The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Great write-up Don, MW Coconut Sandalwood is a phenomenal scent, and the soap is a great performer as well!
Razor: Rockwell 6S - Plate #1
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Ballenclaugh - Honey & Tobacco
Brush: Stirling 24 mm Fan Finest Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Figaro Monsieur

I need to try to make this a quick one today. School is in for all of our parishes and it's first day for LSU. This means it's going to take me about an hour to get to work...and it's less than 15 miles...UGH!

I had new everything except for the brush this morning. Well, and the aftershave...but the AS is newish...but I have tried it before. First the soap. I'm not going to mention much about the soap as I will be doing a full review of this later. But I don't think I have it dialed in quite yet. I think I added too much water and while not overly thin...I think it suffered from my ill attempt. The scent on this is just what the title says...Honey and Tobacco...and that is it. No hints of citrus or powder or some kind of spice to it. It is straight up Pipe Tobacco and Honey. And each scent is pronounced enough that you can identify both. This is definitely not a complicated scent...but this simplicity is done very well. I wasn't sure I was going to like this scent...but the soap maker at the time of purchase made this one and a barbershop scent. I don't blind buy Barbershop scents...there are just too many that I don't like. Anyway...strength of scent out of the tub is definitely a 4 out of 5. While lathering/shaving it is a solid 3 out of 5. The scent is pleasant to me...but it's definitely one of those things that you either like tobacco scents...or you don't.

Dave in KY has struck again! He is lending me the same Rockwell 6S that KJ used recently in his videos. I know Dave told KJ to start off with plate number three because the others were too mild...but I decided that I wanted to shave with all the plates...even if it is just once! Today was plate number one. Boy, if someone walked off the street and wanted to use this razor and has never shaved before in his life...this is the plate for him. Mild doesn't even describe it. Now mind you, that I am using a brand new Feather Blade...I never use a Feather unless I want to add some Halloween slasher film special effects to my bathroom...blood will run. But let me tell you...with plate number one...I don't think it is possible to cut yourself. With a ridiculously narrow blade gap of .20 have no fear of weepers, nicks, or cuts. Four passes and a cleanup...and a hard cleanup...I had a comfortable shave, but still have some close stubble that while others won't be able to see until this afternoon...I know is still there.

I hope you fine members of the Cadre have a wonderful Monday!
Loved the write up this morning're one of the first to use the #1 plate and actually get a half way decent shave from it, that I've read about. Look forward to your thoughts on the soap!
Dave told me to start with 3, but I actually started with 2. I knew 1 would be way too mild, but I still want to come up through them.
Hey Don, if someone to want to try that know any place they would be about to round up a sample? ?
I know Dave told KJ to start off with plate number three because the others were too mild...but I decided that I wanted to shave with all the plates...even if it is just once! Today was plate number one.
I heard if you tell Rockwell you shave with plate #1 they send you a certificate for free milk and cookies.
I heard if you tell Rockwell you shave with plate #1 they send you a certificate for free milk and cookies.
They might even release another razor like they did the 2c. They might call it the "1Don"
I was just trying to guide people to what I thought would be close to what they'd enjoy, but certainly use any plates you want as many times as you want to.
Oh, you guys are HI-larious! To be honest...if I would have known it was going to be this mild...I would have skipped the first plate...seriously...why did they even bother. I shaved around 5:45 AM and it is now 11 AM and I seriously need another shave. I did say it was comfortable...but it definitely wasn't efficient.
All caught up, Don. Happy late B'Day to your wife.

And that photo is great! Love the orange combo and the arrangement.
Oh, you guys are HI-larious! To be honest...if I would have known it was going to be this mild...I would have skipped the first plate...seriously...why did they even bother. I shaved around 5:45 AM and it is now 11 AM and I seriously need another shave. I did say it was comfortable...but it definitely wasn't efficient.
You may be onto something. Twice a day shaving for the fun of it. Get to use 2 soaps a day. More relaxing time. I might be sold!
Loved the write up this morning're one of the first to use the #1 plate and actually get a half way decent shave from it, that I've read about. Look forward to your thoughts on the soap!
It was serviceable, but to be honest...someone would have to have some seriously sensitive or damaged skin to use that daily. Or maybey just go for that freshly shaven/5 O'Clock shadow look all the time. It was a comfortable shave...just not a great one.

