The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Nacet (5th Shave Shave)
Soap/Cream: Grooming Department - Mallard
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Lavender Pour Homme

The Nacet blade is still going strong. Normally by this time my blades all seem to lose their luster. I will admit that the first couple shaves of this blade I didn't care for that much because it just seemed a little too...unrefined. But by shave three, the blade seemed to smooth out and while it is still is also smooth.

Okay...the Graydog brush and the TSC/SV brush are my two newest brushes. And I love them both. But if I had to pick a be honest...I think it would be the Graydog brush. I like moth knots just fine. The SV brush has a more dense knot and was softer from the word "go." The Graydog knot is a badger/boar mixed (though during the shedding process most of the fibers lost were bore bristles the best I could tell, so I wonder how much in the way of bore is still in there) and while not as soft as the SV brush from the beginning, after many uses it has soften up so that it is nearly as soft as the SV brush. The characteristics of the knots are slightly different. The SV brush holds onto a little more lather and builds a ton of it at the same time. Whereas the Graydog brush builds a ton of lather also but holds on to less of it. I find that I get great lather from either brush in similar quantities. So it is all about the handle. The Graydog handle wins hands down in this department. It just fits perfectly in my hand and gives me a good grip. The SV brush...well I had to kind f figure the grip out a little. It is heavier than the Graydog handle, which I like...but it just didn't feel right. After experimentation of a few shaves...I finally figured it out and all is well.


So...if I am picking a winner with these's going to be the Graydog brush! But let me be clear...we are kind of splitting hairs her. Really fine hairs. I see myself alternating between these two brushes most of the time!

Shave was great as usual. Three passes and a splash or two of aftershave. Don't worry...I'll go back for more before I head off to work. Oh and did I mention the Mammoth Painting? Mike @Blade-meister will be ever proud!

The Danger Zone

This being at work everyday thing is getting old. Not because of the work...but mostly because of the boss. I'll just leave it at that.

The wife gets bigger everyday and the baby seems to be more and more active. It seems that the hospital has loosened their restrictions a little. In the delivery room, the hospital is allowing and additional support person. So now, the wife can have her mom there in addition to me. They are still only allowing one person in the room after delivery though. But hey...progress I guess.

Hope the middle of the week brings a smile to the Cadre's collective faces! Have a great one.
Moth knots are the bee's knees!

Sorry, I make so many typos myself that it's scary, but this was just a funny one.
PS. I have not had a coffee yet 🤪
I kind of type these journal entries fast and furiously. I really need to read over them before I hit post. That one is funny. And to tell you the truth...I have no idea what I was trying to say. Oh, well...I'll leave it in for the sake of posterity. 🤪

P.S. - I am on my second cup of coffee...second 20 ounce cup that is.
I would've never thought to compare those two knots. I have the same mixed knot, and I agree, it's awesome. I have smaller hands, so the SV brush really works for me. Splitting the finest of hairs is my type of science!
I kind of type these journal entries fast and furiously. I really need to read over them before I hit post. That one is funny. And to tell you the truth...I have no idea what I was trying to say. Oh, well...I'll leave it in for the sake of posterity. 🤪

P.S. - I am on my second cup of coffee...second 20 ounce cup that is.
I think you intended : “I like both knots just fine.”
Hey Don, I think you need to drink MORE coffee for your knees!

As a stimulant, caffeine digests quickly and a person can feel the effects within minutes of consuming it. Caffeine blocks receptors in the brain called, 'adenosines,' which in turn induce relaxation and activate dopamine chemicals associated with both pain relief and energy. A study from the year 2009, summarized in Science Daily and conducted by the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign indicates that small doses of caffeine prior to working out may prolong the duration of a person's exercise. It may also prohibit the pain a person might experience in their joints due to strenuous activity.
Oh wait...LESS coffee!

The caffeine found in coffee increases the production of stress hormones. As a result of this added stress, insulin levels increase, which can also increase inflammation and aggravate joint pain.
I think you and are of the same mind here.

Roger that! One thing I always tried to do when I was in charge of several different areas was to never ask my guys to do something I hadn't already done. I can't stand having a supervisor that believes certain work is beneath them. I think if your guys see you doing it they'll think "Man, if BossMIke (radio call because we at one time had Bald Mike & Bearded Mike on the same team) is doing it then I should be too. Example is contagious and I find people catch it.

One of my favorite quotes is by Stew Leonard. He used to send his managers out to find employees doing things right instead of catching them doing things wrong. Employees would start doing things right hoping to be caught!
Oh wait...LESS coffee!

The caffeine found in coffee increases the production of stress hormones. As a result of this added stress, insulin levels increase, which can also increase inflammation and aggravate joint pain.

I have the CYP1A2 with the rs762551 (A:A) SNP. I am a HYPER-Metabolizer of Caffeine! Don't you tell me that I need less coffee! 🤪
One of my favorite quotes is by Stew Leonard. He used to send his managers out to find employees doing things right instead of catching them doing things wrong. Employees would start doing things right hoping to be caught!
This is a great philosophy!

I am also a big fan pf extreme ownership. If you are the boss and your employee doesn't do the right things. Present it to that person that the boss didn't communicate it well enough or train them well enough and use it as an opportunity for positive change in the employee.

I would love to take credit for it...but it's a philosophy in leadership presented by Jocko Willink.
Hey Don,

we don't know each other. However, praying for you and your family! I have a wife and a few small ones here on the home front and can kind of recall the impending first one... you both got this! Just remember... the wife is always right AND pregnancy brain is a chronic condition after baby #1 (my wife will proudly confirm!). Take care buddy 👍
Hey Don,

we don't know each other. However, praying for you and your family! I have a wife and a few small ones here on the home front and can kind of recall the impending first one... you both got this! Just remember... the wife is always right AND pregnancy brain is a chronic condition after baby #1 (my wife will proudly confirm!). Take care buddy 👍
Thanks for the kind words and the great advice! Kind words are rare these days and I will take all of them and the prayers I can get!
Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Vidyut Supermax Stainless (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming - Darkfall
Brush: The Shaving Cadre/Saponificio Varesino Two Band High Mountain Manchurian White Badger Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - L'Orange Noir

I haven't shaved in several days and this morning I changed that. I love the way my face feels after shaving several days of growth and you use a really good soap with a sharp blade. Man does it feel great! Thought I would try out the Vidyut blades since they have been in my den forever. I have to say...these are a nice sharp and smooth blade.

I keep coming back to Darkfall. The scent right out of the tub is okay. But something in that scent transforms in the middle of that shave and I really enjoy it! Performance on this soap is out of this world also! I tend to prize soaps that have leave a really good post shave feel...and this one is no exception.

Three passes and I pretty darn smooth. I splashed on a light dose of the L'Orange Noir. A light splash only because it is a permeating scent and the wife's super-snooter right now might not welcome it. I'll reapply before I head off to work.

The Danger Zone

Oh Man! Danger Baby is getting close! In fact...on Friday we finally have a date! Looks like baby Amelie will be born on October 16th! That is unless she decides she want to come sooner. Not sure I have actually given the baby's name on the forum yet. her name will be Amelie Antionette. But okay...things are getting very REAL!

A lot going on in my life and really wish I was still working from home right now...but I'll get it all done when I need to.

We have an actual cold front coming through tonight and for the next several days our Lows will be in the 50s! I am super excited...because of two reasons. we can finally get rid of this damn summer heat. And two...Fall and Winter signal the end of 2020. And I think we all want 2020 to die!

I hope the Cadre starts their week of great! Have a good one Cadre!