The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

The Danger Zone

The wife's interview went much as we can tell at least. She met with the Executive staff with the agency she interviewed for minus the Secretary. I guess she was interviewed for about 45 minutes. Normally I would say that is a good thing, but it seems like the positions at that level all require long interviews with a lot of questions for both the interviewer and the interviewee. The information that the wife received was that they were interviewing five people. Two people will get a call back to interview with the Secretary. Who knows how long that will be. Either way...I am remaining positive and and keeping her spirits up. Anyway...just a short update on how the wife's day went.

Thanks for all the prayers, good vibes, extra karma, reverse voodoo dolls and what have you!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Stirling Shave Co. - Weekend in Malibu
Brush: Stirling Shave Co. - Finest Badger Shaving Brush - 24mm Fan Knot
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling Shave Co. - Weekend in Malibu


This was actually Wednesday Night's Shave. For some reason I am just getting around to it. Wednesday afternoon I did a workout while grilling some chicken and I was running a little late to the TSC Zoom call. So I jumped in the shower and when I emerged, I was left wondering what I was going to use for my shave. Weekend in Malibu (WiM) was out and I decided to go with pretty much an all Stirling shave. Great! Because it is Artisan and Hobbyist Month!

Weekend in Malibu is seriously one of my favorite scents period! And as an added bonus too...the wife likes the smell...preggos or not! WiM is totally a summertime scent that I would wear year round. Dead of winter in Utqiagvik, Alaska? Yeah...I would wear it. I might wear it especially if it was dead of winter in Utqiagvik, Alaska! Where in the Waldo Carmen San Diego is Utqiagvik?

"Utqiagvik is the largest city of the North Slope Borough in the U.S. state of Alaska and is located north of the Arctic Circle. It is one of the northernmost public communities in the world and is the northernmost city in the United States. "

So there you go. But yeah...I would use WiM while shaving with a whale bone and feasting on seal fat! There you go! Maybe we can get Frank @Dragonsbeard or Chris to formulate a shave soap with seal blubber! While we are at it...maybe Rod with Stirling @Joe Hackett can make a shave set called Weekend in Utqiagvik! Though I dare say that if you make it that far are likely to spend more than a weekend there.

Oh...and the shave...right. It was spectacular. Just a minor bit of seepage on the neck that was really of no concern. BBS mostly...but just a really great shave!

The Danger Zone

Still waiting on word from Richelle's interview. Hoping to hear something today or Monday. But it's all good either way.

A friend of the family and a co-worker with my wife had to go into see the cardiologist this past week. Turns out he has some arterial blockage. They scheduled to put in some stents yesterday. Turns out he needs a bypass. (I think I am getting all this right). Here is the kicker...evidently the doctor has decided that his heart is too weak to undergo a surgery like that. The even bigger part? He is only 51 years old! Our friend had Type II diabetes and didn't do the best of jobs managing his diet. Like everyone in Louisiana...he likes to eat. But still...51 years old! It kind of slapped me in the face yesterday, as he isn't too much older than me. My GP has suggested I go to see a cardiologist for about a year now. I have to admit that I have kind of put this off for a bit. I was going to wait until this year is over with and after the baby is born. But now, this all kind of puts things in perspective. Might be calling on Monday to see if I can get in to see one in the next month or two.

Work is kind of bumming me out right now. The sTupervisor is up to his old tricks again. If I had the opportunity to just quit right now...I just might. Unfortunately, that's not an option. I am actively looking for other opportunities in State Government right now. Yeah...I am limiting myself to State Employment. I am only two years away from being vested in retirement. Plus retirement in state government is too good to pass up. It's more like a pension than anything else. The problem with this is where my job ranks on the Administrative Scale. Each job in Louisiana Civil Service is given a grade. My current position has me at AS-618. Each job has a Minimum and Maximum pay range. Most of the time you are hired at the minimum, but if you can demonstrate additional qualifications, there is room for negotiation. There is a rule in place currently that if you move to another agency for another job and that position is a lower AS rating...then you have to take the minimum pay. Well that certainly won't work. Here lies the rub. AS positions above mine start to become things like Directors, Assistant Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Program Managers, and the such. While I know I more than qualified and able to perform any of those jobs...they are a bit harder to get into. In other words it might take me a while.

