The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming - Darkfall
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - L'Orange Noir

Another shave with Darkfall and this soap base is quickly becoming a favorite. Really easy to lather and performance is out of this world. The shave is just a degree away from being a complete BBS shave. So all is well in that department. Splashed on some L'Orange Noir and I am smelling pretty darn good today.

The Danger Zone

The storms have come and gone and while my family is safe and sound, I really feel for those on the eastern side of the state of me. I know what it's like to lose your home to a natural disaster, and really there isn't any amount of consoling that will make it better. Just time.

I get in my own head sometimes and it is really hard to get out of it. I am feeling a little down in the dumps and it's mostly because of all the goings on in the world today. I am very disillusioned for a variety of reasons...and I am having a very hard time getting out of my head. There is no need for concern...I just get in these funks sometimes. I find that it helps just to let it out to the Cadre...because I know you all are good people and you listen. I'll snap out of it today...a healthy dose of work will get me going.

I hope the Cadre kicks off their week right! Have a wonderful Monday Cadre!
@beginish / Bob's sig always helps me realize that, as messed up as the world is today, there is still goodness which means there is still hope.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'" -Fred Rogers
When I get in my head. The voices tell me to sit in the corner and put a pointy hat on. Eventually I get bored and head back out and look for someone to piss off.
Hang in there Don. One day at a time. Always another soap, razor, blade, AS to try/use.
I find it so easy right now to get lost in my own head. I’ll be in the middle of a conversation with someone and I’ll just drift off someplace else and come back to find that I have no idea what was said for like 30 seconds. It’s worse now.

I keep that quote in my sig to remind myself that no matter what’s happening, there are always good people somewhere. It helps restore my faith in humanity.
I find it so easy right now to get lost in my own head. I’ll be in the middle of a conversation with someone and I’ll just drift off someplace else and come back to find that I have no idea what was said for like 30 seconds. It’s worse now.

I keep that quote in my sig to remind myself that no matter what’s happening, there are always good people somewhere. It helps restore my faith in humanity.
The movie that I last saw in the theater was the one starring Tom Hanks as Mr Rogers.

I was in the library at college studying for a nursing exam when I found out that he had died. I actually cried.

One of my favorite heroes.

If any of you haven't seen that movie, do so. It REALLY hit me hard. The world lost an angel when he died.
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We're all fortunate there was ever a Mr. Rogers. He taught me the most important things I ever learned.

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You are not alone.

I remember YEARS ago, probably 25.
There was a "Candid Camera" summer time reboot on TV where the folks new he was going to be checking into a hotel. Just a regular hotel, no 5 star place. The desk clerk had an ear piece in, and they tried their best to get Mr Rogers upset. They told him he never made a reservation, etc. He never once said or did anything less than be like the man who we all saw on television. It was probably the greatest example of living out your faith and your reputation that I have ever witnessed. Truly unbelievable.
I am having a very hard time getting out of my head. There is no need for concern...I just get in these funks sometimes. I find that it helps just to let it out to the Cadre...because I know you all are good people and you listen.
I heard someone say the other day, that getting into your body helps get you out of your head. So connecting to your body through exercise is one of the best ways to get out of your own head. Despite knowing that, I don't always do it. The world is indeed troubling right now. Glad you faired well through the storm. I love Darkfall. It was #1 on my Fall/Winter soap list last year.

We're all fortunate there was ever a Mr. Rogers. He taught me the most important things I ever learned.
I watched every day as a kid. Taught me some valuable lessons, and legit helped me get through my parents divorce at 8. He was only person in my life that validated my anger.

The movie that I last saw in the theater was the one starring Tom Hanks as Mr Rogers.
Such a great movie.

Ok, despite my love for Mr. Rogers and my desire to live like that man, occasionally I have to channel some Todd Snider.
FAMILY FRIENDLY WARNING - Word that rhymes with "pitch" at the 1:59 mark.

Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Stirling Soap Company - Boat Drinks
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling Soap Company - Boat Drinks

Pulled out a New to me soap and aftershave this morning...Stirling Boat Drinks. The scent on this soap is as advertised. If you want to transform your morning shave to the smells of sitting on a beach and drinking your favorite umbrella drink...then this is the soap aftershave set for you. Maybe it doesn't smell like any one particular beach drink...but it smells like a lot of them. It's definitely a summertime scent and a relaxing one at that.

Three passes with the trusty old Progress and man did I feel smooth. It wasn't until a healthy "glug" of aftershave that I realized it might have been too smooth. No worries...I still smell great!

The Danger Zone

Slightly more pep in the step this morning...but I am still kind of dreading going into work. Life sort of crashed down on me when the wife said to yesterday that there is about six weeks before the baby comes! Don't take me wrong...I am welcoming with outstretched arms the birth of our baby girl. But this was a reminder of all the things I need to accomplish before she comes and that my life will never be the same. The latter is not that big of a deal...I need new beginnings...but life will be different.

I went and got a Coronary CT scan yesterday to get a Coronary Artery Calcium Score yesterday. If you don't know what that a nut shell it's a score that suggests a level of risk of heart disease. I honestly have no idea how it is going to come back. I know I had some health issues in the past (nothing heart related specifically) and the body is all interconnected. I have corrected some of those...but I don't know if there is anything that would affect heart disease. I guess we will find out soon.

One of my concerns with the scan itself is DNA damage. The scan does give you a does of radiation. I know it is a minimum amount and from what I read it's about the same radiation you would receive from an X-Ray or flying in a plane for about three hours. But none-the-less, I have been X-Rayed and scanned plenty in my life and would like to mitigate any kind of possible DNA damage that I can. So for the past two weeks I have been upping my antioxidants and helpful polyphenols. I have been taking curcumin, resveratrol, berberine, vitamin c, as well as my regular daily dosages and drinking lots of green tea and eating blueberries. I know it's probably overkill...but it's something I am doing anyway.

I hope the Cadre has a wonderful Wedsenday!
Just curious Don. Is that curcumin in pill form?
Yes. I tried taking it a turmeric in foods. But I was adding tumeric to like everything and it just wasn't feasible because it's hard to get enough. So I opted for the pill. If you take curcumin or turmeric in a pill though, make sure it has peperine or black pepper in it and take it with a little fat if you can. Both fat and black pepper enhance the absorption rate. If you don't then turmeric or curcumin is pretty much worthless.