The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

You are is stupid humid out there. Although I just looked at the weather app and it say's it is only 80%...I think there is room for the hygrometer to go up! 🤪

The Creeper stuff (or anything by The Holy Black for that matter) is something to acquire when it is sold by the maker. There is no way in hell I would try to get it after the fact. It's too hard and too expensive. Tangerine Creeper is a good set for novelty purposes...but I wouldn't go out of my way to get it.
We're only at 71% with a slight breeze. I'm good right now, but it would suck if we get a fire.

Yeah, I'm over the novelty phase. I'm not going out of my way to buy anything anymore.
How was your Day Killer, LOL
I stormed the castle! Okay...not so wasn't good. But I am all good now. I hope I didn't say anything TOO inappropriate. Don't think I will be doing anything like that again. Getting to old and priorities are shifting. From now on I'll just have fun watching Chad! 🤪
The Creeper stuff (or anything by The Holy Black for that matter) is something to acquire when it is sold by the maker. There is no way in hell I would try to get it after the fact. It's too hard and too expensive. Tangerine Creeper is a good set for novelty purposes...but I wouldn't go out of my way to get it.
That is about how I feel about my set. I am not unhappy that I bought the set at this point but I did have buyer's remorse for a while given the $95 cost (including shipping). I felt like I fell for the hype a bit. Now I look at the presentation and appreciate the effort made to make this a special product set to use with the aesthetics of the soap dish and aftershave bottle. I used mine recently and put some really nice tangerine essential oil into the lather to pump up the scent a bit--that made it really nice and pleasant. On balance, I am happy to own the set at this point.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: The Sudsy Soapery in collaboration with Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre
Brush: Purple and Gold Brush by Eric Sorrentino (@Smattayu )
Penultimate Aftershave: Ultimate Osage
The Ultimate Aftershave: The Sudsy Soapery in collaboration with Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre

1590497668627.png I haven't exactly shaved with this today. I haven't shaved today at all. But I plan on it. Probably in the next 30 minutes of so. So I may actually post about the shave later. Or maybe not. What I can say is the last time I shaved was last Wednesday. Not sure how that happened...but it did. I need to get back to shaving at least four or five times a week again. I just feel better when I do.

The Danger Zone

WFH...that seems to be the ongoing theme with everyone...or nearly everyone. My work isn't exactly great at communicating with their employees so I have no idea when I go back more often or permanently. I do know that right now we are in a 25% phase meaning only 25% of our people are at work on any single day. We go into Phase II on June 1st, and I don't quite know what that bodes for us. Do we go to 50% work force? 75% Workforce? 100%? Do we go directly to jail without passing go? Who really knows. Either way...I am actually getting some things done. Hopefully finishing up a report today and then turning it in either tomorrow or Thursday. Friday I am physically in the office again.

Hope you all had a relaxing weekend. I pray the Cadre is healthy and happy!
I’m with you Don. All this damn pansy crap. Scared of the Corona Virus. If you have health issues protect yourself. Like you would any other time. Do pregnant women run jack hammers? Or apply insecticides? Why not? Cause they have to take precautions. When they are no longer pregnant do they go back their normal job duties. Yes. If you are reasonably healthy then you should be free to work. If you choose. I am so embarrassed how Americans have handled this situation.
My work just extended the half crew status for another two weeks.
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I’m with you Don. All this damn pansy crap. Scared of the Corona Virusman. If you have health issues protect yourself. Like you would any other time. Do pregnant women run jack hammers? Or apply insecticides? Why not? Cause they have to take precautions. When they are no longer pregnant do they go back their normal job duties. Yes. If you are reasonably healthy then you should be free to work. If you choose. I am so embarrassed how Americans have handled this situation.
My work just extended the half crew status for another two weeks.
Ummm, you do realize that healthy non-elderly people are ending up in the hospital right?
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I’m with you Don. All this damn pansy crap. Scared of the Chinese boogie man. If you have health issues protect yourself. Like you would any other time. Do pregnant women run jack hammers? Or apply insecticides? Why not? Cause they have to take precautions. When they are no longer pregnant do they go back their normal job duties. Yes. If you are reasonably healthy then you should be free to work. If you choose. I am so embarrassed how Americans have handled this situation.
My work just extended the half crew status for another two weeks.
Ummm, you do realize that healthy non-elderly people are ending up in the hospital right?

Again...I think this all goes back to personal choices. If you determine it is an acceptable risk to be out in public or go to different places...then it's on you. I would hope these people also take into consideration other factors. My wife doesn't go anywhere really (with the exception to a baby boutique this weekend) and if she does...she usually just stays in the vehicle. When things go back to "normal," I seriously doubt I will go back to a movie theater...attend packed concerts...or be in large groups of people like Mardi Gras or conventions. These are all personal choices that I will make because I think the risk does not outweigh the reward.

