The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Voskhod (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: CBL Master Barber - Dragon's Blood (Shave # 2)
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Thayers Cucumber
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - L'Orange Noir

Alas, the Feather ASD2 is cleaned and ready for travel. Back to the Great White North it goes. But honestly, I think I learned a little bit about how I shave and hopefully can improve on my technique.

So back to my old trusty Progress again and decided to go with a Voskhod blade today.

Chris @CBLindsay recently sent me a puck of his newest formulation, CBL Master Barber Soap. His Master Barber Soap line is like his Tonsorial Soaps...a throw back to old time pucks of soaps that maybe your dad or grandad used to shave their face. But in a nutshell, as it was explained to me, the Master Barber soaps are a lot like the Tonsorial versions, but with a little bit of the stuff you might find in his premium soaps that gives a great lather and makes your face feel terrific.

Anyway...this is my second shave with the Master Barber in Dragon's Blood scent. I am still testing the soap out so I won't be able to go into great detail on the performance quite yet. I will comment on the scent. I have Ghost Dragon's Blood in my den. And both of these smell the same. The one noticeable difference is in the intensity of the scents. The Ghost Dragon Blood I have (and this was one of Chris' first offerings when he began CBL) is full of that wonderful the point that I always feel I need to pair it with an aftershave that matches in some way. The master Barber soap is a bit toned down...more subtle. I asked my wife if she liked the scent and she stated that it smells nice and fresh. I will admit...the Master Barber version of Dragon's Blood does smell nice and fresh...while still smelling like Dragon's Blood.

I finished up my shave with some healthy splashes of L'Orange Noir and man does that stuff smell great. Don't worry...I will get to the "glugs' just before I leave for work. This shave is actually going down being one of my smoother shaves...even in my neck pits where I usually have some difficulty.

I'll continue with this soap for at least a couple of weeks...but might do a whole month with it...not sure.

The Danger Zone

Off to work again this morning. And I am dragging my feet...getting ready but kicking and screaming. I am anticipating a fight with the boss this morning @bentheduck might say...Reasons. I am hoping I am wrong. Weeded a couple of the flower beds this weekend and it turns out that the weeds comprised about two-thirds of the flower thought they were looking full. But in some pine straw to help cover the weeds I missed. I am seriously considering putting in river rock after the baby is born.

I hope the Cadre starts their week off get 'em TSC!
Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Voskhod (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Master Barber - Dragon's Blood (Shave # 3)
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Thayers Cucumber
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - L'Orange Noir

I kept the shave exactly as the last. Mostly out of laziness, but also because I am testing the performance of the Master Barber Dragon's Blood soap Chris sent me. I will say that this is definitely one of the easiest soaps I have lathered. Okay, so I am loading approximately 20 seconds or so and I come up with a very sufficient load on the brush. My face is pre-wet before I build my lather. Oh, yeah...I face lather almost exclusively. A quick spreading on the face and then I start building my lather. A minute or two and I am totally done. The soap needs some water...but it is not thirsty at all. It's only shave number three so I don't want to be definitive yet, but I am getting a tad bit of drying. However, I'm not sure if that is the soap or my aftershave. I'll change aftershaves tomorrow and see what happens. All in all though, the soap is definitely a good one.

The Danger Zone

Well, Monday at work went better than I thought. I really thought that I was in for a fight with the boss, but turned out everything was great. It's really hard to work with someone when their moods are erratic as hell. I have had to work with or work under some really difficult people in the past. I mean some of the hardest people you can imagine. But this guy really takes the cake. And it's all mental. You have to really try to anticipate his actions because he changes his mind or his policy all the time...that or he just forgets it.

I totally did not mean for this to be a gripe session...

Let me put it this way...the people in my section get work done in spite of him...not because of him.

Not sure if I mentioned it or not...but the wife went to the Doc the other day. According to measurements and estimations and whatever kind of witchcraft the kind nurses, techs, and docs perform...our baby is three days ahead of gestational age. She is in the 67th% range for size and length. So, everything is going great so far!

I hope the Cadre has a wonderful Wednesday!
Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Voskhod (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Master Barber - Dragon's Blood (Shave # 3)
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Thayers Cucumber
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - L'Orange Noir

I kept the shave exactly as the last. Mostly out of laziness, but also because I am testing the performance of the Master Barber Dragon's Blood soap Chris sent me. I will say that this is definitely one of the easiest soaps I have lathered. Okay, so I am loading approximately 20 seconds or so and I come up with a very sufficient load on the brush. My face is pre-wet before I build my lather. Oh, yeah...I face lather almost exclusively. A quick spreading on the face and then I start building my lather. A minute or two and I am totally done. The soap needs some water...but it is not thirsty at all. It's only shave number three so I don't want to be definitive yet, but I am getting a tad bit of drying. However, I'm not sure if that is the soap or my aftershave. I'll change aftershaves tomorrow and see what happens. All in all though, the soap is definitely a good one.

