The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

I'll likely shave later today...but I just wanted to let all my readers know that we got the results of our genetic testing back yesterday and looks like everything looks great as far as chromosomal disorders. Super happy about that. We also found out what the gender of the baby is...and looks like it's going to be...

its a girl.gif
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Personna Platinum (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - The Shaving Cadre
Brush: The Shaving Cadre 2nd Anniversary Brush
The Ultimate Aftershave: Aqua Velva - Ice Sport


Yeah, I know...the picture has my Gillette Big Fellow in it. I decided to make the call and go with my old trusty in the Merkur Progress. Just an easy razor to use! Today is "S" day for the shaving theme and what better day to use my The Shaving Cadre Soap and my The Shaving Cadre Second Anniversary Shave Brush! There isn't much more that I can say about that hasn't already been of my favorite formulations of any soap out there.

Checked out the new Anniversary Shaving Brush...and it's better than I expected really. It did lose a few fibers, but all in all a very solid brush that I will be using frequently.

And...every-time I use Aqua Velva...I am amazed at how good of an aftershave this stuff is. Though I did apply it this morning and the wife commented on how strong it was. I had to stop and laugh about that one. But good stuff! Ended up with a really solid shave this morning!

The Danger Zone!!!

Well...if you didn't read previously or in another thread. The genetic testing came back and everything looks great and it looks like we are having a little girl! I have already made my comments about pulling out the shotguns and cleaning them. But in all seriousness, yeah..I have a whole new set of anxiety to add to the old ones now. This whole getting ready to be a daddy thing is starting to get real.

The wife has pretty much picked out colors for the new nursery and we are thinking about what to do with the stuff that is in there. It's a spare bedroom right now and I have to get rid of a king size bed. Found out that you can't donate mattresses any more. And in our current pandemic I guess I understand. But it's a hard pill to swallow because it's a name brand mattress and has only been slept on a hand full of times. It just kind of sucks.

We are supposed to get some storms again today that have the potential of kicking up tornadoes and straight line winds. It seems to me that the past few years these spring storms that we usually get have been much more extreme then they have been. I guess you chalk it up to climate change, global warming, climate instability, or whatever it is that you want to call it. Either way...we are going to get some bad weather today. I dosed the Danger Hounds both last night and this morning and will likely give them another dose of CBD oil at noon. The stuff really helps them. Not an altogether cure, but really helps with the anxiety.

Hop the Cadre is sticking in there...hopefully we get through this thing sooner than later!
I already pulled out the shotguns and started cleaning them! 🤪
Another fun thing to do is to be in the middle of honing a couple of straight razors when the boyfriend shows up, that gets their attention too, lol. In my neck of the woods most boys are accustomed to seeing and being around guns, straight razors are a different story, haha :devilish:. My daughter will be 17 next month. Congrats and enjoy.