The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

We have impatient wackadoodles in the WalleyeMart line-ups up here. A security guard in Montreal got driven into as a customer was irate at having to social distance outside in line. *ugh*
Oz soaps are definitely underrated, and their brushes are fantastic. I might have to read that whole book series while I have the time.
A productive weekend indeed lol.
Oz soaps are definitely underrated, and their brushes are fantastic. I might have to read that whole book series while I have the time.
A productive weekend indeed lol.
I also thought about reading the series...I think all of the books are public I am sure you can get them pretty cheap or even maybe free electronically.
I did use the Foxville per your recommendation. And it was fantastic. I have tried Oil can from them in the past.
What I like about OZ shaving is they offer samples in both soap and aftershaves.

On another note Don did you get my picture of my CL after shaves? I sent a personal message? You are pretty good at getting back I was just thinking you missed this one?
Take care I really enjoy your daily reviews.
I did use the Foxville per your recommendation. And it was fantastic. I have tried Oil can from them in the past.
What I like about OZ shaving is they offer samples in both soap and aftershaves.

On another note Don did you get my picture of my CL after shaves? I sent a personal message? You are pretty good at getting back I was just thinking you missed this one?
Take care I really enjoy your daily reviews.
Thanks for reading!
Good man for going out and being the guinea pig to get it all done for the family! On the up side I guess you get some varied scenery, despite having to deal with the weirdos.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Personna Platinum (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Cold River Soap Works - Glide - Colonia Mediterranea
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Brush
The Ultimate Aftershave: Barbasol Pacific Rush


The ABC Shaves continue, but I was hard pressed to figure out my "G" shave. I had ordered some blades for my GEM, but alas, Amazons Shipments are moving slower that usual. But I did fins my tub of Cold River Soap Works GLIDE rendition of the soap. This scent is a very aquatic smelling soap that just smells fresh! I did some mammoth painting ( @Blade-meister would be proud of me) as well, as I want to smell like the soap, but overpowering. More on that in a bit. Finished up my shaves with some healthy glugs of Barbasol Pacific Rush! So in other words...yeah...I feel great!

The Danger Zone!!!

I have to take the wife to a couple of her visits today. I won't be able to accompany her with the current state and situiation the world is in. But the facilities have this great walking track around a pond that is frequented by Canadian geese and ducks and other wildlife. So while she is getting poked and prodded, I'll be getting my exercise in and listening to a podcast. That is if it doesn't rain. The wife's senses are heightened beyond Spiderman's right now (sorry KJ @Spider ) so I had to apply aftershave that would not offend the wife since I am driving her to her appointment. Thus the reason for Pacific Rush (the scent fades fast!) and the mammoth painting (the soap should linger a little). Oh..and since I have to take the wife to these appointments...even though I am working from home...I have to take a vacation day...seems a little weird to me. I get it...just seems a little weird!

It's Tuesday Cadre! And I really hope things are getting better for all of you! The Governor said in a press conference yesterday that our curve is beginning to flatten out. This seems like good news so I will take it as such. Stay positive Cadre! We will get through this!
The Danger Zone!!!

The Doctor's visit for my wife went well. This visit was for a few different things. First, they were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. Doctor said it sounds the way it is supposed to. Secondly, they were able to see the baby moving around...and evidently a lot. Mama's blood pressure and lab work all were fine also. The surprise of the day though was the genetic testing. So our insurance doesn't cover genetic testing at all...even though the doctor has deemed it medically necessary due to my wife being considered high risk. But one of manufacturers of the test give a discount. So instead of how much it really is, we were only going to pay $300. Well, it seems that with everything going on in the world today, many labs are discounting a lot of tests. Anyway, there is another company out there now that does the same test of $99. Yeah...I like saving 2 hundo.

The important thing in all of this is that the baby and mama are perfectly fine and there are no issues. I wish I was there to be able to listen to the heartbeat and just be supportive. But that wasn't in the cards. So, while Richelle was in doing lab work and being poked and prodded...I was outside on the walking track enjoying some fresh air...well as fresh of air Southern Louisiana has.
