of fun. When it was small I used to head butt it, rear up and SMACK. It was all fun and games until he got bigger, I could take him but my boys got a beating. Stupid thing ate or chewed on EVERYTHING in my backyard except the weeds he was expected to eat.

Better that you are doing goat yoga than HOT yoga, bad enough you’ll be wearing yoga pants he last thing you need is to be sweating like a hog (pigs are fun too but NEVER ask a pig to do yoga... they look atrocious in yoga pants)
I tried hot yoga once and that was enough for me. Yoga is fun and relaxing for me normally, but I sweat when doing it to begin with. Hot yoga was a swampy mess and not at all fun. Even though I was drinking water between every pose, I had to stop and just sit on my mat about half-way through since I was getting the spinners from dehydration. Hot yoga will allow you to get deeper into poses than you might normally, but you will leave a puddle on the floor after soaking your mat. You will drink (and sweat) about 2 liters of water (and possibly more) during the session. The floor of the studio was a slick mess after the class was over. You will also need to drink a ton of water after you get out of the shower after class. I really don't recommend doing hot yoga. It was, pardon the pun, a hot mess.
Nice shave Don. I gotta try the sample of this you sent maybe today cause the scent is nice to me. You don't babble. Tell me more about the yoga
Have a good day Buddy !
It's a tier 1 soap for at $16 for 5.5 oz I think it is a better value than most.

So true, Don! We've all heard the phrases, "the good old days", or "the golden age of...."; well, we're in that NOW with regards to shaving soaps, and it's awesome! Most of the new soaps all seem to lather well, give good protection, and offer nice slickness during the shave. But what garners an "elite" status rating nowadays? To me, it seems to be narrowed down to just three subjective, nuanced characteristics: scent, residual slickness, and post shave moisturizing. With all the excellent choices available now, it's almost becoming "stressful" deciding which soap to use for the day - LOL!
You ain't kidding there!

Well wouldn't that be sweet if you found a razor that could give you BBS shaves every day?
Man that would be! We will see!

Don’s having fun! Can’t ask for more than that!
You certainly can not!

Don.... Use No Pressure!!!! C'mon, do as I say, not as I do!

All caught up Don!
Great shaves, reads, reviews, and pictures!

There had better be a Goat Yoga video, that's all I'm saying about that.

I really love my 6S razor. It is one of if not my favorite DE! Never fails to give a great shave!
Oh there will be a video...just might not be of me!

Oh man, please do NOT start a What Yoga Pants Are You Wearing thread!
Hmm...that's a great idea!

Okay all caught up!

First goat yoga is a thing I see some people doing it in Utah. Weird to say the least. My wife wants a goat real bad. I am afraid it will destroy my yard.

Second the mower is awesome. I really want one! My garage is also a mess, I really need to buy a shed to hold some of the manly tools like mower, trimmer, leaf blower, saw, snow blower, etc. But as long as I can keep both vehicles in the garage I am happy, and so far I can still do just that.

Third I am glad to see you splurged a tiny bit on your wife's birthday dinner. You have worked very hard and every now and then you should enjoy a potato or a slice of bread. The trick is to not slip back to where you were. I am confident that won't happen with you!

Fourth the Honey and Tobacco from Ballenclaugh is going to be a full puck purchase for me. UGH!

Fifth glad to see you liked Uncle Jon's I also own the Gravity and do enjoy it.
The only thing I really know about goats is that they are delicious! Thanks for the comments and vote of confidence!

Totally unrelated note. But the last few days I've been wondering, does Don's wife know he calls himself Dangerous Don? If not, I'd love to the video of her reaction of him telling her.
Dangerous Don goes a long way back. Predates my wife by about 10 years or more. But yeah...she knows I call myself that. There are even a couple of friends of mine that still call me it from time to time. But it's mostly my old Marine Corps buddies that call me it. As fa as any video reaction of would be the biggest and sharpest eye roll you have ever seen!

I tried hot yoga once and that was enough for me. Yoga is fun and relaxing for me normally, but I sweat when doing it to begin with. Hot yoga was a swampy mess and not at all fun. Even though I was drinking water between every pose, I had to stop and just sit on my mat about half-way through since I was getting the spinners from dehydration. Hot yoga will allow you to get deeper into poses than you might normally, but you will leave a puddle on the floor after soaking your mat. You will drink (and sweat) about 2 liters of water (and possibly more) during the session. The floor of the studio was a slick mess after the class was over. You will also need to drink a ton of water after you get out of the shower after class. I really don't recommend doing hot yoga. It was, pardon the pun, a hot mess.
Thanks for the warning...I had not planned on doing hot yoga at all. That just does not appeal to me!
So I was going to post a Video review of Ballenclaugh Soap that I have been using this week. Man, did I botch that up. So needless to say I won't be posting that. I will try to get one this weekend out.
So I was going to post a Video review of Ballenclaugh Soap that I have been using this week. Man, did I botch that up. So needless to say I won't be posting that. I will try to get one this weekend out.

One for the outtakes reel.
OMG!!! If I had coffee in my mouth it would have been all over my screen! Instead I may have peed my pants...not really...but I felt like I was going to! do you come up with this stuff!
Life is my inspiration. The hot sun helps too.

