The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Feather - ASD2
Blade: Voshkod (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Sudsy Soapery with Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre
Brush: Tech Hive Synthetic Tuxedo Beehive 26mm Shaving Brush
The Ultimate Aftershave: Sudsy Soapery with Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre


Keeping the shave themes going I picked a "cool" set to shave with. Not so much in the way of freezing temps...though the aftershave does give you punch of cold menthol. Actually one of my colder aftershaves. But the cool factor comes with the sophistication of this scent. I don't me the scent just plays wonderfully. The rose isn't too strong. The lemon isn't too sweet. And the is doing whatever that stuff does. It all comes together to make a really nice scent that I think can be worn day or night. The wife leaned over and said that she really enjoyed the scent and wondered why I didn't wear it more often. Score one for "The Don!"

I went back to the Tech Hive Brush. The Cashmere Synthetic was nice and all, but I think it had too long of a loft for my liking. I like soft brushes that have a bit more backbone and don't splay quite as much. This is only a preference though. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the brush though. The handle fit in my hand nicely. And the knot itself lathered like a charm. But this Tech Hive now. Seriously...why do I not have one already? After I can get past the Saponificio Varesino group brush buy...and maybe the baby...this will likely be at the top of my list. It is reasonably priced and I don't have enough brushes that are over the 24mm range. This brush makes GREAT lather. And I like the soft synthetic with the right amount of backbone. But the handle I think is the star. A nice handle that fits just right in my hands and has a decent weight to it all.

Put the brush to the soap and lather pretty much exploded. Okay not really...but my effort was easy in part to the brush and the soap. This soap performs very well. Sudsy Soapery always made great soap...and for the longest time they only made veggie soaps (or at least non-tallow or animal fat soaps...I think they used lanolin though, which is really just wax from sheep wool). But a couple years ago they finally started making tallow based soaps and it really upped their game.

Not sure if this is my last time with the Feather ASD2 or not...I want to get it along to the next guy on the pass-around list as soon as I can. My thoughts on this razor are that it is a really intuitive razor. If you use a blade like a Feather Hi-Stainless then you probably need to pay more attention to what you are doing than with a regular DE or SE. Because there is hardly any blade feel at all. With the Feather Blade I found myself inadvertently using more and more pressure because I couldn't feel the blade. This led to irritation on my neck. I do want to iterate though that even with the increasing pressure to the skin...I at no time had a bad shave. If you train yourself to really not use any pressure at all with this razor...I bet Feather blades would give amazing shaves! So, I then went the extreme opposite. I went with a blade that I wouldn't call sharp at all...but I do call smooth. The Voskhod blade did the trick. I had absolutely effortless shaves. This last one was no different. Pretty much just scrape the lather off your face and have a great shave. With the Voskhod blade I didn't have to think at all (not that I have that issue anyway... 🤪 ). Would I buy this razor? a year where my wife wasn't pregnant...and I wasn't already committed to a big purchase...then yeah...I would. Even so...if I find a good deal on one...I might pull the trigger earlier. But I got to get past October first.

I ended up with a mostly BBS shave. Not too bad for a completely thoughtless shave. No irritation on the neck at all. So I am feeling pretty darn good. A healthy splash with the Lemon Rose Chypre aftershave and feels good. When I first got this set I thought that the menthol freeze was super high! the aftershave has sat a while...I think the menthol has toned down a bit...but is still one of the coldest aftershaves in my den.

The Danger Zone

Our super hot days were broken up with some rain yesterday. I'm glad for it too. It's muggy outside...but it is giving the old A/C unit a reprieve...for a bit at least. I am kind of glad we have a brand new A/C handler right now. We had to replace the handler last September. We were kind of P-O'd at the time because the house is only about seven years old. We had a ton of problems with the A/C unit anyway...all were covered under one of the warranties one way or another...but the handler was all on us at that time. We are pretty sure (and after consulting with our A/C guy) that the initial installation was done incorrectly. Anyway...the new handler has it's own warranty and with the extreme heat we have had lately...I am glad if something goes wrong (not that I have any reason to think it will) we won't have to take care of the entire cost. Also, since the new handler...yeah our electric bill has actually gone down (my wife actually pays attention to the averages...weird).

Got some house work to do this weekend but nothing crazy. I hope the Cadre has a wonderful and fantastic weekend!
Nice post Don! Always nice when the Mrs likes the scent you're putting down! I have a ton of Voskhod so when the ASD2 finally makes the trip North before it goes back to its home with Sam I will give it a go!
I had to google what an AC "handler" was. Didn't know whether it was a Weezeeanna term for AC unit or the guy/company that has the service contract. Now, with Google, I'm edumakated! 👨‍🎓
Nice post Don! Always nice when the Mrs likes the scent you're putting down! I have a ton of Voskhod so when the ASD2 finally makes the trip North before it goes back to its home with Sam I will give it a go!
I don't think I've EVER been able to say that. Or were you referring to aftershave? :unsure:

Voskhod, Lada, and Raipira are all good and pretty close to interchangeable for me. Not being a big DE guy, right now I'm sitting on various Gillettes and Derbys.
The facility I managed in a former job had all the units installed incorrectly and they all had to be replaced. Glad I wasn't the skipper when that happened. When I was there I had some very big VIP events where the air conditioning system when down just before -it can be very frustrating so I'm glad you got it straightened out last year so that you can be comfortable during this heat and humidity.

