The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Voskhod (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming in collaboration with Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphreys Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche

First off...this was the first time that I had to look for my journal thread and found it on page two of the journals! Exciting times because this must mean that TSC is growing!

There was a second of all...but I can't remember what it was. BRB...getting more coffee to help me remember.

Okay, I'm back...still can't remember. So on with the show!

Sunday was the wife's virtual baby shower (and some showed up in person also...but small gathering nonetheless) and wanting to look and feel my best...I donned one of my best Hawaiian shirts and had a great shave with this setup.

This morning's shave was excellent. I just love this scent. @Dave in KY gave me a full tub of the stuff and @bobmsp gave me a full tub and bottle of aftershave of the stuff as well. So I am fully outfitted with Vide Poche for a while. That's good, because I doubt that it will ever be made again.

Either way...After three passes I was still feeling a little prickly. So I went for another pass. Ahh...just right! Splashed on some aftershave and man do I feel like a blooming onion! Okay...maybe not an onion...but I smell like a vine of jasmine on a hat summer night!

The Danger Zone

It took me longer to get the laptop up and running this morning. It appears that Bill Gates stepped away from creating a coronavirus vaccine and performed a windows update. I'll follow @bentheduck 's lead and say that the Danger Hounds ate my internet! 🤪

I realized that I had not done a picture or a video in a while. Maybe I will rectify that this weekend. Maybe I won't. Who knows. I have A LOT of work to get done I will be super busy. SUPER BUSY!

The baby is getting bigger evidently, because at Richelle's last ultrasound there is evidence of a lot of hair and fat rolls. I immediately told the wife that the baby is taking after me...poor girl...she's going to have to be tough in this world if she indeed takes after me. to drink more coffee. I still don't know why there isn't a medical procedure to tap a blood vessel so I can hook up a coffee IV bag straight to the engine!

Have a great Thursday Cadre!
Did you say that you'll be busy? You weren't super clear on that detail. 🧐🤪:ROFLMAO:

I still don't know why there isn't a medical procedure to tap a blood vessel so I can hook up a coffee IV bag straight to the engine!
Because science, Don! The alertness levels would be OVER 9000!!! Aside from the scalding hot nature of hot coffee, you would likely get a gnarly caffeine overdose. I know you were joking, but I just got home from work on my brain is still "working" which is a term I use very loosely. :ROFLMAO:
I still don't know why there isn't a medical procedure to tap a blood vessel so I can hook up a coffee IV bag
In neonatal ICUs (premature baby ICU) they sometimes use IV caffeine to boost the heart rate. Other drugs do as well, but caffeine has fewer side effects. Apparently, it has not been approved for use on adults. I'm waiting for a caffeine patch: less invasive and no risk of infection.
Now I just pictured Ben rolling up to Don's house in his rig and asking "so what seems to be the problem" just before Don tells him how he burnt the inside of his vein.
Did you say that you'll be busy? You weren't super clear on that detail. 🧐🤪:ROFLMAO:

Because science, Don! The alertness levels would be OVER 9000!!! Aside from the scalding hot nature of hot coffee, you would likely get a gnarly caffeine overdose. I know you were joking, but I just got home from work on my brain is still "working" which is a term I use very loosely. :ROFLMAO:
So how much coffee could someone inject and be safe? Asking for a friend.
Uhhhhh. That wasn't mentioned in the study. Also, that's about 66 cups of coffee at 150mg in I'm assuming 8 fluid ounces.