BTW, did you know pigs can get as big as a VW Bug? I'm not kidding in the least. While in school I was once tasked with drawing blood samples from the resident sows. The state requires herd like the ones at our school to submit samples for testing on a regular basis. The process was pretty easy (compared to a dog or cat), you sneak up to a resting sow, stick a vacutainer needle in one fo the big vessels in the ear and fill up your tubes. You have to sort of straddle their neck or nose to get a good position but you don't (can't) do much to restrain them, you just have to move fast. . Easy peasy, they grunt a little and show a general dislike of whats happening but are too lazy to do much about it. The last Sow in the pen we were working decided she had had enough of us being in the pen so right as i stuck the needle in her ear she jumped to her feet, when she felt my weight around her neck she bolted. The ride lasted at least 30 seconds and involved a lot of screaming and squealing. When it was over I lay on the ground covered in blood and caked in porkypoo ...but I got the samples. Little did i know the state vet had been watching from the gate, when I handed him the sample it was all he could do to keep it together. Good times.
What's going on there that you're drug testing your pre-bacon?
That would have been a great video.

I think there used to be a netfix documentary called mega hog.
I love the never ending string of hilarious stories...

CBLindsay: wet-shaver, soap maker, pig wrangler extraodinaire!
Another non-shaving entry for this edition of...The Danger Zone...

I posted a pic of the wife and I and her family in the selfie thread the other day and Chad mentioned how the shirt was looking a little big for me. That sounded crazy because that was my newest button up that I bought. And when I bought it, I thought it fit well. That was an 18 x 36/37 sized shirt. I knew the 18 might have been on the larger size, but it's so damn hard to find anything in the 36/37 sleeve length without shelling out the big bucks. I am really trying to minimize the flow of cash used towards buying clothes until my body has leveled out at weight and shape. I say weight and shape because I have been hovering around the 268 to 271 weight class for quite a while now. But I have been noticing subtle changes to the shape of my body. Specifically the area around my midsection. When I started out with the Ketogenic diet...if I remember correctly, measuring across the thickest of my midsection registered at 55 or 56 inches (I will have to consult the log, which is absent at the moment). But lately, I have been measuring right at 45 inches. This translates into wearing a size 40 or 38 pair of pants (slacks, jeans, or khakis). Anyway...I say all that to illustrate that while I haven't really lost much in weight for months now...the body is ever changing.

This weekend, the wife and I went to the Polo Outlet. I love this place because they have a VERY large selection of Big and Tall clothes. It's been easier to find the sizes I need lately, so it's not so much the Big that I need...but more of the Tall. Plus I am always getting these 20%, 25%, and 30% off codes from them in my email. And they are always running sales. So I like the place.

A quick note...I am starting to believe that when I was larger I actually didn't wear clothes that fit me. Instead I think I wore clothes that I thought were comfortable. Big, baggy, loose clothing to hide the enormous belly I had. Having a little more pride in my body, I am wearing clothes now that are not nearly as baggy and are fitting a little closer to the body. This is becoming more flattering than I ever thought it would be.

So back to the shopping. Pulled a bunch of shirts (mostly button-ups, but a couple of Polo style shirts also) and headed to the fitting room. I assumed that I needed a double extra large tall (XXLT). I have a very long torso, so the tall part has always been something I needed. Anyway, one shirt after the next...and style after style...I would try on and show the wife. The consensus between the two of us was that the XXLT was much too big. So wait...I need an extra large tall (XLT) instead of the double fat?

The wife quickly went and got all the same shirts in the XLT size. They all fit! That is so crazy! I honestly don't remember the last time I was in an XLT...I mean seriously...I don't remember. Trying to clear the fog from my memories...if I had to was probably at least 20 years ago...when I got out of the Marine Corps. You have no idea how big a boost to my self-confidence this is. Just really a weird thing for me to be in clothing that I haven't worn since I was in the best shape of my life.

Anyway...enough gloating I guess. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend...unless you are Josh...then happy Ground Hog day to you...and I hope you stay safe!
Very cool Don. Congrats. It’s a great feeling to have.

I’m also resisting buying new clothes. I feel like all of my XL shirts are too big, but L are still a bit tight. Need to lose a little more gut. Also my shorts and pants will slide right off me, but I’m using a belt to keep them on until I stabilize.
Very cool Don. Congrats. It’s a great feeling to have.

I’m also resisting buying new clothes. I feel like all of my XL shirts are too big, but L are still a bit tight. Need to lose a little more gut. Also my shorts and pants will slide right off me, but I’m using a belt to keep them on until I stabilize.

Thanks KJ! The pants and shorts are a real struggle. I have a really awesome belt. My wife bought it for me for my anniversary. It's from Col. Littleton. It was a little pricey...but other than a black version of this belt...I likely will never have to buy another belt...EVER!
Wow Don, this is great to hear. I know how hard it is to find the length as I'm a knuckle Dragger in arm length too in a 17.5 and 36/37. So happy you are seeing fruits for your labors. While I'm at it, I keep forgetting to tell KJ how awesome it is he is seeing improved quality in life with his downsizing also. Hats off to you both.