The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

That's a damn fine update, Don. Glad to hear everything is going well with the DangerousBaby and DangerousWife.

I've had Terror sitting out on my counter all week and I don't know why I haven't gotten to it. Maybe it's something that you alluded to, I have much better performing soaps, with the exception of my bastardized Green Valley Links.
That's a damn fine update, Don. Glad to hear everything is going well with the DangerousBaby and DangerousWife.

I've had Terror sitting out on my counter all week and I don't know why I haven't gotten to it. Maybe it's something that you alluded to, I have much better performing soaps, with the exception of my bastardized Green Valley Links.
Don't get me's a good performing soap. And I would take that over a lot of soaps. Just not the best.

Thanks for the well wishes and thanks for reading!
Razor: Feather - ASD2
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: The Holy Black - Tangerine Creeper
Brush: Tech Hive Synthetic Tuxedo Beehive 26mm Shaving Brush
The Ultimate Aftershave: The Holy Black - Tangerine Creeper


Wow...okay...a lot going on with the shave this morning. Actually I shaved last night...but who is really keeping track? Just to put it all up front first...This shave involves the July Shave Theme and two pass-arounds! For the "Cool" themed shaves I went with Tangerine Creeper. Why you ask? Well I saw that @BarberDave used his Lavender Creeper and I thought this would be a perfect time to pull out the Tangerine Creeper. I am also using the Feather ASD2 Stainless Razor that Sam @woodpusher has graciously loaned to the Cadre. If you are interested in that Pass-Around...I'll link to thread below. The Brush is from Don @Techichi and he loaned to TSC a couple of his brushes to include his famous Tech Hive Synthetic Tuxedo Beehive 26mm Shaving Brush. I'll also link to the thread below.

First shave was fantastic. As much as I am not a fan of exorbitant prices that their products demand (retail or otherwise), it's hard to argue that they put out a quality product! I don't shave with this soap all that much, because I mostly consider it a novelty shave. Not sure it performs better than most. I really think THB has a pretty solid and great soap base and if their regular stuff is much like this...than it might be a decent buy. I will say that every time I use this soap it seems that my lather and shaves are better than the last.

I have to admit...when I saw the Tech Hive I pretty much thought that I was getting the same old synthetic brush that I have used and have in my den. It's a synthetic after all...right? WRONG! is a synthetic, but this thing can make some serious lather! Let me back up a little. I have always wanted a Bee-Hive Handled Brush...and just haven't got one yet. So I was really pleased when this one came in so I could give the handle a try. Yeah...this brush fits nicely into my big ass meat hooks that I call hands. And the might be one of the heavier brushes I have tried...maybe even the heaviest...but that is not a bad thing. It always amazes me also...that 26mm knots always seem so much bigger than what they are. Or at the very least...they lather so much bigger than what they are. And this one was no exception! The amount of lather I was able to build with this brush using the same load time I usually use, and the same lathering techniques...I was just really amazed. I'll get more into other aspects of this brush in the coming days...but for now...just know that I love how the handle fits into my hand, I love the ease of how I am able to hold onto the brush, and this brush is a super lather maker!

The ASD2 razor comes with the reputation that it is an unusually mild razor. I think that is a bit of a misnomer. I think it can be a mild razor, but when one says the razor is mild, we think that it's not all that efficient. This razor is plenty efficient, and is deceptively more aggressive than one would think. I used a brand new Feather Hi-Stainless blade. Sam has generously but a tuck of blades in the package, but I will leave those for future participants. I had about two and a half days worth of I thought it was a perfect time to shave. I initially did my WtG pass and decided to do another WtG because of the amount of stubble I left behind. Then on to the XtG and the AtG passes. I thought I would push it a bit and did some cleanup that never really goes well for me. In the end...yeah...I should have just kept to three passes with minor cleanup. Also...I found myself pressing too hard on subsequent passes because I didn't think (at the time) that my strokes were taking off enough hair. In the end I had a really nice shave...but with some minor irritation on the neck. I should have kept to the three passes and I am certain I would have had an absolutely amazing shave. Oh, well, Sam has told me to keep this razor for a bit to use that is what I plan to do. In future shaves I will post about the weight and feel of the razor as well as other things I learn about it.

