The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Nice place to move away from and just visit 😜
I was wondering again yesterday about living in Louisiana. To be honest, I have really wanted to move from here for a while now. Basically ever since 2016. But it's just not feasible. The wife's parents moved here a few years back and my mother and brother live here. Plus the wife would have to get licensed to practice law in another state...which isn't fun. Yeah...I was wondering yesterday...then my wife sent me this link...

I was wondering again yesterday about living in Louisiana. To be honest, I have really wanted to move from here for a while now. Basically ever since 2016. But it's just not feasible. The wife's parents moved here a few years back and my mother and brother live here. Plus the wife would have to get licensed to practice law in another state...which isn't fun. Yeah...I was wondering yesterday...then my wife sent me this link...

I only posted that because I know you have been giving it thought in the past.
I only posted that because I know you have been giving it thought in the past.
I tell you what Dave...If I could move away right now...I think we would move to someplace rural to the likes of Kentucky, Tennessee, Northern Alabama...maybe North Carolina...and of course, Western PA. That area of the country is just really calling to me and the wife!
I keep trying to move the family to Arizona. I know crazy... but they don't have snow. Although the work at home stuff is being so wildly successful they are allowing poeple to re-locate and be farther away from the building. I am considering looking into some property in more rural areas of Utah.
I keep trying to move the family to Arizona. I know crazy... but they don't have snow. Although the work at home stuff is being so wildly successful they are allowing poeple to re-locate and be farther away from the building. I am considering looking into some property in more rural areas of Utah.
I'm wondering how long it will take for companies that start doing a lot of work from home with distance employees to stop paying them market rate for where the company is. I mean, why pay NY wages when you hire someone in Idaho?
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (6th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Stirling Soap Co. - Hipster
Brush: Stirling Soap Co. - 24mm Finest Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Ultimate Osage
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling Soap Co. - Hipster


The month of June is coming to a close. And thus, so is the June Shave Theme. We still have a few more days, so if you haven't got your favorite Artisan or Hobbyist themed shave is your chance! This morning I went with my Stirling Hipster set that I received from @Lbkindy. I love this scent and so does my wife...though right now she says it is a tad strong. So once again I will wait until I am about ready for work to apply it. This morning's shave is brought to you by a blade that probably should have been tossed after last shave...but since it is Friday and I wanted to start next week's shaves off with fresh blade...I stretched it for one more shave. It wasn't the worst shave in the world...but I could feel a bit of tugging and pulling. Other than that...the soap did it's job and I ended up with a pretty close DFS. But yeah...I am going to make sure that the other people in the elevator (they are allowing four people on an elevator at work now) can smell me...with or without masks!

The Danger Zone

Back to work again this morning. I am getting a lot accomplished when I am there...but man am I busy! But I guess that is a good definitely makes the day go by faster.

Last week we were told that starting July 6th, that we were going back to work five days a week. Well...recently we had a bunch of college bars around LSU start to shut down because their employees began testing positive. Those same bars also opened up and had too many customers at the same time. The word is, they really didn't restrict the number of people, no one was distancing themselves, and everything went willy nilly. About that same time, our state as a whole saw a rise in positive coronavirus cases. I won't go into some of my beliefs about all this, but long story short...looks like our state will be staying in phase two for a while and I have it on good authority that we will remain limited at work still. is what it is.

I hope the Cadre crushes this Friday! Have a great one!
Same issue with bars and such here. They open up and people get stupid.
I guess this is why I have not been to a bar in months. Why else would you go to a bar if not to get stupid? Responsible barfly--now there is an oxymoron. Personally, when I do go to bars I like to lend physical support to the bar itself as I lean against it. And, in my experience, one of the best places on the planet to belly up to a bar is Louisiana.