The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

I channeled my Cadre skim reading skills and caught up...ish. Dude, that PCP deal sucks. I've been thinking about finding a proper PCP because the one my insurance has listened was kinda just assigned to me and I've never met him in my life.

Moving on.

Venessa will be high risk too when we start trying, and it scares the hell out of me more than she will ever know. On top of that, her and her sister and due for the bigenerational twins.

I hope all is well with the parts that I missed in my skimming, Don.
True story. A neighbor and friend of mine. Had a boy. Didn't really want any more kids. His wife convinced him that they should have ONE more. He finally gave in and they "tried" for one more.
BAM! Twins. He was so pissed when he told me the sonogram results that revealed his predicament.
I had told him the virtues of a Vascectomy.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: 7 O'Clock Sharpedge (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations - Tashmere
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Superior 70 and Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Fresh Vetiver

One of my favorite scents...LNHC Tashmere. But it is also one of my favorite performing soaps. Get a proper lather on this one and you will be rewarded with a super slick and really moisturizing shave. It pairs well, not perfectly, but pairs very well with Fine Fresh Vetiver. I went a little easy on the splashing and dousing, the wife is a little sensitive to scents right now. Yeah, I know, I know...the people on the elevator will be disappointed.

The Danger Zone!!!

Well it seems that my place of work has reluctantly allowed us to work from home if we want. But they are not making it easy for us at all. No biggie. I'll test out their experiment and make my wife happy. So starting tomorrow...I'll be trying to get as much work done as possible from home. I don't think this will be an issue at all though. I just have a few things that might be a little inconvenient.

I hope the cadre is weathering the storm as best as they can. Praying for those affected by our current predicament and hoping for the best. It's Monday Cadre...let's take care of business!
Right after getting your standing desk darn it! Is work putting a halt on travel/interviews for the time being or at least watching to phone/video?
Right after getting your standing desk darn it! Is work putting a halt on travel/interviews for the time being or at least watching to phone/video?
Yeah, no travel for interviews. Everything done on the phone. Though the skinny is that our Governor is going to tell non-essential emloyees to stay home. Likely today or tomorrow.
Speaking of the wife...she legitimately wants me to make a homemade bidet:

View attachment 18661 too can make your own homemade bidet for the low cost of about $20...two sawbucks if you will!
These things are actually great. You will see one in just about every bathroom in Vietnam. You will need to spend more than $20, however. The bathrooms in Vietnam that have these are constructed so that the entire bathroom is a shower stall. (Notice the tile on the floor and the floor drain.) These sprayers are used to spray off your backside and then spray down the toilet after flushing. Also, when you use them on your backside water goes everywhere. And I mean everywhere, so you will need to waterproof your whole bathroom.

You will also want to note that these sprayers are cold water only.

Most of the bathrooms that I experienced in Vietnam were pretty awesome. They did take some getting used to, however.

Also, I am late to the party... Congrats on the pregnancy!!!!
You will also want to note that these sprayers are cold water only.

Also, I am late to the party... Congrats on the pregnancy!!!!

For the most part in Louisiana I won't have an issue with cold water. During our eight months of summer the water is at the coldest...Lukewarm coming out of the tap.

And thanks Doug!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: 7 O'Clock Sharpedge (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming - Admiral
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - Admiral

This scent is quickly becoming a favorite of mine! And what is there to say about the soap. I love the Icarus version of DG's soap! At some point I think I will try the Milksteak version. But I have to say that the likes of DG and Wholly Kaw and others are quickly pricing themselves out of business. Probably not...but it's hard to justify paying $22 to $30 for a soap and then an aftershave of the same price and then pay $10 for shipping when some of our favorites (yes vendors here on the site) are just as good soaps or even better and charge less and less shipping! Peter Griffin would say..."But I Digest." Great shave today and I feel great in the process. I did manage to cut myself behind the ear (don't ask) and that sucker would not stop bleeding! I used some Styptic and that didn't work as well as I thought. I tried some Proraso stuff that is a gel that is supposed to seal up small cuts. What happened was that the blood made a bubble with the gel and went to touch it and the blood burst all over my hand. Yuk! In the end what worked was good old TP. That stuff is like gold now so I only used as much as I needed! All is well and crisis diverted.

The Danger Zone!!!

"This is the End, My Only Friend the End!" Okay maybe not so much. But the pressures of global events certainly are pushing down on all of us. I try to keep my spirit and sense of humor going...if nothing else but for others. I feel for the likes of Chad and his family that have to deal with family issues, an earthquake, and then this global mess that is going on. Lot's and lot's of prayers, thoughts, karma, positivity and whatever else I can muster to send his way.

The wife has to go and do a couple more tests today because of the Sea Monkey. I don't think it's anything all that serious, but the mother-to-be is stressing out.

Working from home has proved a little difficult in some respects and I am definitely a little slower and not as efficient as if I was behind my own desk, but oddly enough I found myself getting more done in two days than I might have if I was in the office. I have to run in briefly to work in order to turn in a report, but then I will be out as quick as I am allowed.

Also thinking of all those who are on the front lines of this crazy virus thing happening. All the first responders, nurses, doctors, aides, custodians, and whoever else I have failed to mention. Good thought and lots of prayers going their way.

Hope the cadre has a really great Thursday! Get out and get some fresh air, some exercise...but keep your distance from people!