Holy Crap! I didn't realize I was blabbing! Sorry gents and germs...didn't mean to be long winded.

Anyway...I hope the Cadre has a wonderful day today! And I hope you have an even better weekend!
Great shave, Don! Sorry things at work are so screwed up right now. Here's hoping things improve for you. Also still keeping my fingers crossed for your wife. :)
Great shave, Don! Sorry things at work are so screwed up right now. Here's hoping things improve for you. Also still keeping my fingers crossed for your wife. :)
Thanks for the words of encouragement and thanks for keeping your fingers crossed!

With only two years before vesting, you can put up with just about anything in terms of office shenanigans.

You are right about that. But if I stay employed in state government...I keep trucking along in the retirement lane. So I would prefer to either go somewhere else in state or hope that my boss stops dangling the retirement carrot over us and just retire!

FYI...I am not the only person in my section that feels the way I do. If we could all leave right now...we would.

Thanks for reading guys!
Well Don in two years after you get the full retirement we can take BourbonandPole on tour.

Also my employer does a payscale thing as well, it can be frustrating and nice sometimes. But I also am getting to the point to where the next step for me is going to in some pretty stiff competition.

And yea you would be an alright secretary. ;-)
Well Don in two years after you get the full retirement we can take BourbonandPole on tour.

Also my employer does a payscale thing as well, it can be frustrating and nice sometimes. But I also am getting to the point to where the next step for me is going to in some pretty stiff competition.

And yea you would be an alright secretary. ;-)
Dude...I said I would be vested. Full retirement doesn't come for quite some time!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations - One
Brush: Purple and Geauxld Brush by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - La Forêt de Liguest


Yesterday's Shave that I had before my haircut. Yes! I finally got a haircut! More on that later. Anyway...pulled out a soap from @LNHC. One is in her new soap base that is (if this can actually be true) better than her last base. I mean her other stuff was good...real good...but this new base is just that much better.

Whipped up a great lather and really slick one at that, with my new...and maybe my new favorite...Purple and Geauxld brush by @Smattayu! In addition to how it looks,,,which is awesome...I love how this brush feels in my hand. It just feels good.

A while back @gobucks5485 sent me some Chatillon Lux Aftershave Samples. I used the Weinstrasse sample and really liked it well just wasn't what I was expecting. Yesterday I used the La Forêt de Liguest and I have to say, that I absolutely love it! I know it is supposed to be a fougere forward scent (at least according to the website) but with the addition of scents like rose, geranium, and juniper, this scent is a tad sweeter than most fougere scents I have encountered. Yeah...this scent is for me. And if Chatillon Lux makes the AS's on like Michelle Kwan!

The Danger Zone

Like I previously said...I got a haircut yesterday! And I think I dropped something like five pounds just from the hair! My usual place is an old school barber shop that I have been going to for quite a while now. In the past it has been need to make an appointment or anything...just walk in...if there is a sit there, chat with others or watch TV or pick up a magazine and read it. A nice relaxing place where I didn't mind spending an hour or a little more just waiting for my hair cut. But now...the way things are...everyone needs a haircut. And they need it now. And the establishment can only have so many people in at one time. The waits are ridiculous now. I am usually fiercely loyal to my barber, but circumstances dictate a change. A new barber opened up less than five minutes from my house. Checked her social media out and really liked the work she does. I was able to make an appointment, so I gave her a try. She (and yes...from what I understand she is an actual barber) is on the "edgier" side of things. The place is definitely not the atmosphere of my usual place. But I dig it and her. Long story short...I REALLY like her work. She cut my hair very well! So I might be changing venues. The down side? She charges almost twice as much as my last place. As a bonus though...she is building an arcade in her waiting room and her shop carries almost the entire Reuzel line. Pomades, Hair Tonics, After Shaves, and a lot more. I am actually excited about this!

A couple pics of the place and display...not the best...but you get the idea.
