The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creation - One
Brush: TSC Member Brush in Finest Badger by Eric Sorrentino ( @Smattayu )
The Ultimate Aftershave: Reuzel - Citrus and Sandalwood


I meant to have this shave yesterday but got busy with work and work around the house! But this morning, before the wife gets up and the dogs stir (okay...the dogs already stirred...that's what got me up in the first place...the Danger Hounds were hungry) I showered and set some time aside for a nice relaxing shave. The shave theme of the month is "Flowers, Forest, and Fruit" or Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations. So I went with the LNHC. This is only my second time I have used this soap. Scented after the very famous Dolce & Gabbana "The One," this soap is a really nice scent indeed! I think I actually under-loaded the soap this morning, but still ended up with a nice slick protective lather. Three passes with the Progress and the Feather blade and I am almost as smooth as the behind of a baby's butt.

In the aftershave department I decided to go with something that I haven't used in a while. Reuzel is known famously for their pomade, but they have other products also. I have their Citrus and Sandalwood, which is their take on a Barbershop scent. It's nice and clean. This aftershave doesn't stay with you very long and it doesn't project, which is good since the wife's sense of smell lately has been overly sensitive. But the juice is nice an moisturizing and the scent compliments Lisa's Soap.

The Danger Zone!!!

Friday was a busy one for me. Replaced the blower motor transistor in the truck. Went and got baby furniture and dropped it off at my mom's house while were are getting the baby's room together. Dropped off a mattress to my brother that he wanted and we needed to get rid of. And then had my brother replace the radiator hose in my truck.

Yesterday, the wife and I went ahead and primed the baby's room. Today we will go ahead and put the first coat of the real paint on. The wife bought this paint from PPG that is supposed to go on in one coat, but in my experience in painting (I actually have some, believe it or not), you always have to do a second coat. I guess we will find out today.

I hope the cadre is doing well in these crazy times! Hopefully we all get back to some version of normalcy soon. Have a wonderful weekend!
Great set up Don. I’m going to need to pick up a tub of that soap. Love The One.

It has been my experience that 99.9% of the time you need to go with two coats when painting walls. Even if the color manages to cover in one, the sheen just looks off until the second coat goes on.
Great set up Don. I’m going to need to pick up a tub of that soap. Love The One.

It has been my experience that 99.9% of the time you need to go with two coats when painting walls. Even if the color manages to cover in one, the sheen just looks off until the second coat goes on.
Have to agree Eric! We just finished the ceiling and while this paint on very well, probably best I've ever used, but it still needs another coat.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (5th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Wholly Kaw - Agrumi in Estate
Brush: TSC First Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino ( @Smattayu )
The Ultimate Aftershave: Wholly Kaw - Agrumi in Estate


I haven't used this soap and aftershave combo in quite a while. And man is it a good one! For some reason I was thinking this soap base was a thirsty one and thus a little harder to lather. Nope...not this soap. It lathered quicker than a knife fight in a phone booth! And the lather is really smooth, rich and creamy. All this and it is still pretty slick!

If I had a quick sniff of this soaps I might tell you it smells like lemon drops...the candy...but not so sugary. But a closer inspection and this is a bright citrus scent. Not any one citrus in particular...just generally citrus. It is almost reminiscent of lemon grass...but more of the fruit! When researching the soap...this is what I found in the way of scent notes..."notes of lemon, lime and white grapefruit on a base of vetiver, patchouli, cedarwood and labdanum." So lemon grass isn't all that far off I think.

This is my fifth shave with the Feather blade and it is going strong. This blade seems to be shaving better now than it did when I first put it in the razor. I'm going to see how long it lasts while still providing a good shave. It may be that I just start buying feathers.

The shave was fantastic! I wouldn't call it BBS...because I rarely have one of those...but this shave is pretty damn good. Better than most.

Finalized the morning shave ritual with an aftershave of the same name. And though very few will will be fortunate enough to sniff the wafting fragrance that is me...I still doused myself appropriately. As if I want the whole world to shave in the glory of my aftershave!

The Danger Zone!!!

Almost have the baby room finished painting. I actually ran out of paint. We realized that we would likely be short paint at about five minutes to noon on Saturday. So we quickly called and placed another order for a gallon, only to realize that the place closed at noon and wouldn't reopen until Monday. So it looks like I will be picking up the paint today and finishing the room later today.

I say later today because I am actually going into work for a couple hours this morning. There are some things that I need to do that I can't do from home.

Did my typical lawn duties yesterday to include my mother's yard. My yard is looking really nice and lush right now. It probably looks better than it has in a long time.

Hope the Cadre is working through these weird times as best we can! Keep the chin up and hug your loved ones (but only if you live with them...everyone else can get an air high-five).
quicker than a knife fight in a phone booth!
Huh? I've never heard that saying. My first thought is a phone booth would only fit one person. So if you're in a knife fight with that person it would take a very long time given the glass barrier. :geek:

So, was the paint one coat and done? I saw that the last time I got paint and figured the same thing. That I'd have to do two coats no matter what so I didn't want to pay the premium for it.
Huh? I've never heard that saying. My first thought is a phone booth would only fit one person. So if you're in a knife fight with that person it would take a very long time given the glass barrier. :geek:

So, was the paint one coat and done? I saw that the last time I got paint and figured the same thing. That I'd have to do two coats no matter what so I didn't want to pay the premium for it.

Dave...I am disappointed in you. Yes you can get a more than one person in a phone booth. It's not comfortable...but it can be done. Use your imagination.

Nope we needed two coats. We didn't buy the paint based on the "one coat" claim. But bought it more for the low VOC and the quality in general. It really wasn't that expensive as far as paint goes. In the $40 dollar a gallon range. I have paid a lot more for paint before.

The paint went on well...but you always have to do a second coat to even out the paint. Plus if you are painting a textured wall...a second coat is necessary.

Pretty sure the guy in the middle of the pic did not think he was going to be in the sequel to the Kama Sutra.
You guys are a bunch of clowns!

The Danger Zone!!!

Not doing a shave this morning, but I thought I would drop in anyway. The wife and I finished painting the nursery last night. Even did a couple of touch-ups else where. I put the door back on and voila! We have a functioning room again! Today, I will put up a new ceiling fan, clean out the air duct, mount the TV back on the wall, ,and replace the light switch. I am also installing on of those TV Cord Organizers. You know...the one that is supposed to hide all you wires to the TV you mounted on the wall? will be a busy day.

This morning I am taking the wife to another one of her appointments. I'll drop her off and have a nice stroll around the facility lakes. Lat time I got in almost five and a half miles. I think this appointment will be shorter so I probably won't get that many miles in. But it will be a nice walk anyway!

Have a great day these weird times we still have a lot to be thankful for!