The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone! Cardiologist asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea after she looked at my ECG reading. If I had to guess...The high rate of people are diagnosed with Sleep Apnea after a sleep study is likely because most people that are referred to a sleep study have a high likelihood of having it based on other tests and screenings.
Very good point, I think you are probably correct.
Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Nacet (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming Darkfall
Brush: The Shaving Cadre/Saponificio Varesino Two Band High Mountain Manchurian White Badger Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Saponificio Varesino - Desert Vetiver

Yesterday's shave was a nice one. And my nice one I mean that it just felt good on the face. It wasn't the smoothest of shaves I have ever was just a DFS. But my face felt really good. This Milk Steak base that Declaration Grooming has put out is definitely top notch in the face feel department. Their soap isn't the cheapest...but once I get rid of a couple more soaps...I would be willing to buy again.

First shave with the TSC/SV brush. I am definitely impressed with how soft this knot is with just a cleaning and that is all. It feels like it is almost broken in. This might be one of the densest knots I have used also. It really holds that lather. All in all I am pretty impressed with it. The one thing that I need to get used to is the shape of the handle. Holding it from the end of the brush handle I don't feel like I have control over it. I feel like it is going to slip right out of my hands. I am trying out a new grip where I place the bottom of the brush in the palm of my hand and my fingers hold it by the crown of the brush. It's not the most comfortable...but I have more control over it. I'll try some other grips. But still...I am really impressed with the brush. Well constructed and heavy.

I tried the Desert Vetiver SV sample that came with the brush. I LOVE how that aftershave feels on my face. Wasn't sure about the scent at first, but once it was on...I liked it well enough. But man...I really do like the way it feels on my face. Just wish the scent lasted longer.

The Danger Zone

Well...we dodged another bullet with that hurricane. Put I really feel for the people to the east of me. It looks like that storm has come to an almost complete stall. Not good for flooding situations. Those people are in my thoughts and prayers.

The wife is REALLY pregnant at this point. And she is not a happy camper. We don't have an actual date yet for when the doc wants to do her thing. But it looks like we have right at a month left. I am picking up the projects around the house. It's just a bunch of small little things that I have been meaning to do for a very long time. But I am starting to realize how little time I have before the young one comes into our life.

I hope Tuesday brings happiness to the Cadre!
Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Nacet (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Saponificio Varesino - Opunta
Brush: The Shaving Cadre/Saponificio Varesino Two Band High Mountain Manchurian White Badger Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Saponificio Varesino - Opunta


Today's shave was my first shave with both the TSC/SV Brush and an SV soap and aftershave. With the exception of a small sample, I have never used an SV soap, and yesterday was the first time I used an SV aftershave. I will have to first shave with that sample long ago wasn't a great experience. I also think it wasn't one of the best SV versions...whatever the soap was. Also, as a general rule I believe that most veggie or non-tallow soaps do not perform as well as their tallow or animal fat brothers and sisters. So I went into this shave not really expecting the best shave ever. wasn't the best shave ever, but it was pretty darn good. Lets just say that this soap far exceeded my expectations. It was SUPER slick and performed solidly in all aspects. It might lack a little in the Post Shave Feel category, but I will reserve judgement until after a few shaves. All in all this shave was really good.

I am definitely on board with the scent of this collection also. It's a really nice scent. A little citrusy and a little peppery. A little sweet and a little spice. I think I smell some light sandalwood in there to give it a fresh scent. But it's really nice and I think it's a scent that could be worn year round.

A quick note on lathering. I went ahead and tried the method that @BarberDave recommends. You know, soak the top of the puck with a tablespoon of water then when ready to lather poor that water into the brush? You know...that sort of stuff? Well, I forgot to soak the brush before the shave. So I went ahead and ran it under water to get the bristles wet. Then I shook out the excess. Poured what liquid was left on the puck and lathered. Actually...this method worked out very well...even without soaking the brush!

Used the aftershave with the same name and man that stuff is good. Won't be glugging this stuff's just not designed for that. I noticed that SV makes the EdP in maybe I can convince the wife to let me pick some up. Not likely since we are really close to the Danger Baby wrecking Havoc! 🤪

The Danger Zone

Back into work this morning. I had a phone call from the boss yesterday and once again he has some unrealistic expectations of when I can finish my work load. It's all good though...I have learned to manage him.

