The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

I hope you get the classic dad-to-be experience soon, not this millennial Coronavirus-uncoupled-father-of-the-child crap.

Maybe someone can record it for you?
Maybe someone can record it for you?
Yeah...we are talking about doing a recording if it's allowed. So far everything has been okay on this front. But soon we will have some important doctor visits that I would like to be there for.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Ladas (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Big Easy Soap and Tinctures - Cafe Orleans
Brush: TSC Member Brush in Finest Badger
The Ultimate Aftershave: Big Easy Soap and Tinctures - Cafe Orleans


Continuing on with our Alphabet Shave Theme, today's shave is with the letter "D." I wanted to do something a little different and decided to settle on my Cafe Orleans set by Big Easy Soaps and Tinctures. Yeah I know...there is no "D" in that soap and aftershave. The Cafe Orleans soap and aftershaves has notes of coffee, hazelnut, and chocolate. This scent combination reminds me of sitting at my local coffee shop here in Southern Louisiana and drinking a cafe au lait and munching on some beignets. Oh, so delicious! Beignets are types of doughnuts. Therefore, D is for Doughnuts!

The shave itself was a little rushed as you can see from the video...yes...there is another video. But overall for a two was pretty good. This isn't the best soap in the world, but it is a solid Tier 2 soap with a very unique scent. Sadly, Big Easy Soap and Tinctures doesn't exist anymore. But I still have a good bit of this stuff left.

The Danger Zone!!!

Doing some yard work today and then give the zero turn mower an oil change. Man, an oil filter and three quarts of oil (this was oil for tractors and mowers and you can only buy them in 1.5 quart's only 10w30, so next time I am just going to buy regular engine oil for trucks and cars) is almost as much as an oil change for my truck! But you gotta do what you gotta do. Next week I will likely change the blades on my mower also. Later in the day...I have a ceramic soldier that I think I will paint and then get fired later. (Pic of figurine below.)

Hope the weekend treats you all right. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air!


This scent combination reminds me of sitting at my local coffee shop here in Southern Louisiana and drinking a cafe au lait and munching on some beignets. Oh, so delicious! Beignets are types of doughnuts. Therefore, D is for Doughnuts!
Yeah...we are talking about doing a recording if it's allowed. So far everything has been okay on this front. But soon we will have some important doctor visits that I would like to be there for.
Or maybe video call (I know you don’t FaceTime) into the appointment? I know they’ve relaxed a lot of the telehealth platform requirements during this time. Wouldn’t seem like a big deal with patient consent (particularly because you aren’t the patient). It makes me sad that you’re missing the early visits, as hearing the heartbeat and things is pretty special. Plus, you’re a guy with a lot of questions so I’d expect you’d add something to the appointment!

My wife is 30 weeks pregnant (surprise!) with our second. She is down to bi-weekly visits at this point. I’ve not been going since our ultrasound—partly because it’s our second (we’re old pros now) and now because of the current situation. Though they’ve not prohibited me as of yet. Thankfully, my wife had a routine pregnancy the first time around and is having the same to this point, so that gives me some comfort. The fear is that they’ll impose some sort of no visitor requirement (like NY) when she delivers and prevent me from accompanying her to the hospital. Nothing like that in place now on the west side of Michigan (things are pretty positive here as compared to the east side/Detroit), so hopefully that remains the case.

Anyway, long way of saying that I feel your pain and can understand what your going through. Stay strong brother!
Or maybe video call (I know you don’t FaceTime) into the appointment? I know they’ve relaxed a lot of the telehealth platform requirements during this time. Wouldn’t seem like a big deal with patient consent (particularly because you aren’t the patient). It makes me sad that you’re missing the early visits, as hearing the heartbeat and things is pretty special. Plus, you’re a guy with a lot of questions so I’d expect you’d add something to the appointment!

My wife is 30 weeks pregnant (surprise!) with our second. She is down to bi-weekly visits at this point. I’ve not been going since our ultrasound—partly because it’s our second (we’re old pros now) and now because of the current situation. Though they’ve not prohibited me as of yet. Thankfully, my wife had a routine pregnancy the first time around and is having the same to this point, so that gives me some comfort. The fear is that they’ll impose some sort of no visitor requirement (like NY) when she delivers and prevent me from accompanying her to the hospital. Nothing like that in place now on the west side of Michigan (things are pretty positive here as compared to the east side/Detroit), so hopefully that remains the case.

Anyway, long way of saying that I feel your pain and can understand what your going through. Stay strong brother!
One visitor in L&D is one of our visitor exceptions.
Thanks guys! Baby isn't due until October so I am hopeful things will be different by then.
Or maybe video call (I know you don’t FaceTime) into the appointment? I know they’ve relaxed a lot of the telehealth platform requirements during this time. Wouldn’t seem like a big deal with patient consent (particularly because you aren’t the patient). It makes me sad that you’re missing the early visits, as hearing the heartbeat and things is pretty special. Plus, you’re a guy with a lot of questions so I’d expect you’d add something to the appointment!

