The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Your schedule and the baby's are sadly often not synched. Hate to tell ya buddy. :cry:
But smartphones and Bluetooth ear buds can let you multi task. Just be sure to keep TD celebrations on the DL when necessary. (Baby Sleeping)
I realize this...I was really joking...for the most part. I do realize that no matter what day of the week the baby is born on...we will likely be in the hospital on a game day. In the grand scheme of things...the games are just not that important. BUT...I am happy that I have Hulu Live on the phone and some wireless earbuds!
Luckily for me my son decided to come the week before the draft (he is going to be a daddy's boy), but in case your little one decides to come on game day, there are TV's in the room. And the hospital I was at had the local channels and ESPN so you may be covered! Just don't get caught looking at the game and not your wife!
@dangerousdon Your sense of humor and your military background will both be huge factors in the success, I am sure you will have. In adapting to being a dad. Just think a few years from now. You will have "Been there, Done that". And teasing other guys on here and elsewhere.
My daughter and son in-law are now past her due date. And I am worried that they are not ready for all the things coming their way. So I have refrained from messing with them.
Time will tell. Hope I'm wrong.
Crazy time for anyone expecting with all the Corona Virus going on.
Hang tough buddy.
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@dangerousdon Your sense of humor and your military background will both be huge factors in the success, I am sure you will have. In adapting to being a dad. Just think a few years from now. You will have "Been there, Done that". And teasing other guys on here and elsewhere.
My daughter and son in-law are now past her due date. And I am worried that they are not ready for all the things coming their way. So I have refrained from messing with them.
Time will tell. Hope I'm wrong.
Crazy time for anyone expecting with all the Chinese boogeyman flu stuff going on.
Hang tough buddy.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It really means a lot. As a father it is your job to worry if they are ready or not. But I am sure they are. I am sure your kids have been prepared for life adequately. But yeah...I understand you not messing with them. These are uncharted territories with the Chinese sponsored terrorist attack on this world with the Kung Fu Flu... 🤪. But life persists ane we will all find ways to adapt. But man...I never in my life would have thought that I would have to deal with a Pandemic.

Hope your daughter is safe in all this. I know with my wife I have been very impressed with her medical care through all of this. She likely won't go the full nine months and the doctors are talking about inducing a couple weeks early. This is because she is considered high-risk because of her age and other things. But yeah...anyone navigating the waters during these times are playing without a rule book.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (6th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Stirling - Weekend in Malibu
Brush: TSC Second Anniversary Brush
The Penultimate Aftershave: UACowboy's Osage Mix
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling - Weekend in Malibu


This was last might's shave. Just before the TSC Social Distancing Call. I think I rushed it a bit becasue I ended up with a neck that looked like the chainsaw scene from Scarface! There was a good bit of blood on my neck...but the I didn't even know I nicked my self...several times...until I saw the blood after the shave. I guess the Feather is going strong. Pulled out the Weekend in Malibu because this stuff is a perfect warm weather scent. And with notes of citrus and lily of the valley...this stuff fits the shave theme for May perfectly! Of course the sandalwood and the vanilla round it out for a type of aquatic and slightly floral scent. I used Kyle's Osage Mix for the first time last night and I did a George Takei...


That is some good stuff with the nice brisk feel of Osage Rub. I think he puts some good stuff in it also, like aloe and witch hazel. I have a request for ingredients from the maker himself in hopes I can replicate this stuff when I finish the bottle. But even after Kyle's Osage mix...and even though I am home with just the wife...a man has to smell good. So...copious amounts of Weekend in Malibu splash went on! I did get the comment from the wife while sitting down for dinner..."Don...I like that aftershave you are using...and it might just be the pregnancy...but you are STRONG today."

The Danger Zone!!!

The baby room...well isn't complete per doesn't have pictures on the wall and is missing a couple of things. But it is painted and the furniture we bought is put together. A rug is down, ceiling fan is up, light switch replaced, a cord hider installed...and I am sure I am missing something else...but the nursery is done for the time being! A friend of ours is making a book shelf for the room and the wife found a glider/recliner that she was eyeballing on super she spent even more money... 🤪 . It her was about 60% off and if we had waited...I am sure that it would been at full price when we were ready to buy. I will say the great thing about this COVID-19 that there are deals to be had if you knw where to look. Anyway...a couple pics below of the mostly finished room.

It's Thursday Cadre...and I am not sure what that really means...but it's a good day nonetheless. Get outside and take in the sun a bit today!