Great write-ups and shaves. Any vids of zero turn stunts yet?
Ssshhh! I am waiting for a time when the wife isn't home...I plan on getting my brother to watch. I will likely turn to him and say..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this!"

Dave told me to start with 3, but I actually started with 2. I knew 1 would be way too mild, but I still want to come up through them.
Yeah, pretty much same here.

I heard if you tell Rockwell you shave with plate #1 they send you a certificate for free milk and cookies.
Well then...I'm still waiting!

Don, love the new badge !!
You know...I didn't notice it until you said something...That Chad is a funny dude...or so he thinks. Now I need to make sure that SWMBO doesn't actually read this!

All caught up, Don. Happy late B'Day to your wife.

And that photo is great! Love the orange combo and the arrangement.
Thanks Chris!

You could always use plate 2 tonight so you're ready for 3 in the morning
You know...that actually crossed my mind.

Nice shave. My experience with the R1 plate on my 6C is much the same as yours.
Yeah...just not much in the way of a use for it.

Lol that’s what I was thinking...what great fortune to be able to shave twice in one day!
It was tempting. That would be a good way to get through some soap pretty quick though!

You may be onto something. Twice a day shaving for the fun of it. Get to use 2 soaps a day. More relaxing time. I might be sold!
My wife would really think I went bonkers then!
Razor: Rockwell 6S - Plate #2
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (2nd Use)
Soap/Cream: Ballenclaugh - Honey & Tobacco
Brush: Stirling Synthetic w/ Pro Handle
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave : Figaro Monsieur

No Pic for you today!

The plate number 2 today was a much better choice. Still an "uber" mild shaver...but at least I feel like I accomplished something. Well, in fact, I had a pretty darn good shave! It was more like four passes and extensive cleanup...but I think I did it...I think I may have experienced my first truly BBS shave! And a comfortable one at that! But like I said..four passes (don't even ask me what they were because I wouldn't know what to call them)...and then a cleanup that would consist of me feeling every square inch of my face and then shaving it in unusual direction to eliminate the roughness. I say all of this to point out that my face is also irritation and blood free. Yup...I really put the blade to skin and still had a comfortable shave. It just took me awhile to accomplish what I really wanted. I can see this plate being used after a shave for cleanup.

The soap lather was much better today. I faced lathered and while my first pass was a tad on the dry side (this typically happens with me when I face lather), subsequent passes we really nice and hydrated. I don't think I will be able to place this soap in the elite category...but it is shaping up to be a really nice soap. It's not hard to lather, and has nice protection and moisturizing properties...we at least from what I can tell with these mild plates.

The Danger Zone:

I am running out of time so I will have to make this quick. But something of note came up and I wanted to share this
with you. My wife enrolled us in a yoga class for October. Why is this yoga class worth mentioning? Well I will tell's is is YOGA with GOATS! I had no idea this was a thing. Seriously...I saw some pics of previous sessions and yup...there are goats. Some of the kids are on people doing yoga poses, and others are walking around. Some are running and others are interaction with the people. I really don't know what to say about this. First Dave (of the Xeno variety) and his menagerie of barn yard animals...and now Yoga with Goats? What's next? CBLindsay doing snake massage? Spider doing...well spider things?
Nice shave Don but the yoga with're scaring me man and I'm worried about you. They have medication for stuff like this.
Nice shave Don but the yoga with're scaring me man and I'm worried about you. They have medication for stuff like this.

It's not me! It's my wife! and as most of you all know...when the Lady of the House says you are doing just smile and say, "Thank You, can I have another?"