The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creation - One
Brush: TSC Member Brush in Finest Badger by Eric Sorrentino ( @Smattayu )
The Ultimate Aftershave: Reuzel - Citrus and Sandalwood

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I meant to have this shave yesterday but got busy with work and work around the house! But this morning, before the wife gets up and the dogs stir (okay...the dogs already stirred...that's what got me up in the first place...the Danger Hounds were hungry) I showered and set some time aside for a nice relaxing shave. The shave theme of the month is "Flowers, Forest, and Fruit" or Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations. So I went with the LNHC. This is only my second time I have used this soap. Scented after the very famous Dolce & Gabbana "The One," this soap is a really nice scent indeed! I think I actually under-loaded the soap this morning, but still ended up with a nice slick protective lather. Three passes with the Progress and the Feather blade and I am almost as smooth as the behind of a baby's butt.

In the aftershave department I decided to go with something that I haven't used in a while. Reuzel is known famously for their pomade, but they have other products also. I have their Citrus and Sandalwood, which is their take on a Barbershop scent. It's nice and clean. This aftershave doesn't stay with you very long and it doesn't project, which is good since the wife's sense of smell lately has been overly sensitive. But the juice is nice an moisturizing and the scent compliments Lisa's Soap.

The Danger Zone!!!

Friday was a busy one for me. Replaced the blower motor transistor in the truck. Went and got baby furniture and dropped it off at my mom's house while were are getting the baby's room together. Dropped off a mattress to my brother that he wanted and we needed to get rid of. And then had my brother replace the radiator hose in my truck.

Yesterday, the wife and I went ahead and primed the baby's room. Today we will go ahead and put the first coat of the real paint on. The wife bought this paint from PPG that is supposed to go on in one coat, but in my experience in painting (I actually have some, believe it or not), you always have to do a second coat. I guess we will find out today.

I hope the cadre is doing well in these crazy times! Hopefully we all get back to some version of normalcy soon. Have a wonderful weekend!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (8th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creation - Tashmere
Brush: TSC First Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling - Sharp Dressed Man

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Quick one today gents as I have to actually go into work. It looks like the state is implementing a 25% at work policy for the time being. I guess this the their way of transitioning into full work force...form the goings on. Anyway...great shave today as always with Lisa's soaps. I paired the the floral, wood, and spices of the soap with the citrus, grass, and floral scents of the aftershave for a really nice pairing. Not perfect...but complimentary.

The Danger Zone

Like I said. I have to go into work today and Friday. So this journal entry won't be the regular report paper that you are all accustomed to. It seems that on Friday Louisiana will start transitioning into Phase One of opening businesses and the such. Some businesses will remain closed but most will open even if in limited capacity. It appears though that from social media that people are going to take this as a free for all. Other than probably having to go into work more often...I don't see the wife and I changing our routine all that much. At least not until all the craziness has settled down.

Hope the Cadre have wonderful day!
Nice read Don, and here is the same way "partial opening" meant Flood gates and the numbers are showing it. A bar/restaurant near ASU ( go figure ) was reported to have over 1000 people jammed inside and spilling out to the streets. Looks as if culling has begun LOL
Yesterday's Shave

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Vidyut Super-Max Stainless (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creation - One
Brush: Sorrentino Brush
The Ultimate Aftershave: St. Charles Shave - Very Vetiver

Today's Shave

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Vidyut Super-Max Stainless (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creation - One
Brush: TSC First Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino

Penultimate Aftershave: Ultimate Osage
The Ultimate Aftershave: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations Post Shave Elixir - White Mountain