In the end...I still ended up with mostly BBS shave. My face was actually the smoothest I have felt it in a very long time...the wife even noticed! So several glugs and splashes of the Tangerine Creeper aftershave! The scent doesn't last long...which is good since I shaved at night. But the cooling effect lingered on for almost an hour! Good times...really!

The Danger Zone

Back into the office today. We were all set to go back full time this week, but like the rest of the country...the surge in COVID-19 cases quickly stopped that. So it is every other day again. My days actually in the office are super busy...but it makes the day go by quickly.

We have had a lot of rain over the past few days...and I am ready for things to dry out a bit. My back yard is super tall right now and my weenie dog...Chauncey...doesn't want to go into it for fear tha the grass might overtake him. I'll get to it when I can at least.

I hope the Cadre is having a great week so far! Have an even better day!
I'll also link to the thread below.

Forgot to post the links to the threads...

Phenomenal thoughts, Don. The handle sounds like a real winner. I prefer heavier handles myself, so it sounds right up my alley. Ah geez, I gotta start thinning out my dang brush collection now.
Great reviews Don!

My dachshund is completely the opposite when it comes to overgrowth...she loves to dive right in and weasel around, looking for rodents! :ROFLMAO:

Feel free to send that rain westward!
Great reviews Don!

My dachshund is completely the opposite when it comes to overgrowth...she loves to dive right in and weasel around, looking for rodents! :ROFLMAO:

Feel free to send that rain westward! guy goes through his phases. But mostly...if the grass tickles his belly, he is not getting into the grass.
Razor: Feather - ASD2
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: The Sudsy Soapery - Twice Mint
Brush: Tech Hive Synthetic Tuxedo Beehive 26mm Shaving Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's With Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Proraso Aftershave Lotion (Green)

Another shave from last night. I got done with mowing the lawn and thought it was a really good time to shower and shave. So I took a cold shower (okay...I took the coldest shower I could considering water out of the tap this time of year isn't really cold at all) and then got to shaving afterward. I wanted a "Cool" shave to go with the shave theme this month, so I pulled out one of my favorite smelling soaps...Twice Mint. This stuff smells just like (as you probably already guessed) Double Mint gum. That great scent or peppermint and spearmint. This particular scent in the soap has real nice sweet edge to it that just makes it intoxicating!

I used the Tech Hive brush again to build a nice lather. I still think I prefer tallow or animal fat based soaps over veggie soaps, but honestly...this stuff...while veggie (mostly I think...I believe it does have lanolin in it which is an animal product...just a wax and not a fat) is pretty darn close to a lot of really good tallow based soaps and actually better than a lot. Anyway...the Tech Hive did exactly what it did last shave...built a whole mess of lather! Yeah...I am already sold on this guy. Great weight in the hand and wonderful balance. But it just feels right. A bigger handle for a bigger guy. And I have to say...that the 26mm knot seems to be a whole lot bigger than a 24mm. Not just two millimeters bigger...but a while lot bigger.

I just went three passes this time with the ASD2. And after my second shave with the Feather Blade...I am starting to believe that @BarberDave is on to something by using a blade that isn't as sharp. Again, I got a really good shave up top...but on the neck portion...not as smooth as I would have liked it and a bit more irritation too. There is very little blade feel...if any at all. I don't want to say that you are shaving blind here...but I think I keep adding more pressure (especially in the neck region) to compensate for not feeling the blade. This is something I want to correct. Overall, mostly positive with this shave.

I finished off my shave with a few splashes of Witch Hazel and some nice glugs and slaps or the Proraso. I don't know why I don't use Proraso Aftershave Lotion more often. Man that stuff makes my skin feel great. And the eucalyptus and menthol in it really cool things off! Three passes and a slap and man...this DFS was ready for the world!

