The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless (5th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming - Admiral
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Superior 70 and Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - Admiral

So evidently, the Admiral Scent by Declaration Grooming and Chatillon Lux is my wife's favorite scent (well, at least for the moment). Definitely not sure what it is about it that she likes...but she says that she can't get enough of it. So what is a poor husband to do...but to accommodate his wife! Thanks @gobucks5485 for selling this on the cheap! A very nice smooth shave hiccup on the adam's apple but all is well and nothing a little styptic couldn't handle. Three passes and all is well. I applied the post shave toner that is stronger than most aftershaves and I feel terrific. I probably won't do a refresh for the people in the elevator as it seems this stuff is already hard to find. Ah, shucks! who am I kidding...of course I will splash on some more!

The Danger Zone!!!

My standing desk converter came this weekend so I will be taking that to the office this morning and setting it up at some point. Kind of excited to use it. It will be a busy week at work, but likely not rushed. I finally got some breathing room in my workload as a result of me busting my ass to get ahead of schedule. Now I am just waiting for the other shoe to fall to get me back off course.

In the area of health...I am reading up on glyphosate. You know...the weed killer? Most people associate it with "Round Up" but it is much bigger than that. In a nut shell...Industrialized Agriculture uses Glyphosate in a lot of things...not just as a weed killer. It gets onto the crops and in to the food system. Most people, even if they eat mostly organic foods, have large amounts of glyphosate in their bodies. We know about the people who work with glyphosate and it being a disruptor in the body and possibly causing cancer. But what does it mean with the rest of the population? It still not quite understood as studies on the subject are very few and the information is relatively new. Some people theorize that glyphosate is one of the reasons if not THE reason bee populations are dwindling. Some think it is the reason for a lot of types of chronic conditions. But the truth is...we just don't really know yet. We do know it is not great stuff at the very least. Twenty countries world wide have already banned the stuff. Some of them are: Austria, Italy, France, Belgium, Denmark, Costa Rica, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE. There are others too. my soapbox for now.

I hope that the Cadre has a great Monday and kicks the week off right!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Zorrik Super Stainless (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming - Vide Poche
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Superior 70 and Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche

Vide Poche...the ultimate shaving scent...well at least for me. This is the top of the scent charts and there are no others! Okay...there might be others. But it is a scent that I really enjoy tremendously. And while much of the US is still in their arctic in Southern are blooming. I took a look at the satsuma tree while doing yard work over the weekend...and there they were. Tiny little buds that will be flowers in the next few days. Flowers from citrus trees smell AMAZING!!! And these flowers definitely remind me of Vide Poche.

This soap is in the Icarus Base, so you know it's going to perform! Decided to try out the Zorrik blade today becasue, well, becasue I needed a new blade and I have a big bowl of blades that I choose from!

You know the deal...three passes and I am about as smooth as I get. A liberal dousing of the aftershave and the whole office building where I work will be giving me the slow clap as I work through the doors!'s that good!

The Danger Zone!!!


Got my Standing Desk converter in and I went ahead and put it together. Well there wasn't too much to put together...just the keyboard tray. I tested it out yesterday and I seem to really enjoy it. I need to get an anti-fatigue mat soon...but that will come probably next week or so.

Today the wife and I go to her baby doctor for our first official baby visit. The wife will get poked and prodded in all sorts of manner while I am on easy street and just watch. Yeah I know...her vengeance will be swift! 🤪 Anyway...Richelle is really nervous and I'm not so much. Maybe I should be? Not sure. Maybe this whole thing hasn't sunk in yet? Maybe I am an emotionless automaton? Anyway...looking for some thoughts, prayers, good vibes, great karma, whatever it is that you can project...I'm taking. Just hoping that everything is okay today!

Hoping that the Cadre has a wonderful day and that you rock whatever world that you are rocking it in!
Sending prayers your way Don!

For me, it didn't really hit me until the baby kicked when I was talking to him. Once that happened everything hit all at once (in a good way).
You’ve got a desk for your standing desk? :unsure:

I’m on my feet all has its moments. But then, I am all over the place, not sure about standing relatively stationary. I did that when I was a checker, even with a soft mat at my station, it wears. I hope it works for you!
Richelle is really nervous and I'm not so much. Maybe I should be? Not sure. Maybe this whole thing hasn't sunk in yet? Maybe I am an emotionless automaton? Anyway...looking for some thoughts, prayers, good vibes, great karma, whatever it is that you can project...I'm taking. Just hoping that everything is okay today!
I was fairly similar. It didn’t really hit me till I was there watch the first being born after a very long, sleepless labor (we were unique in having a number of complications) unreal experience...but man!
I’m on my feet all has its moments. But then, I am all over the place, not sure about standing relatively stationary. I did that when I was a checker, even with a soft mat at my station, it wears. I hope it works for you!
I understand what you are saying. The type of job that you have I believe you are moving around a lot. Standing, sitting, lifting, squatting, etc, etc, etc. I think you are okay there. The problem is that jobs like mine, where I sit almost all REALLY bad for the back. Not only that, but it shortens and tightens hip and leg muscles which also affect the back. The purpose of a standing desk is not necessarily to keep you standing all day, but to get you to move. Sit, then after a while, stand. Shift your weight from one to the other. Basically you need to constantly move. This wasn't just a whim...though I have been reading about them for a while, but this was doctor prescribed. Believe me Chris...I know you are not young...but you are not old either (not saying that I am). But as I got older, things I did physically that I took for granted, I am wishing I would have payed more attention. far I really enjoy it. It's only been a couple of we will see how it is in a couple of weeks. back from the Doctor's office. Had another sonogram done...and everything seems to be looking great! There is still a heartbeat and it appears that just in the couple of weeks...the sea monkey grew just a little. I teased my wife that I swore I could see fins, gills and all! Of course I got the scowl and the eye I know she is still okay.

Thanks to all that sent prayers thoughts and positive vibes my way! back from the Doctor's office. Had another sonogram done...and everything seems to be looking great! There is still a heartbeat and it appears that just in the couple of weeks...the sea monkey grew just a little. I teased my wife that I swore I could see fins, gills and all! Of course I got the scowl and the eye I know she is still okay.

Thanks to all that sent prayers thoughts and positive vibes my way!

First few weeks I called him an alien baby. I got the same reaction. I thought it was funny, and I'm sure your jokes were funny too Don.
First few weeks I called him an alien baby. I got the same reaction. I thought it was funny, and I'm sure your jokes were funny too Don.

Both my middle and youngest sons had (have) huge domes when born. I often joked around that they still looked like fetuses for a little while. My eldest finally grew into his head about age 8, lol.
Both my middle and youngest sons had (have) huge domes when born. I often joked around that they still looked like fetuses for a little while. My eldest finally grew into his head about age 8, lol.
Mike Meyers' So I Married an Ax Murderer has a scene or two with his character:s younger brother. The father says the boy's head is so large it has its own weather patterns!