The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

DON! My GOD man, why would you post that picture. I came here planning to read your journal...saw that snot sucking thing, puked a little and has to move on. THEN Toby says “ I can handle poo but boogers is too much”...does that mean what I THINK it meant? I just can’t man. Dude...NO, no snot sucking. You can use that little bulb thing and suck snot/brain like we ALL did before. Ugh, imma gonna hurl again just typing this.
DON! My GOD man, why would you post that picture. I came here planning to read your journal...saw that snot sucking thing, puked a little and has to move on. THEN Toby says “ I can handle poo but boogers is too much”...does that mean what I THINK it meant? I just can’t man. Dude...NO, no snot sucking. You can use that little bulb thing and suck snot/brain like we ALL did before. Ugh, imma gonna hurl again just typing this.
Razor: Gillette Slim (Circa "I can't remember")
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming/Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche
Brush: The Shaving Cadre/Saponificio Varesino Two Band High Mountain Manchurian White Badger Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche

View attachment 43125 technically this isn't my Birthday Shave. I wasn't able to get one in on Saturday, December 19th (the grandest day of them all) because of the whole watching of Danger Baby while the wife is Christmas Shopping thing. So I have a few minutes to myself today and thought it was time for that monthly shower thing that I hear is all the rage these days. Slipped in a shave also. Anyway...this would have been my birthday here it is!

I love this soap and I LOVE this scent. Thanks to some kind people in the wet shaving community and here on this forum...I should have enough soap to last quite a while. And I should have enough aftershave to last almost as long.

Anyway...three passes on a few days of beard...maybe more...three passes on a mild setting with the slim and this shave turned out A-O-K! Maybe not a BBS shave...but definitely at least a DFS+.

Some nice sized splashes of the aftershave of the same name (can't glug this stuff or else I will end up using it all up before I get through the first tub)...I feel and smell great!

The Danger Zone

Danger Baby is starting to get a bit more fun. She is smiling and laughing more (and is starting to sleep a little more). But even the happiest babies get a stuffy nose...either from a sneeze or spaying formula from her nose. That's why I recommend The Nose Frida Snot Sucker!

NoseFrida the SNOTSUCKER – Frida | The fuss stops here. guys will laugh and so "no way...I won't use that." I tell you what...if you have a fussy or crying baby and sucking the snot out of her nose is the only way to stop it...yes you will!

This devise has saved or butts big time. And it works! Don't worry though...there is a filter in it that keeps the invading boogers at bay!

View attachment 43124

I hope the Cadre is having a wonderful Winter Solstice and some merry and happy holidays!
Change your title to "Snot Sucker"! :sick:
I have to agree with the old fashioned bulb thing. But I always missed the power suction we had at the hospital. Saline in one side, gobs of stuff sucked out the other.
I have to agree with the old fashioned bulb thing. But I always missed the power suction we had at the hospital. Saline in one side, gobs of stuff sucked out the other.
Yeah...the bulb thing sucks (pun intended) compared the this thing. And they are always too big or too small. And they are nearly impossible to clean.
Razor: Gillette Slim (Circa "I can't remember")
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Soap - Dragon's Pub in Bamboo Bowl
Brush: The Shaving Cadre/Saponificio Varesino Two Band High Mountain Manchurian White Badger Brush
The Ante-Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
Penultimate Aftershave - CBL Aftershave Tonic - Dragon's Pub
The Ultimate Aftershave: CBL post Shave Oil - Dragon's Pub


The other day in the mail, Chris @CBLindsay surprised me with a package from In the package were several items including pretty much everything that was in today's shave. Being up front with it all...I called an audible and did not use the Post Shave Oil. I'll get to that at some point...but decided against it today.

So...on with the shave...

Let's talk about the scent. I love CBL's Dragon's Blood (DB). And I love CBL's Roasted Oatmeal Stout (ROS). Dragon's Pub (DP) is pretty much a love child of the two. So before you all start going, "eeeeuuu, that's gross." Let me tell you...not only does this marriage of scents work...but I might prefer it to each of them separately.'s that good. Not sur how to describe it any better...but you definitely smell each of those two scents...but it works together perfectly as one.

