The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Uhhhhh. That wasn't mentioned in the study. Also, that's about 66 cups of coffee at 150mg in I'm assuming 8 fluid ounces.
Does anyone drink eight ounce cups of coffee...ever? a side note...the cup markings on a pot of coffee do not measure eight ounce cups of coffee, but measure "cups of coffee." Which have traditionally only been 5.5 to six ounces.
Well Don measures his coffee in pots. So....he might be close.
^^^^^This guy knows me!
The Danger Zone

It came! It came! It finally came! I wasn't making a big issue out of it, but I hadn't really said anything about my TSC SV Brush. Well that is because I had some mail issues. But alas! My brush finally came to me yesterday! And I couldn't be happier!


Just want to say thanks to everyone involved and Thanks to @BarberDave @CBLindsay @CVargo for going way above and beyond!
Glad the delivery issues where figured out, and the brush finally arrived! What a beaut!

In the delivery room , I'm sure that your wife will appreciate you exclaiming "Wowsa! This is almost as good as the TSC SV brush!!" 🤪

My advise... don't do that LOL! Megan went into labor at Midnight with our son after I had worked a 12 hour day, and we where preparing the house for a Super Bowl Party. Still to this day, she will never let me forget that while she is going through labor pains I fell asleep on the couch in the delivery room. Words of advise Don. That couch is a TRAP! don't sit on it, and whatever you do DO NOT lay on it!
In the delivery room , I'm sure that your wife will appreciate you exclaiming "Wowsa! This is almost as good as the TSC SV brush!!" 🤪
Glad the delivery issues where figured out, and the brush finally arrived! What a beaut!

My advise... don't do that LOL! Megan went into labor at Midnight with our son after I had worked a 12 hour day, and we where preparing the house for a Super Bowl Party. Still to this day, she will never let me forget that while she is going through labor pains I fell asleep on the couch in the delivery room. Words of advise Don. That couch is a TRAP! don't sit on it, and whatever you do DO NOT lay on it!
So the wife has already advised me that I will be bringing her coffee and champagne after the delivery!

Thanks Chad for the warning. So it looks like the delivery will be a scheduled C-Section. AND the doctor wants us to limit contact (think quarantine light) for ten days prior. So hopefully that means that both of us will get as much sleep as we can before the big day. But who knows...anything can happen...right?
Thanks Chad for the warning. So it looks like the delivery will be a scheduled C-Section. AND the doctor wants us to limit contact (think quarantine light) for ten days prior. So hopefully that means that both of us will get as much sleep as we can before the big day. But who knows...anything can happen...right?

Ours ended up in an emergency c-section... That was scary. I hope they let you in the operating room with all this pandemic stuff going on. Probably a conversation for privately but all I'll say is for c-section post partum is more common. If you have questions give me a call. You have my number.
The brush looks great Don. I’m thinking the “delivery issues” that Gypsy down town warned about were about the brush, took a different turn but showed up beautiful in the end.

Exciting news about the little Don’s pending arrival, having a plan with dates and times sure helps add a feeling of more control at a time when so much control has been taken away. Still, I’m sure your wife is a crazy mix terrified and excited.
Oh, and Don...fresh roasted coffee BEANS. Or if you are in the mood, chocolate covered espresso beans. Why add scalding hot water when you can extract the caffeinated goodness in bulk (with all the added fiber I might add...there’s fiber in the beans right?). Fill your pockets and tuck a few between you cheek and gums to keep you going, crunch for a bigger boost. I’m assuming a coffee bean suppository would proof as efficient at delivering the needed caffeine as they are in delivering other meds...But then you wouldn’t know if your eyes are buggy because you’ve have too many beans or because of where you put them.

The Danger-Press, keeping new dads awake for delivery since the fall of 2020.
Oh, and Don...fresh roasted coffee BEANS. Or if you are in the mood, chocolate covered espresso beans. Why add scalding hot water when you can extract the caffeinated goodness in bulk (with all the added fiber I might add...there’s fiber in the beans right?). Fill your pockets and tuck a few between you cheek and gums to keep you going, crunch for a bigger boost. I’m assuming a coffee bean suppository would proof as efficient at delivering the needed caffeine as they are in delivering other meds...But then you wouldn’t know if your eyes are buggy because you’ve have too many beans or because of where you put them.

The Danger-Press, keeping new dads awake for delivery since the fall of 2020.
Spit Coffee.gif
Just for full clarification to everyone the mail issues Don was speaking was about was the brush was stolen from the package arrived in we were able to replace it and everything worked out OK however I would ask all members to keep an eye on any and all sale sites such as eBay or any other type of sites if you see that brush for sale please let us know
The Danger Zone

Last night was night two of my in home sleep study. I had to wear one of these things on my head and around my nose...


Yeah...I didn't sleep that well. Well I am done with it...thank goodness!

Cardiologist says that I likely have Sleep Apnea. This does not come as a shock to me. I have had people tell me that I stop breathing at night for a VERY long time. What I didn't know (either because no one ever told me and I just didn't care to find out more about it) is that it affects your blood pressure. that I am older I am seriously interested in getting myself in tip top shape.

So...I am certain the results will come back and the doc will tell me I have sleep apnea. I think CPAPs and Bilevels are wonderous for those who need that kind of treatment. But for reasons I won't go into here...I would rather not have use one. I will go on a starvation diet to drop another 30 pounds if I have to. Although...I am not sure that the weight is the issue (though I know it doesn't help). I have even found myself when sitting still or relaxed stop breathing for a few moments and then have to take in a big breath. I actually wonder if this is psychological to an extent. I wonder if I have tonsils or something else obstructing my airway.

I looked at other options for sleep apnea and I am not impressed, nor do I desire to have implants or other types of surgery.

Anyway...I know there are some here who have sleep apnea and wonder if you all are willing to share your experiences. Thanks guys!