Glad the Voskhod is working out for you. I never had any luck with them and have gone back to try them periodically just to see if it was my poor techniques. Some good shaving going on Don!
I had to google what an AC "handler" was. Didn't know whether it was a Weezeeanna term for AC unit or the guy/company that has the service contract. Now, with Google, I'm edumakated! 👨‍🎓
Glad you figured it out Sam! Basically, the A/C unit has the outside blower and the inside handler. They both are not cheap at all. But being from the frigid Great White North...I'm not sure any of you have A/C units at all! 🤪

Voskhod, Lada, and Raipira are all good and pretty close to interchangeable for me. Not being a big DE guy, right now I'm sitting on various Gillettes and Derbys.
Actually I find the Rapira and Ladas blades to be significantly sharper than Voskhod blades. Rapira would be my preference out of the three (any of the Rapira blades).

Glad the Voskhod is working out for you. I never had any luck with them and have gone back to try them periodically just to see if it was my poor techniques. Some good shaving going on Don!

I have never had any really issue with Voskhod blades. I find them very smooth...just not very sharp. I can go about three shaves with them...and they get tossed.
Glad you got some rains and a nice break from the heat Don!

October swiftly approaches, can’t believe it!
Thanks Chris! And yeah...October is VERY quickly approaching! The good news is...if something happens and the baby comes early...we have at least a little of everything we need. So I think we are in good shape. Right now it's just fine tuning what we need and doing our best to prepare.
Razor: Feather - ASD2
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Chiseled Face - Cryogen
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Ultimate Osage


Not a lot of time this morning and a lot of it had to do with the shave. For my July 'Cool" themed shave I selected Cryogen. I mean...what cooler soap is there than Cryogen...right? Anyway, I haven't used Cryogen in a a real long while. But this morning...loading my brush...I knew something was off. It just didn't load like other Chiseled Face soaps. But I went on. I face lather so on to the face I go. In retrospect...I think I should have bowl lathered this morning. Anyway...this stuff just did not want to go one evenly. Started to work some water in to build a lather. Man this soap just was really slow to build. I kept adding more and more water...and believe me it seemed like I was adding in buckets. After 15 minutes or so (yeah...not an exaggeration) I finally got a good lather. It took me a while...but I got there. All that being was this stuff cold!

Still using the Feather ASD2 Razor that @woodpusher is lending to a pass-around. So far I have used the Feather Hi-Stainless and Voskhod blades. Today I am using a Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum. This is my go to blade as of late...and it seems to be a winner with this razor as well! Sharper than a Voskhod and way smoother than the Feather, this blade really sang this morning! Eliminated the weekend's growth in no time at all and left my face feeling smooth. I am really liking the razor a lot! With the right can be an effortless shave.

Decided to keep the freeze going and opted to use the Ultimate Osage that @uacowboy made for me. This is some really good juice! And Cold too! Here a glug, there a glug, everywhere a glug, glug! The scent is typical Osage...powdery...but it doesn't last all that long. So I will likely spay on some other stuff before I go to know...for the people in the elevators.

The Danger Zone

Back into the office this morning. I have an actual in person interview this morning. And to be honest...I am not all that happy about it. It's for a case I was just assigned and I know very little about it all. I am doing it because my supervisor is dealing with a case that is being heard in court...and he needs to talk to the witness. And because our cases overlap, he wants me to ask some questions pertaining to my case to see if it helps his. Oh well...such is life. I will adapt and overcome as they say.

I hope the Cadre has a wonderful Monday! Let's kick this week off right!
How many shaves for you to get used to the razor feel, Don, and not feel tempted to use pressure? Or are you still there and consciously easing up?
How many shaves for you to get used to the razor feel, Don, and not feel tempted to use pressure? Or are you still there and consciously easing up?
I think I am still using pressure a good bit. Probably not as much as I was at the beginning. Moving to blades that are not quite as slice and dice like Feather blades helped with the irritation...but it probably didn't teach me much in the way of easing up a bit. I might go back to a Feather blade in a couple of shaves and see how that goes again. But with the 7 O'clock Super Plats I am not sure I actually need to.
It sounds like you are giving the Feather AS-D2 a serious whirl. I find your comments about the various blades to be very interesting. To date, I have only used Feather blades in mine. Once I got my Feather mojo going it has been smooth sailing. Your comments make me want to give some other blades a try. In any case I really like the AS-D2. It feels precise to me.
Razor: Feather - ASD2
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Ghost Dragon's Blood
Brush: Purple & Geauxld Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Classic After Shave - Fresh Vetiver


The Cool theme continues and I decided to use CBL's Ghost Dragon Blood. Love this scent, but Chris really did well with the amount of cooling agents he put in this one. Definitely plenty to let you know it's there, but it doesn't freeze your face off completely. This is an interesting combination because the scent is really warm, but the cooling is frigid. I know CBL has their Iron Throne scent...but honestly I think Ghost Dragon's Blood is Fire and Ice!