Loading the soap on the bamboo bowl proved a whole lot easier than expected. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but this loaded pretty darn easy. I used my TSC/SV brush. I usually soak my brush and shake out almost all moisture. This time around I shook the water out, but left it wetter than I usually do. About a 15 to 20 second load, and I probably could have cut off a little sooner. It seemed to have more than enough soap on the bristles. I face lather and this was no different. I wouldn't say this is a thirsty soap at all...but I did use more water than I usually do...mostly because I wanted a nice slick lather. And a nice slick lather I had. My second and third passes were slicker...but that is because I wet my face between passes. Three passes of the regular nature and I was really smooth. I noticed that I had some really good residual slickness so I went ahead and commenced some pretty aggressive cleanup. I did manage to draw a tiny bit of blood from the cleanup...but what do you expect when you go over an area a gazillion times. Cold water rinsed my face and I have a "for realz" BBS shave all over!

Once I witch hazeled the face and let the skin dry while I did some cleanup around the sink, I went ahead and grabbed the After Shave Tonic. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I was thinking. I guess I was expecting more of a splash, but when I poured the tonic into my was significantly thicker than I expected. No worries...onto the face it goes. A little sting from the alcohol to let you know you are still alive, but quickly afterward...the skin was soothed. This tonic feels REALLY good on the skin. I mean really good! It being thicker than a splash, I really thought it would leave the face tacky or sticky for a bit. That was not the case. The CBL After Shave Tonic absorbs in quicker than almost any other skin product I have tried. A nice cooling sensation leaves any irritation less burn-y. And afterward...Holy Cow does my face feel great. Yup...this After Shave Tonic is a keeper!

This is only my first shave with these products and I hate to sing praises after just one use. But so far...this is some good stuff. I can't wait to give it all a go again.

The Danger Zone

So...Last year I had some issues with the A/C-Heater handler. We went ahead and replaced it at a pretty hefty cost. But it was needed and we bit the bullet. Earlier this month the A/C-Heater went out, and on a weekend no less. Called our A/C people and had someone out the next morning. A short somewhere caused the unit to blow a fuse. Guy replaced the fuse and tried to figure out where the short came from. Couldn't figure all that out but went ahead and untangled some wires and reconnected them in hopes that was the issue. Christmas evening...the unit goes out again. Next morning guy comes out again (our normal guy...the person previously wasn't our normal guy because he was out of town). Anyway, A/C guy looks at things and determines that the same fuse blew again. He checks things out and can't find anything. So he adjusts the blower speed hoping that takes the stress off the unit. Last night, the unit went out again. Okay...this time the wife and I are PO'd. Our regular guy comes out checks everything out...again. Says that he hears some buzzing coming from the Thermostat and thinks that it could be blowing the low voltage fuse. He replaces the Thermostat. So now...things seem to be working again. Hopefully this fixes the issue.

Through all of this...we have had to pack Danger Baby up and the wife and kid stay at her parent's house for the evening because it get s a little too cold for the baby at night. I of course stay home with the Danger Hounds. If this was just me and the wouldn't be all that big of a deal. But the Baby adds a little wrinkle in the whole thing.

Anyway...I hope the Cadre is starting their week off in a spectacular fashion!
Hey its just a more fuses and shut up. Seriously though, electricity and buzzing is never a good sign (unless you are looking for the short...then the buzzing AND a smell are good signs). We keep/kept our house pretty cold because our heater never did keep up. a 60-62 degree bedroom is normal for us. I have a nice fire place insert but the fan thingy is noisy and I am cheap (But I really would like to buy a new one if I could find one...i'm tired of replacing the bearings with skateboard bearings) so it is possible to get part of the house hot enough to sweat. Turns out COLD kids sleep better, warm em up when we are ready to feed them and let em get cold again at nap time.

