The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

SOOO since her will already be rolling. Do you think you could do a little promo for CBL Soaps? Something about Danger Baby Butt Smooth... Hurricane Delta bearing down on you? Sister-in-law flying in? Wife in Labor? Gators in the drains? Snake in your Boots? Dog farted in the car? ...don't worry, whip up a mess of CBL lather and shave off that man-stubble, that hurricane will SLIIIDE right on by, the Danger Baby will SLIP right on out, the Sis-in-Law will GLIDE right on home. The Gators, snakes and dog are ALL you man but you can handle it because you are DANGER BABY BUTT SMOOOOTH.
SOOO since her will already be rolling. Do you think you could do a little promo for CBL Soaps? Something about Danger Baby Butt Smooth... Hurricane Delta bearing down on you? Sister-in-law flying in? Wife in Labor? Gators in the drains? Snake in your Boots? Dog farted in the car? ...don't worry, whip up a mess of CBL lather and shave off that man-stubble, that hurricane will SLIIIDE right on by, the Danger Baby will SLIP right on out, the Sis-in-Law will GLIDE right on home. The Gators, snakes and dog are ALL you man but you can handle it because you are DANGER BABY BUTT SMOOOOTH.
Dang! You already have my script written! 🤪

I think I can do something! And maybe even get some Danger Baby Butt Balm in on the action!

So Don has 2 weeks to figure out how to get that scruffy mug of his BBS so he's doesn't have scratchy cheeks on the new one.
Good Point. Having a new baby in the house is no time to slack on shaving and, as you point out, there is an even greater need to keep your skin ultra soft. Don't want to be holding your little girl and scratch up her face with your sandpaper scruff. You want to keep your precious one far from harm, not put her in harm's way!

I'm 47 years old and Danger Baby will be my first.
Dang Don, you'll be retired when she's in college.... no scratch that, She'll be in college..... you won't be able to afford to retire! 😂
I have no doubt you’ll be fine Don. Even without your sister-in-law. I was 29 when I had my daughter Jennifer. My time in the Army over prepared me for the challenge.
The only thing that really tested my mettle was when they start eating regular food. Those diapers were quite pungent.
You already know how to deal with yelling, (Drill Sergeants). Lack of sleep. Taking care of people (FNG’s). Setting goals and objectives and accomplishing the mission.
Apply that intestinal fortitude to this. And lead the way. 👍 You got this.
I have no doubt you’ll be fine Don. Even without your sister-in-law. I was 29 when I had my daughter Jennifer. My time in the Army over prepared me for the challenge.
The only thing that really tested my mettle was when they start eating regular food. Those diapers were quite pungent.
You already know how to deal with yelling, (Drill Sergeants). Lack of sleep. Taking care of people (FNG’s). Setting goals and objectives and accomplishing the mission.
Apply that intestinal fortitude to this. And lead the way. 👍 You got this.
Thanks for the pep talk! 🤪
Razor: Gillette Psycho Tech (circa 1972)
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (Black) (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Southern Superior Shave - Rue Bourbon
Brush: The Shaving Cadre/Saponificio Varesino Two Band High Mountain Manchurian White Badger Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Cold River Soap Works - Sandalwood Aftershave Lotion


This was yesterday's shave but didn't get around to posting it. Just have a lot going on right now with the hurricane and the baby and all.

A second shave with a shave soap from a local company. I like this soap...a good bit. And if I hadn't already tried 100s of other soaps, this would likely be a favorite of mine. Like I said before...I appreciate the minimal ingredients in this soap. Okay...I'll say it...other than the scent...this soap performs pretty much exactly like WSP - Formula T. Yeah...that's how good it is. This soap is super slick and shaves really nice. Loading and lathering is pretty darn easy too. I used my TSC/SV Brush this time instead of the Tech Hive Synthetic and I am happy to report that the soft natural fibers of the badger work just fine with this soap as well.

I continued to use my Gillette Psycho Tech with the Gillette 7 O'clock Black blade. That is a great combination for a great shave! All in all...this was a really nice and comfortable shave. DFS for the win...and I smelled pretty damn good.

The Danger Zone

So I don't want to say that I dodged a bullet quite yet...but it is looking that in my area we are not going to get the full brunt of Hurricane Delta. We are likely to see sustained winds tonight of 30 - 40 mph with gusts up around 60 mph or so. It doesn't sound like much...but that can still cause trees to topple, power lines to fall, and damage to roofs. I think we will be okay...but I am still very cautious. The wife is in her final days of pregnancy and I really don't need to be driving to the hospital during a hurricane. So...I love you Danger Baby...but you need to bake in the oven a little longer.

