The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Skin tags are like personal bubblegum
Razor: Feather - ASD2
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainles (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Iron Throne
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Proraso Aftershave Lotion (Green)


We are getting close to the end of the month, but the "Cool" shaving theme is still going strong. I thought I would pull out Iron Throne again. Really like the Bay and the Juniper in this soap...a lot. And now I am wishing I had bottles and bottles of Captain's Choice North to go along with this. When I get a chance...I will likely research aftershaves with juniper in it.

Cocobolo Graydog Brush is only my second shave with brush. But this brush is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I lost a couple more hairs in the knot, but that was to be expected. But this mixed badger and boar knot is really incredible. I mean...this brush is a lather maker! It is plenty big. If I didn't know that this was a 26mm knot...I would have thought it was bigger. But it will hold some soap and it allows you to make copious amounts of lather. It doesn't hog it either. There is still a little scritch to it...but it is going away quicker than I anticipated. Should be only a couple more shaves. Not sure how long though before it is fully broken in. But as of right now...this is my favorite brush!

Still using the Feather ASD2. And today I decided to go back to the Feather Hi-Stainless blade. Concentrated more on form and touch and I will say...that after going from a Feather a Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum...back to a Feather blade...I think the shave has improved! Maybe not a BBS shave...but pretty close. And I think with a few more shaves...I can get the shave fine tuned with the razor.

Several splashes of Proraso Green Aftershave and man does my face feel smooth and nourished! It's going to be a good day!

The Danger Zone

Not much to report on the Homefront. Pretty much the same old same old. We have a had a good bit of rain this weekend so the grass cutting was a tad neglected. I'll get to it when I can...but in the is getting long!

The wife is pretty miserable right now and is counting down the days until the Danger Baby emerges from her cocoon. I keep telling her that the time will go by quicker than she thinks...and she keeps responding to the effect that it's not quick enough.

Other than during a worldwide pandemic is about as good as it gets!

Hope the Cadre is doing well! Have a great day!
Razor: Feather - ASD2
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Ghost Lime
Brush: Graydog Brush in Cocobolo with Maggard Razors 26mm Mixed 70/30 Badger and Boar
The Penultimate Aftershave - Humphrey's Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: RazoRock - Essential Oil of Lime


A Super quick one today as I got up late. I am sitting down long enough to drink my coffee (which is necessary. Went with CBL Ghost Lime to finish off the monthly "Cool" Shave Themes. I might get one more in tomorrow...but we will see. There is a lot going on with home and work there may be no time for a shave. Anyway...I am pretty sure that Ghost Lime is my favorite citrus shave soap. The lime is the perfect strength and the Ghost that is that "cool" feeling is just the right amount of brisk. I think this might have been the first CBL Soap I have purchased.

The Graydog Mixed badger/Boar Brush is breaking in just fine. Only a couple more hairs came out and I think it might near the end of the shed process. My wife was admiring the the brush last night and mentioned how soft the brush is. They are soft...but there is a bit more breaking in to do. Did I mention how much lather this brush make? Honestly....once broken in...I think this brush will perform as well (maybe better) than the Shavemac Two band badger I used to have...and at a fraction of the cost (for the knots).

The Feather ASD2 is performing really well. I am glad I went back the Hi-Stainless again...because the shave I got was pretty damn awesome. Yup...I can honestly say that the ASD2 was made for the Hi-Stainless blade.

I ended up with a just under BBS (and for me that is about as good as it gets). Splashed on a bunch of Essential Oil of Lime and the cool just kept on coming.

The Danger Zone

Back into the office today and it is going to be a busy one. A lot of work going on. The rain has mostly stopped here and the sog can now dry out a bit. Other than is great!

I hope the Cadre has a fantastic day!