The Danger Zone

So the rain left our area really soggy this week. Now it is drying out. But the summer heat has now taken over. Currently it is only 87% humidity. The humidity will likely go down some as the day goes on...but it will probably hover around the 70-75% area. The actual temp is supposed to be a high of 94-96 degrees. But our heat index is supposed to be right around 105. Yeah, these are the days I ask myself, Why do I live in Louisiana?"

Hope the Cadre is doing well today and hope you all kick of the weekend right! Have a great one!
Great shave to lead into the weekend! Our weather in North Texas is equally bad. It’s 79 here now with a high of 93 and we are setting at 83% Humidity. It needs to dry out a tad more for me to mow (hopefully today or tomorrow)
Great shave to lead into the weekend! Our weather in North Texas is equally bad. It’s 79 here now with a high of 93 and we are setting at 83% Humidity. It needs to dry out a tad more for me to mow (hopefully today or tomorrow)
This time of year I just absolutely hate! Be carefully out there in the heat. And as @bentheduck always says...stay hydrated!
Good stuff DD, I don't know how you handle that kind of humidity.

Every time you post a pic of the Tangerine Creeper I get googly eyed, it's such a great presentation and theme. I always figured the soap itself would be fair to middling. Still it's weird how we can have great soaps, but they just don't get the call as often as others. It's all about that je ne sais quoi.
Razor: Feather - ASD2
Blade: Voshkod (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Iron Throne
Brush: Cashmere Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Ultimate Osage
The Ultimate Aftershave: Cold River Soap Works - Sandalwood Aftershave Lotion


I saw @BarberDave use his CBL Iron Throne the other day and thought that it is the perfect time to bring mine out too. Fits Perfectly with the July shave theme as the Real Menthol and the WS-12 Cooling Agent blend in symphony to create a wonderful chilling shave. Love this scent also and wish I had a perfect match an aftershave and beyond. But since this was last night's shave...I opted for an aftershave with a mild scent.

I used the Cashmere synthetic brush from the pass-around that @Techichi started. Since I am reviewing the knot itself, I will leave the ergonomics of the handle out of it (by the way...the handle was just fine). So I like this knot just fine. It performs as it should. This knot might be a tad softer than other synthetics I have or have tried, but overall...I think it is a good performing brush. However, I personally think it has too much splay and not enough backbone. I am not saying that I like a real stiff brush...but I like my brushes with less splay than this one. Not sure it's from the loft or just that the knot is a little on the floppy side. Either performs well, and I got a great lather from's just not my jam. I'll give it another go and see where I land.

Still using the Feather ADS2 from Sam @woodpusher and I followed @BarberDave 's advice...I put a Voskhod blade in the razor. He might actually be on to something here. I would have thought that the less aggressive razor (if that is what it really is) would do well with the sharp Feather blade. But with this smooth blade in Voskhod I got a shave that I very much liked. Even during the times I KNEW I was using too much pressure there was no irritation and certainly no blood! I ended up with a completely BBS shave...which does not happen very often.

A couple splashes of Kyle @uacowboy 's concoction, Ultimate Osage, and the chill just kept on coming. Finished off my Shave with the CRSW Sandalwood Lotion and I went to bed dreaming of dolphins swimming into the sunset!

The Danger Zone

SO it's been hot's been VERY hot here. I know Barber Dave will scoff at the statement...but's been VERY hot here. We have had a combination of high humidity and high temps. The days start off with about 90-95% humidity in the morning and by afternoon only goes down to about 75% or higher. The actual temps are between 95 and 97 degrees but the heat index has been right at 110 degrees everyday since Thursday. Yeah...this summer sucks!

Going into work today and actually I have a ton of stuff I need to accomplish. So it will be a busy one.

Hope this week is going well with the Cadre! Have a fantastic day!