Happy to hear you liked the soap and splash. I worked hard on getting the splash to be everything I liked in an after shave and am happy it turned out the way it has. It has plenty of "the good stuff" in it so I am sure the more you use it the happier you will be. You got some pretty heavy scents that would be hard to enjoy in the heat and humidity, we'll have to work on a perfect "Don's HOT" tonic for when it gets hot again.
If the thermostat was the issue, then it sounds like maybe there is simply too much load on that circuit. Get the HVAC put into its own fuse in the fusebox .. or get one of those permenent fuses which simply trip and need to be reset.
Hey its just a more fuses and shut up.
I thought about it...really. But I want the issue fixed. The air handler was only a year old this past October.
If the thermostat was the issue, then it sounds like maybe there is simply too much load on that circuit. Get the HVAC put into its own fuse in the fusebox .. or get one of those permenent fuses which simply trip and need to be reset.
Yeah...electricity wasn't my strong suit in school. But it's a fuse that is in the air handler. I guess all that could have been done, but I am hoping the Thermostat fixes the issue. Honestly, I hated the one we had, and the only reason we bought it was because it literally was the only one we could find in the store in 2016 during our "remodel." I mean...during everyone's "remodel."

I guess we will se if it is still an issue or not.
the same fuse blew again
Just thought of this...We had a similar issue with our AC condenser blowing fuses over the summer. I replaced the fuses 3 times within a matter of hours. Finally called 2 of my friends that are tradesmen (electrician and HVAC repair) and they came out to look. Turned out the circuit breaker the unit was running off of was faulty. Once that was replaced the issue completely stopped.
Just thought of this...We had a similar issue with our AC condenser blowing fuses over the summer. I replaced the fuses 3 times within a matter of hours. Finally called 2 of my friends that are tradesmen (electrician and HVAC repair) and they came out to look. Turned out the circuit breaker the unit was running off of was faulty. Once that was replaced the issue completely stopped.
I'll definitely keep this in mind! Thanks!
Razor: Gillette Slim (Circa "I can't remember")
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Soap - Dragon's Pub in Bamboo Bowl
Brush: The Shaving Cadre/Saponificio Varesino Two Band High Mountain Manchurian White Badger Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: CBL Aftershave Tonic - Dragon's Pub


Same shave as the last. I think the blade needs to be pitched but I still ended up with a great care free shave. The Dragon's Pub soap can get super slick if you feed it enough water. Which mean that there is some serious residual slickness on it also. But I am still saying that the star of the show is the After Shave Tonic. When applied...there is no wet or tacky feeling at all. It almost immediately absorbs into the skin. It also immediately begins to give your skin some relief. I think Chris puts a little cooling agent in the Tonic...and while you can tell it is's not like it freezes your face off. It's more of a gentle coolness that adds to the pleasure of the experience more than anything. I have always been big on post shave feel in my soaps. And I always hated it when people would say that they don't care about post shave feel in a soap because that is what an aftershave is for. I hated this because for aftershave product just can't replicate that post shave feel of a really good and moisturizing soap. That is until now. The CBL Post Shave Tonic is that good. A little of it goes a long way too. Currently, I have the Dragon's Pub, Roasted Oatmeal Stout, and the Hombre. I most definitely need the Barba and the California Sunrise to add to the collection.

The Danger Zone

A/C-Heater is still working so I am hoping that the new Thermostat fixes the situation. But New Years is coming so I expect it to go out either on the holiday or over the weekend so that rates are doubled. But it's all good...because is coming to a close. I still have my doubts about 2021...but at least we can start afresh.

Hope the Cadre has a wonderous New Year!
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Nosefrida is a lifesaver! Put a shot of saline spray in the nostril before using to really loosen up the boogers! Also when the get older and SHOULD be blowing their own nose but haven't quite grasped it, you just threaten the nosefrida and KABOOM they all of sudden know how to blow their nose.