So sure...people of all ages are ending up in the hospital. I get that. SARS-CoV-2 is a nasty virus...and one that we have more to learn about. But I find it interesting that there are reports that say some states reopening have rates going down or holding steady. I have also seen info that conflicts with this. Is it possible that there will be another surge of this? Sure there could be. If we are waiting for the infection rate to go to's not going to happen. Are we waiting for a proven effective vaccine? It is still a ways away. It's just not feasible for the entire country to stay home all the time while business owners who have worked their entire lives have to file for bankruptcy. How about schools...are kids supposed to stay at home and rely on virtual learning and parents to teach them? Oh yeah, and even if a parent is working from home...that doesn't mean that the parent has time to teach their kids.

The stay at home orders were never to be a way to fight the virus...they were just implemented to slow the spread so that health care systems would not be overwhelmed, which was accomplished. Even in places where infection was the worst...New York...the overflow hospitals that were built were rarely used and never even to half capacity. hospitals were not overwhelmed. So what are we doing now?

Again...I don't think we should be packing ourselves close together at beaches or pools or other places...but we can't all just stay at home for the rest of our lives. Not even the rest of the year or even the rest of the summer? If we did that...there would be numerous other health, social, and economic issues.

Yes...there will be people that contract this...there will be people who get sick from it...and there will be people that will die from it. When we have a particularly bad flu season we don't shut down the entire country. How about Hepatitis outbreaks. What about HIV?

I fully support the lock down to help slow the infection rate. But I also support getting the country going too. We have to be smart about things...but we can't hide in a cave forever.

Okay...I spent way too much time on this and now I am starting to sound like a raving lunatic. One more thing...every state has it's own set of circumstances...and each state has to decide what is best for it. I actually agree with the way our Governor is handling our reopening.
I'm in the high risk category, as is my mother. I ventured a trip to my barber this morning, and was impressed with the measures they're taking to keep me safe. I've only ventured out for groceries and mail, but other than that, I'm staying home for the foreseeable future. I was laid off at the beginning of this, so I'm free to study for some professional certifications. I don't have a problem with people getting going again, but it would be nice if everyone wore a mask at the grocery store, for the protection of others.

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but it would be nice if everyone wore a mask at the grocery store, for the protection of others.
YES!!!! I am definitely with you in this department. I make sure I where a mask everywhere I go. But I see so many that don't I just find them to be incredibly selfish. It's a minor save someone's life!
I'm in the high risk category, as is my mother. I ventured a trip to my barber this morning, and was impressed with the measures they're taking to keep me safe. I've only ventured out for groceries and mail, but other than that, I'm staying home for the foreseeable future. I was laid off at the beginning of this, so I'm free to study for some professional certifications. I don't have a problem with people getting going again, but it would be nice if everyone wore a mask at the grocery store, for the protection of others.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
YES!!!! I am definitely with you in this department. I make sure I where a mask everywhere I go. But I see so many that don't I just find them to be incredibly selfish. It's a minor save someone's life!
This is where I'm at. I don't have a problem with things opening up. I do have a problem with those that act like not wearing a mask or cramming into a bar because "They have a right to" only effects them. People deciding they don't want to believe experts on any specific matter because "reasons" is a whole 'nother thing.
The couple of above post I am in agreement 95% with.
I’m still not totally on board with the masks being effective. I think it’s more psychological/ placebo.
This is where I'm at. I don't have a problem with things opening up. I do have a problem with those that act like not wearing a mask or cramming into a bar because "They have a right to" only effects them. People deciding they don't want to believe experts on any specific matter because "reasons" is a whole 'nother thing.
I've not been weighing in as I think it's hard to know who to believe. I remember early on when they said masks don't do any good and I thought to myself, what a bunch of bologna. Now they're important and I agree they have to have some benefits at some level. I am trying to decide the proper time to start work again uding some practical and common sense. I feel at some point people have to work and provide for themselves. Is it too early to open. I and no one else knows for sure. But end of June if no spike I will venture back and I'm in a risk category. My biggest problem is with the idiots that feel they don't care enough to respect others caution and not wear a mask or distance. Open if it is felt to be time but your "rights" end when they infringe on another persons "rights". PERIOD
uding some practical and common sense.
This is key! Practical and common sense needs to play a part. many of us know what we need to do...but so called pundits and experts are spouting off versions of data that doesn't really mean much.

My biggest problem is with the idiots that feel they don't care enough to respect others caution and not wear a mask or distance. Open if it is felt to be time but your "rights" end when they infringe on another persons "rights". PERIOD

Couldn't agree more Dave.
Also...I just want to reiterate that even if there is little proof that masks do any good (I don't believe this by the way...I think there is sufficient evidence that they work to some degree), there is still a chance that you could be saving a life. But if you don't wear a mask at all...there is a good chance you could infect someone...and that person infects someone...and so on and so forth. It is a minor inconvenience to wear a mask. It could kill someone if you don't.