The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Have a good kick off the work week day Don
Great start to the week and an awesome pic!
Fancy pic Mr Fancy Pants
We have a lot of side business photographers going around doing porch portraits too. We have one scheduled with a good friend coming up. It’s a pretty creative idea!
I don't want to toot your horn or anything. But you have upped your picture game. Almost to the point that I don't even need to take any more pics. Keep it up!
I'm finding more and more green as I go through today's entries. Did I miss a memo? I probably did, didn't I? :ROFLMAO:
You didn't get the memo? Neither did I.
nice read Don, and I hope ONE comes back in stock it seems right in the wheelhouse
Thanks all for reading!
Just want to share something that I got in the mail the other day. Eric @Smattayu did a zoom call where he made some blanks to make brush handles. I was one one of the lucky people to be able to pick some colors for one of them (I picked purple and gold of course). my surprise...Eric sent me a brush made from the blank that I got to pick the colors. I was really surprised when it arrived in the mail. Just want to say a big thank you to Eric and if any of you need a very high quality brush...I would suggest contacting Eric when he gets his shop all set up.

Just want to share something that I got in the mail the other day. Eric @Smattayu did a zoom call where he made some blanks to make brush handles. I was one one of the lucky people to be able to pick some colors for one of them (I picked purple and gold of course). my surprise...Eric sent me a brush made from the blank that I got to pick the colors. I was really surprised when it arrived in the mail. Just want to say a big thank you to Eric and if any of you need a very high quality brush...I would suggest contacting Eric when he gets his shop all set up.

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THAT is sharp!!! 🤩
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Vidyut Super-Max Stainless (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: The Holy Black - Tangerine Creeper
Brush: Purple and Gold Brush by Eric Sorrentino
Penultimate Aftershave: Ultimate Osage
The Ultimate Aftershave: The Holy Black - Tangerine Creeper


Looking for a soap and aftershave that fits the monthly theme...I decided to go the The Holy Black's, Tangerine Creeper. I haven't used this set in probably almost a year. Mostly because I had it somewhere in the back of my mind that is was a pretty much slightly above average soap with some gimmicks and a nice presentation. Boy...was my memory mistaken. To be fair...I don't think I ever thought of this soap as slightly above average. But I did think it was good performer that lacked in some departments. This morning I went ahead and did a FULL 30 second load with my new Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu Purple and Gold Brush. Applied the soap to my face and lathered. This soap is a really good lathering soap and if you feed it with enough the consistency is full and rich and slick! No arguments in this department. The shave itself went nicely. And as expected with the creeper version of the soap...the slow intensity of a cold continued to build up and added the overall experience. Three passes in the usual direction and while I can't say that my face is BBS, I can say that it is pretty darn close. Only some slight seepage of the red stuff in the trouble areas of my neck. If I have a complaint with this's that I wish it had a little more in the way of post shave feel. Just a touch more moisturizing. But honestly, as for the performance of the soap...I don't think many will argue against it.

I got some of Kyle's Ultimate Osage in a trade I did with him a couple of weeks ago...and this is some good stuff. Splashed some on before the other stuff. The brisk menthol contrasted with the the cooling agents in the soap...making my face feel all the more brisk. Did some cleaning on the shaving gear and then went right for the Tangerine Creeper Aftershave. For all the money and details put into the ascetics of this set...I really wish they would have splurged for a restrictor in the bottle. Either way...I probably poured more into my cupped hand than I needed (who am I kidding...pour away), and then splashed vigorously. The freeze is on! More cooling agent and I am feeling like I was transported to Mount Everest after biting into a Peppermint Pattie. It's cold stuff. The scent of this set is nice and bright and fun...but it doesn't last long. So I will have to figure out what else I want to wear!

The Danger Zone

Back into the office again this morning. Again...I don't mind so the last couple of times that I have done this I was Uber-Productive.

I hope the Cadre is doing well. Hopefully we are on the backside of this crazy pandemic or at least to the point that we can start thinking about normal life again. Have a wonderful day my TSC Friends!
That Tangerine Creeper is one I keep hoping to get with their backroom releases. Keeps slipping through my fingers though.
Nice shave, Don. I've pretty much given up on getting any Creeper products, which is fine now that I've mostly gotten over my FOMO. Stay cool and hydrated, it's stupid humid out there.
Nice shave, Don. I've pretty much given up on getting any Creeper products, which is fine now that I've mostly gotten over my FOMO. Stay cool and hydrated, it's stupid humid out there.
You are is stupid humid out there. Although I just looked at the weather app and it say's it is only 80%...I think there is room for the hygrometer to go up! 🤪

The Creeper stuff (or anything by The Holy Black for that matter) is something to acquire when it is sold by the maker. There is no way in hell I would try to get it after the fact. It's too hard and too expensive. Tangerine Creeper is a good set for novelty purposes...but I wouldn't go out of my way to get it.