I am continuing with the Feather ASD2 and am really getting a grove on (unlike Stella). I am enjoying this blade a lot in this razor. It is just really intuitive. I didn't get pics of it yet...but I was comparing the ASD2 to my Gillette Big Fellow. Concerning length...they are almost identical. And they are pretty close in weight also. The handle in the Big Fellow is a bit wider though. I will maybe try to pull out some other razors I have and maybe measure them and weigh them for comparison. was this shave great!

A couple splashes of Fine Fresh Vetiver. I chose this after shave not because the scent matches with the soap...because it doesn't. I chose the Fresh @bentheduck puts it...Reasons. 🤪 Anyway...I am fully prepared to enchant the few folk on the elevator at work this morning with this magical scent...mask and all!

The Danger Zone I said...going into work this morning. But it's only a half day. I have a dermatology appointment this afternoon. Not going in for any real reason...just to get looked over. I know a lot of people don't consider getting annual checkups by the dermatologist...but you should. A lot of people think that places that get more sun are the places where skin cancer occurrence is the highest. That's not always true. While Florida has the highest percentage of Skin Cancer cases...Hawaii has the lowest. Alaska also has some of the lowest. Louisiana is state among the lower rates also. But honestly, I am not sure how accurate this information is. Because I have seen a lot of reputable sites that contradict each other in this area. Either should think of getting checked periodically. Here is a reference guide to some facts about skin cancer: Skin Cancer facts

Hope the Cadre has a wonderful day!
Razor: Feather - ASD2
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: The Sudsy Soapery - Lavender & Peppermint
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors
26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Classic After Shave - Lavender Pour Homme


I haven't quit the "Cool" Shaving Theme of the month yet. Went with Lavender and Peppermint from The Sudsy Soapery. It isn't the coldest of the "Cool" soaps I have...but it is a really nice feel to the skin. This scent in general is a "Power Scent" to me. It's classic in a way, very sophisticated, yet really simple. It's a scent you can wear during the day...or wear during the evening. It's nose catching and garners a lot of compliments...always. This scent profile is good stuff.

Today's brush is compliments of Mr. @Graydog ! He was generous enough to make a handle and offer it to me. I am forever grateful! I gave it a good and thorough wash yesterday. I got rid of a number of loose hairs doing that and removed some of the funk that often accompanies animal fiber brushes. It still has a slight animal scent to it...but it's better than what it was. After the wash, the knot came out in full bloom. This knot is 70/30 badger to boar bristles. This is my first of this variety and I have wanted to try one for quite a while now. Let first say that the shape, size, and weight are all just perfect to me. It's on the bigger side of things and that is what I like. Had Steve/Graydog not made this brush...I would have said the same things. This brush handle is perfect. The knot...oh man...this knot is a lather maker! Good lord this brush can one load can also hold well...and it can make a ton of really good lather in a heartbeat with little effort. This brush exceeds my expectations!

Three passes with the Feather ASD2 that is still on loan from Sam @woodpusher . It is still winning me over. I had pretty much a thoughtless shave this morning and this blade is really settling in. I didn't chase or clean up at all and still got better than a DFS and very close to a BBS. I think next shave I will go back to the Feather Blades and see if I can improve upon my shaves from last time. After all...I am certain the manufacturer had their blades in mind when they made the razor.

A a couple glugs of Lavender Pour Homme and I am ready for the trolls in the Elevator this morning!

The Danger Zone

Back into work this morning. Next week I am on the Tuesday/Thursday it will all be good.

Went to the dermatologist on Wed. She did a full body check and other than some sun damage on my shoulders (undoubtedly from my time in the Marine Corps) it looks like all was well. I have had this skin tag (or at least I think it was a skin tag) on the outer corner of my right eyelid. It didn't hurt and the doc didn't think it was anything to be concerned about, but I have had it for about 15 years and asked if it could be removed. She had no problem doing it. A shot of whatever it was that numbed my eyelid, a quick pull and slice, and the skin tag was gone. It didn't even bleed. Off to pathology it goes...but I don't believe I have anything to worry about.

I hope the Cadre has a wonderful day today!