My wife is 30 weeks pregnant (surprise!) with our second. She is down to bi-weekly visits at this point. I’ve not been going since our ultrasound—partly because it’s our second (we’re old pros now) and now because of the current situation. Though they’ve not prohibited me as of yet. Thankfully, my wife had a routine pregnancy the first time around and is having the same to this point, so that gives me some comfort. The fear is that they’ll impose some sort of no visitor requirement (like NY) when she delivers and prevent me from accompanying her to the hospital. Nothing like that in place now on the west side of Michigan (things are pretty positive here as compared to the east side/Detroit), so hopefully that remains the case.

Anyway, long way of saying that I feel your pain and can understand what your going through. Stay strong brother!
I went looking for your journal and couldn't find it to congratulate you so I'll do it here.
Sorry about you not being able to go to the appointments Don. I have not been allowed to go to the last two, but luckily I am still allowed to be there for the delivery. Hopefully this blows over before that time comes for you. I would definitely try to video chat though. I believe you can do it through facebook messenger and it is pretty decent quality. As far as questions, all I can suggest is writing some down for your wife to ask the doctor. Keeping y'all in my prayers!
Hey Don... You touched on something pretty sad about this whole situation.

My brother in law and sister in law are pregnant with their first. About as far along as you are. He was told he can't go to anymore appts. But as of right now can be at labor and delivery but only him.

Another sad thing about all this is my grandpa who is getting chemo and radiation. My grandma can't go with him. So she drives him to the hospital and sits in the car. The nurse calls when he is done and she drives around and they help load him into the car. I feel really bad for all the other people this is effecting. This virus has literally changed every aspect of our lives.
Hey Don... You touched on something pretty sad about this whole situation.

My brother in law and sister in law are pregnant with their first. About as far along as you are. He was told he can't go to anymore appts. But as of right now can be at labor and delivery but only him.

Another sad thing about all this is my grandpa who is getting chemo and radiation. My grandma can't go with him. So she drives him to the hospital and sits in the car. The nurse calls when he is done and she drives around and they help load him into the car. I feel really bad for all the other people this is effecting. This virus has literally changed every aspect of our lives.
It is something that I have thought about too. Things will likely be better in October for the wife and I...but for all those your Grandfather...who rely on family and friends for support...have to go to their appointments alone. My heart just goes out to them. On the other side of's just not worth the risk. Especially for those who will be in an immuno-compromised situation. Just know that the health care workers are looking out for them.
It is something that I have thought about too. Things will likely be better in October for the wife and I...but for all those your Grandfather...who rely on family and friends for support...have to go to their appointments alone. My heart just goes out to them. On the other side of's just not worth the risk. Especially for those who will be in an immuno-compromised situation. Just know that the health care workers are looking out for them.

I 100% agree. If people are complaining about the health care workers for enforcing these new rules.... They are crazy! This is smart and hard. But together as a society we will get through it.
I 100% agree. If people are complaining about the health care workers for enforcing these new rules.... They are crazy! This is smart and hard. But together as a society we will get through it.
You bet we will!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Personna Super (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Oz Shaving Company - Foxville
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Brush
The Ultimate Aftershave: Oz Shaving Company - Foxville


Another ABC shave and today is brought to you by the letter F! And F is for Foxville. Foxville is an autumn type scent that is made by Oz Shaving Company. Oz Shaving Co. is an artisan that I believe is a bit underrated. They have a nice line of soaps that are scented beautifully. They have a line of brushes that are out of this world. If you haven't guessed yet, the products from this soap maker are inspired by the Oz book series by L. Frank Baum. You know...the Wonderful Wizard of Oz? Dorothy? Toto? The Tin Man? Yeah...but the inspiration lends to the whole series, and if you didn't know...there are something like 14 books in the series. Okay...enough of that. Had a great shave today even if I didn't show it in the video.

The Danger Zone!!!

I tell you what...doing the grocery shopping for My family, the in laws, and my it gets exhausting! I am the guinea pig in the equation. The in-laws are in their mid to late sixties and both have medical issues. My mother is about as healthy as healthy can be but she is also in her sixties. The wife is that leaves me as the one who is supposedly more resilient. So instead of everyone doing their shopping...we just have one person do it to risk exposure. And that one person is me! I absolutely hate shopping in person at Wal-Mart...but I wasn't going to make several stops. So the evil empire it was. It seems that most stores and including Wally World are taking measures to limit the amount of people who are in the store at one time. I really appreciate this. It made my life a little easier as I didn't have to go down crowded isles. But the downside was that I had to wait 15 minutes outside in a line to get in. Man was it exhausting.

This weekend was a productive one. Other than the grocery shopping for the fam...I also got a lot of yard work done...some pressure washing...and a good bit of exercise. Met a new neighbor that her and her husband are veterans also. Got some exercise in. I did, however, forget to do the oil change in my zero turn...but I can do that this week. All in was a great weekend!

It's Monday Cadre! I know these days are kind of blending all in together. But you got this! Have a great one!