Wife is still going strong...though I will say that every passing day she reiterates to me that she ready to be done with pregnancy. We have everything set up in the baby's room and all her clothes washed and pretty much all the items we will need once she is born. The only thing left for us to do is get the car seat installed in the wife's vehicle and then run it by State Police to get it inspected to make sure I didn't flub it up.

I hope this Wednesday is a great one for the Cadre!
Great shave Don! Hopefully the SV experience improves for ya as you get more uses of it. I love my 70th!

Managing the manager...I like that! 😂
Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Nacet (3rd Shave Shave)
Soap/Cream: Saponificio Varesino - Opunta
Brush: The Shaving Cadre/Saponificio Varesino Two Band High Mountain Manchurian White Badger Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Saponificio Varesino - Opunta

Pretty much same shave as yesterday. is the same shave as yesterday. I have to admit that I am really digging this scent more and more. It's a power scent, and everyday scent, and evening scent even if you want. It's a good all purpose scent...but sophisticated and not general at all. Guess what...I like it.

I actually soaked my brush this morning and used @BarberDave 's SV method. To be honest? This way was really messy. But the lather results were superb! Still, I my play around with different ways to lather.

I am getting a hang of the brush. My grip previously just felt awkward. Not sure what I did this morning that was different, but the grip felt a lot better. So...yeah...I would say that this brush is sufficiently broken in. These bristles are super soft! The brush itself holds a lot of lather, but doesn't hog it. This brush is definitely luxury.

Only did a two passer today. And to be honest...I think it has been March since I have had two days of consecutive shaves. WOW! Anyway...just a two passer...North to South and then South to North. This shave won't win any closeness awards...but it was comfortable and it will suffice for the day.

Finished off my shave and I had SOOO much lather left over. Seemed a shame to let it go to waste. I think Mike @Blade-meister will be really proud of me this morning as I took the left over lather and did some Mammoth Painting. 🤪 Can't waste that good scent!

Finished the shave with some Opunta aftershave. I may have mentioned that I wish the scent was a tad stronger. Scratch that. This might be the perfect combination of strength and longevity in an aftershave! It's a little deceiving, because it goes on what I thought was subtle. But one of the ladies at work (actually two of always hugs me...well prior to Rona she always hugged me that may have bordered on sexual harassment...but I let he slide because she is good people) told me that she can catch a whiff of the aftershave when I move. And mind you...this is with a mask on. No I just wish there were people in the elevator for me to share this goodness with!🤪

The Danger Zone

Well, knew development at work. I was told that "I can come into the office everyday for the next two weeks if I want." Okay, seriously? What is the passive aggressive BS! If you are telling me I need to be in the office for the next two weeks...then just tell me that. No, I don't want to come in the office for the next two weeks. Does that change anything? Not likely. I really hate that kind of office behavior. If you want me to do something...just tell me...I might complain a little...but in reality I respect the fact that you are my supervisor and I need to do what you instruct me to do. Don't word it like I can do it if I want to but in reality I really need to do it. You lose credibility and respect in my eyes.

Okay...all that being said...I don't mind going into work everyday for a while. I have a number of cases that need to be done before December. And I am losing a lot of time. Plus I have the baby coming and I will be out of the office for at least a couple of weeks. So this is a good opportunity to make my phone calls get my files in order, and see what I can get done. So back to full time for me for a while!

I hoe the Cadre has a wonderful day today!
"I can come into the office everyday for the next two weeks if I want."

I would simple say "I'll work from home then, especially since my wife is pregnant. Thanks for understanding my situation."

I'm back in the office this week and next; I much prefer the WFH environment, as I've only been budging from my desk to go to the washroom over the 8.5hr span
"I can come into the office everyday for the next two weeks if I want."

I would simple say "I'll work from home then, especially since my wife is pregnant. Thanks for understanding my situation."

I'm back in the office this week and next; I much prefer the WFH environment, as I've only been budging from my desk to go to the washroom over the 8.5hr span
So I do like to WFH...especially right now with the wife's situation. But we have certain restrictions as a matter of confidentiality, such as not being able to bring documents home, that makes my job a bit more difficult. Since I would say that at least 50% of each of my cases is document review, it's just so much easier to do it in the office.