I have wanted to shave with Lisa's new formula several times before I did a lengthy review. After four shaves with her Formula 8.1 with Sheep's Milk...and really dialing this soap in, I can honestly say this is one of the best soaps I have used. I have used LNHC soaps for three or four iterations now. I honestly didn't know if her last version could be topped because it was so good...but here we are...I think Lisa did it. This soap performs as it should in all aspects from the beginning when you load the soap on the brush to the luxurious lather that is easy to build. This soap is really slick and if you just push the lathering with a little more water than you think you just might be rewarded with the slickest soap you have tried. And with that slickness comes an incredible layer of lather for your face when shaving. And because of that initial slickness, the residual slickness sticks around. I was able to do another pass on residual slickness alone. But where this version of LNHC soap shines is the post shave feel. This is the absolute best moisturizing soap I have tried. It leaves my face feeling refreshed all day long. I am still amazed at how nourished my face feels after I get home from work. This stuff is just amazing. The scent of this particular soap (The One) I am learning is a favorite among my friends, coworkers, my wife (this is most important), and others. It's light enough that it doesn't interfere with what I want to put on afterward...but pronounced enough that you can catch whiffs of it if you don't use an aftershave at all. I would highly recommend this soap to all manner of shavers.

The Post Shave Elixir is something that I need to try a few more times before I make a judgement. But my initial thoughts are that this is really good stuff. It goes on super light. Lighter than I expected it to. And almost immediately absorbs in to the skin. Leaves your face nice and smooth and nourished. More on this later. I picked this up on half price I think because Lisa is get you some while it is really cheap. This is White Mountain scent that according to Lisa herself smells like: "a complex mix of wild cypress, ozone, makrut lime, sea salt, oud, elemi, leather, amber, ocean moss, and frankincense." The scent is nice and light and is perfect right now as my pregnant wife has what we call a "super snooter" as most scents she finds too strong right now.
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Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Vidyut Super-Max Stainless (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Ghost Lime
Brush: TSC First Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino
Penultimate Aftershave: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations Post Shave Elixir - White Mountain
The Ultimate Aftershave: RazoRock - Essential Oil of Lime


To keep with the may Shave theme I pulled out a soap I haven't used in a while and I am not sure why. CBL's Ghost Lime is an absolute favorite of mine. A nice fresh lime scent and lather that is hard to beat! And I love how Chris applied the cooling agent to his soap. It definitely lasts a while without feeling like you just walked 100 miles in the Arctic.

Three passes and I didn't chase. Ended up with my usual DFS and no blood to get on my clean white undershirt. It's a morning that is going well so far.

Second use of Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations Post Shave Elixir. And I am really digging this aftershave. It's not something I am going to use everyday...but I will use it on those days I need a little extra repair on the face and neck. If you don't know by now...I hate balms. They leave my face all sticky and heavy feeling. They tend to make me sweat also since the make me feel like my skin is suffocation. Lisa's Elixir is not that at all. It goes on light, but absorbs in quicker than any balm. A minute...maybe two...and the moisturizing post shave elixir is all but gone and you face feels refreshed. I believe that right now Lisa is trying to make way for new stock so her current stock of this stuff is little more than half of right now. Go get you some!

After the Elixir I splashed on some Essential Oil with Lime by RazoRock. First time using this aftershave as I recently got it in a trade with @Smattayu. I have to the's fresh and the way it feels on my skin also. But, like many other citrus just doesn't last all that long. is some really good stuff.

The Danger Zone

This weekend the wife and I took some pictures with a movement called "The Front Door Project." It's all over the country. Basically, a photographer comes to your house, does a quick 15-20 minute session with you and your family taking picture in the front of your home. All you have to do is prove that you supported a local restaurant. Anyway...anxious to see how those turned out.

Back to work again today. My schedule for this week is Monday and Wednesday. I won't say that I am actually looking forward to going into the office...but's a nice change of pace from the self motivation of trying to work from home. I don't mind it and I have plenty of work so the day goes by super quick.

Hope the Cadre is doing well this Monday morning. Praying and keeping you all and your families in my thoughts!
We have a lot of side business photographers going around doing porch portraits too. We have one scheduled with a good friend coming up. It’s a pretty creative idea!
I don't want to toot your horn or anything. But you have upped your picture game. Almost to the point that I don't even need to take any more pics. Keep it up!