My heart is breaking for all those in the Lake Charles Louisiana area. So much destruction a month ago from Hurricane Laura...and now they are going to deal with another really bad hurricane. If you are a praying man or woman...please offer up one for those in the path of this bad storm.

Like I said...the wife is in her final days and in one week...and about this Friday...Danger Baby will reign her terror on this truly is 2020! 🤪

I hope the Cadre is having a great day!
Don, you need to invest in one of our special Doomday prepared for any end times disaster. Keep you and yours safe and mobile. Today’s ultra low introductory price of $399999.95 is a steal!
You need Ben on speed dial so he can walk you through how to properly panic if she comes early.
Geeze, next week is already kind of busy with so many companies reporting earnings and economic reports ...any chance we can push the Danger baby to Saturday?
Danger Baby is a-coming!

Yes she is! Danger Baby had her final Ultra Sound measurements yesterday and she is estimated at 7 lbs 11 oz currently. I know it's an estimate...but in one week...Danger Baby is going to be a big'n!

Don, you need to invest in one of our special Doomday prepared for any end times disaster. Keep you and yours safe and mobile. Today’s ultra low introductory price of $399999.95 is a steal!
View attachment 37462

Gear...I have had my eye on that vehicle for a while now! 🤪

You need Ben on speed dial so he can walk you through how to properly panic if she comes early.

Oh...I think she has the panic part down okay. But yeah...I need Mr. The Duck's (@bentheduck ) phone number so I can give him the play by play!

Geeze, next week is already kind of busy with so many companies reporting earnings and economic reports ...any chance we can push the Danger baby to Saturday?

I checked with the wife and she gave me this look...

Angry Woman.gif
Razor: Gillette Psycho Tech (circa 1972)
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (Black) (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Reuzel Aftershave Lotion


This morning was a quick shave. It's really amazing how smooth a two passer shave can get you. And I thought today was going to be all botched. I forgot to soak the brush before I got in the shower. So after the washing of the Danger Skin (not a euphemism) I noticed my mistake and set forth to correct it. So I stuck the brush in my Old Spice mug filled with water while I attend to some coffee. It probably wasn't a long enough soak...but no biggie. Began to load and was getting a good bit of air filled fluff. This isn't good at all. Wet my face and began to build my lather. More air filled light and fluffy lather. I really should have just started over...but like a dumb Jar Head...I decided to push through with maximum effort. The lather did not get better. But I still went for the shave. Two passes in the vertical directions...and somehow...though this comedy of errors...I ended up with a really good shave. It's not a BBS shave...I would have needed another pass for that. But I did get a DFS! Splashed on a little Reuzel Aftershave and all is well in the world.

The Danger Zone

We are definitely in the home stretch with Danger Baby. The wife and I discussed about this being the last week that it will just be us. Don't get me wrong...I am not sad that the baby is coming...but it does make me pause a little and reflect on all the wonderful times that Richelle and I had together...with just us. I know a lot of people may or may not ever experience these they build their families at younger ages. Being a bit older and being a first time Dad...while maybe not altogether unique...certainly isn't all that common either.

Richelle and I met after I came back from Afghanistan. It's been a challenging and fun relationship all the way. When we got married...we had a very private civil marriage. Months later, we had a larger more public wedding. We have our reasons for doing such. Anyway...yesterday marked our 10 year anniversary of our civil marriage. It went by with barely a notice. With everything that has been upon us in 2020...we pretty much forgot. We said our Happy Anniversaries and gave each other a kiss and a hug.

In just a few days (three days and a wake up as we used to say in the Marine Corps), our lives will be forever different.

Yeah...this is what you should expect of me all week Cadre...some really sappy stuff! 🤪

Anyway...I hope the Cadre starts their week off just fantastic! I know mine is going to be. Have a great Monday!
Happy anniversary, Don!
We had our 21st a few days ago as well. Like yours, it was a quiet affair.

Have you started breaking in sweats about being a daddy (i.e. is it real yet?) or have you passed that phase already?
Have you started breaking in sweats about being a daddy (i.e. is it real yet?) or have you passed that phase already?
To be honest...I never really got them. I think if I was younger...I definitely would have had them. But to be honest...I am ready to be a Dad. Got to leave my legacy and imprint on this world. Be very afraid! 🤪