The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

That's one hell of a time crunch, but you're fully capable of getting the job done. The pressure is on, your boss is an ass, but you're dangerous!

That's one way to put it. turns out that the workload I have at work just got WAY worse. Same cases still...but the boss has made everything more complicated. They were things that needed to be done. But he should have let know about them a long time ago. This is something that I would not have known. The good side of things is that the boss assigned another co-worker to the cases to help me out and to take over while I am gone. She is a good person and a good worker and someone I get along with. She has been in this situation before she know how I am feeling. So hopefully together we can get the stuff done.
That's one way to put it. turns out that the workload I have at work just got WAY worse. Same cases still...but the boss has made everything more complicated. They were things that needed to be done. But he should have let know about them a long time ago. This is something that I would not have known. The good side of things is that the boss assigned another co-worker to the cases to help me out and to take over while I am gone. She is a good person and a good worker and someone I get along with. She has been in this situation before she know how I am feeling. So hopefully together we can get the stuff done.
Your boss is pissing me off. But I'm glad you have a good hand to help you out. Keep up the good work, Don!
Bummer about the last minute work load dump on ya. Its great that they have that confidence in you (or maybe they’re just doing it out of desperation) but I hope your working relationship is good enough with your boss that they would understand that if something were to go wrong at that point, it wouldn’t be your fault or for lack of your trying.
The wife is more and more uncomfortable. I keep telling her, "Two more weeks baby!" And she keeps telling something along the lines of...shove it in your pie hole! I then tell her she is the most beautiful woman in the world. To which her reply is something like Linda Blair's character Regan from The Exorcist with the rotating of the head and the spewing of Satanic fluids. it fellas...she is all mine!

Ah.... this stage. You are close now!
Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Vidyut Supermax Stainless (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Ariana & Evans - A Cold Day in Hell 2
Brush: @Techichi - The Tech Hive Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Ariana & Evans - A Cold Day in Hell 2

With temps now in the 50s at night (I am so glad and I hope that it stays that way...but this is nit likely) I find it absolutely appropriate to pull out a more autumn/fall themed soap and aftershave. I pondered the list of soaps I have in my mind and and decided to got with A&E's A Cold Day in Hell 2. This is a nice scent for this time of the year because it just makes me feel like the seasons are changing. It feels like a cool morning with a hot coffee or tea. It feels like a brisk walk in the autumn woods. It's just nice. For those curious, the scent notes are: Anise, Black Pepper, Lavender, Jasmine, Midnight Lotus, Coffee, Cannabis, Juniper, Vanilla, Oakmoss and Sandalwood.

I am using the Tech Hive Brush that was graciously given to me by Don @Techichi. It's a beehive style handle with a 26 mm Tuxedo Synthetic knot. This brush feels great! This brush performs awesome. I really like this brush in my hands. Nice heft. It has great grip. And as a really is no muss! I'll get pics of it soon.

Three passes and all is well. Rinsed off and used the witch hazel while I was cleaning up and then applied the aftershave with the same name. The aftershave is a bit thinner than a lotion, but more substantive than a splash. It's good stuff either way.

The Danger Zone

The week is almost over and with final approval from my agency head...I should start working from home on Monday. A little less than that....and the gift that keeps on giving (not the jelly of the month club) will be in the world. Yup...Danger baby will arrive.

Bonus happiness today! The Boss won't be in the office! So either this is a good day already or he is setting us all up to catch in us in the middle of...working. Either spirits a good.

I hope the Cadre has a wonderful Friday!
Sounds like a great choice for software. I can definitely feel the seasons changing here, and I'm enjoying the cooler weather. Have a good one, Don.
I googled "Danger baby",... holy ****!