The Danger Zone

Well, Monday at work went better than I thought. I really thought that I was in for a fight with the boss, but turned out everything was great. It's really hard to work with someone when their moods are erratic as hell. I have had to work with or work under some really difficult people in the past. I mean some of the hardest people you can imagine. But this guy really takes the cake. And it's all mental. You have to really try to anticipate his actions because he changes his mind or his policy all the time...that or he just forgets it.

I totally did not mean for this to be a gripe session...

Let me put it this way...the people in my section get work done in spite of him...not because of him.

Not sure if I mentioned it or not...but the wife went to the Doc the other day. According to measurements and estimations and whatever kind of witchcraft the kind nurses, techs, and docs perform...our baby is three days ahead of gestational age. She is in the 67th% range for size and length. So, everything is going great so far!

I hope the Cadre has a wonderful Wednesday!
Well bummer for work drama(but you call that a gripe session? have you read Ben's journal? 🤪 ), but glad to hear the baby is doing well!

I may have missed it somewhere in all the catching up i've had to do but, did your wife get the new job?
I may have missed it somewhere in all the catching up i've had to do but, did your wife get the new job?
Thanks for asking and I think I forgot to post it because it was so anti-climatic. So in a nut Basically what happened...and there is a lot more to it than I can explain...but there were two positions...Executive Counsel (more of the policy side of things) and General Counsel (does more litigation and managing of other attorneys). There was an internal candidate that had been there a really long time that was up for one of the positions. In the end...the Secretary of the Agency chose not to fill the Executive Counsel position because he didn't think it looked good because of state financial issues from Coronavirus. And he went with the internal candidate to fill the General Counsel position (I have thoughts on that, but I will keep them to myself). In the end, it is no harm, no foul. It would have been nice for her career...but we both think that with her being pregnant right now, she didn't need the stress of changing jobs. We only have about two and a half months before the baby comes...that would have been a huge burden physically and emotionally. There will be other opportunities for her later. Right now we are focusing on the baby.

Thanks for asking Kyle!
Thanks for asking and I think I forgot to post it because it was so anti-climatic. So in a nut Basically what happened...and there is a lot more to it than I can explain...but there were two positions...Executive Counsel (more of the policy side of things) and General Counsel (does more litigation and managing of other attorneys). There was an internal candidate that had been there a really long time that was up for one of the positions. In the end...the Secretary of the Agency chose not to fill the Executive Counsel position because he didn't think it looked good because of state financial issues from Coronavirus. And he went with the internal candidate to fill the General Counsel position (I have thoughts on that, but I will keep them to myself). In the end, it is no harm, no foul. It would have been nice for her career...but we both think that with her being pregnant right now, she didn't need the stress of changing jobs. We only have about two and a half months before the baby comes...that would have been a huge burden physically and emotionally. There will be other opportunities for her later. Right now we are focusing on the baby.

Thanks for asking Kyle!
yeah that is kind of a bummer but at least it is done and you can move forward.
I'm glad the DangerousBaby is coming along great.

To hell with your boss. Throw a shoe at him to aggravate him, that way you'll at least know that he's mad and you'll know how to handle him.
Razor: Merkur - Progress
Blade: Voskhod (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Master Barber - Dragon's Blood (Shave # 4)
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Thayers Cucumber
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - La Forêt de Liguest

Still using the Master Barber Soap from Yesterday I reported that the soap might be a tad drying to me. I still think that is the case. It's kind of weird...because I can tell there is good stuff in the soap for the skin...but it leaves my face kind of tight feeling and a little dry. The couple days prior I was using a Fine Accouterments aftershave, which is basically just water, alcohol, menthol, and fragrance. I usually have no issues with the Fine aftershaves at all. I went ahead and used some Chatillon Lux aftershave today and it seems that my face is better off. I will continue to investigate...but as for seems that I might need an aftershave that is a bit more moisturizing when using this soap. Not a big deal...I just have to keep this in mind.

The Danger Zone

Wednesday was a bit of a surprise. I was the only one there in my section. To include my supervisor. So guess what happened...I actually got some work done.

Another surprise...I have an old Marine Corps buddy from Washington State that is passing through town. He pulls in tonight and will stay through tomorrow and leave on Saturday morning. He is on a tour of the western half of the United States with his son and is making a stop at least once in every state west of the Mississippi River. Jerrod is a great guy. He was my best buddy for a couple of years in the Marine Corps, he came to my wedding , and he passes through Louisiana from time to time. I am really excited to see him.

It's Thursday Cadre! And we are one day closer to the weekend! Have a great one!