The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

I am feeling better about things at the moment...but my main concern still is losing power for days on end with a pregnant woman in the house.
Uh oh! Prep the appeasement sacrifices now, so there’s as little delay as possible when demanded! 😜
The Danger Zone looks like we dodged a bullet from Hurricane/TS Marco. The coastal areas of the state got some storm surge and some rain. Some areas in the east part of the state got more rain than expected. But all in all things went better than planned. In fact, yesterday was a really nice summer day in my area. But now eyes are on soon to be Hurricane Laura. All the models have it hitting right along the Texas/Louisiana border. Even if that is true, I will still experience Tropical Storm winds and a lot of rain where I am at. That's a lot better than a direct hit though! But what people don't know is that tropical systems land outside of the cone of uncertainty about a third of the time. It is possible that the storm could shift east. I feel for those who will be in the path of this storm, because it is a beast! Praying for the states of Texas and Louisiana.

Back to work this least for today. Taking the wife to get some blood work done this morning. The steroids that the doc gave her for her hives worked fine. But now that they have done their job and worked out of her system...she is getting itchy again. Doc wants to be able to figure this out.

Hope the Cadre has a great Tuesday!
The Danger Zone

Well...I feel like my area dodged a bullet (so far...things can change quickly though) It seems as if Hurricane Laura decided to take steroids overnight and the storm became very angry.. You wouldn't like Hurricane Laura when she is angry. This storm is expected to hit the Texas/Louisiana boarder (give or take 20 miles) as a Category 3/4 Hurricane with winds somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 miles per hour (again give or take). A lot of people don't realize that this is a VERY important area for the entire country. A lot of oil and gas companies, natural gas hubs, and other stuff that service the entire country. Expect gas prices to go up after this storm for most of the country. I feel for the people in this area. As someone who has been in the National Guard during some really bad natural disasters...this one has the potential to be absolutely devastating!

My area should be okay. We will have rain...some strong wind...and possibly power outages. There is the possibility that the storm moves east somewhat...and even 20 miles can make a huge difference in wind and rain total. What will really be bad though for a lot of people is the storm surge. In my wouldn't think that storm surge would be an issue...but storm surge makes all the rivers, bayous, and lakes rise so people inland can experience a lot of flooding.

Anyway...I am glad that my family and friends in this area won't be hot all that hard. But my heart goes out to those in Laura's path.
