Strop Shoppe Instinct
1964 Gillette Slim Adjustable
Rudy Vey - Shavemac Two Band Silver Tip Badger
Ship Grand Turk Old Spice Mug
Fine American Blend
Well...technically I haven't shaved with this yet...but I will! I was sifting through my den and looking for something that is very 4th of July. My den isn't as extensive as some of yours (looking at you the Cadre Fathers)...I only have about 40 soaps and 30 after shaves (not counting any samples). So in terms of shave dens...I am limited...I guess. My Fine American Blend is a no brainer. Plus I absolutely love this scent! But...I only have a few soaps that might pair with this well. I first looked at my PannaCrema Ebano...but Italian soap on Independence Day? I don't think so. I have a Dapper Dragon soap that might go well with it, but it's a new tub and I don't want to spoil it because I'm not sure I want to keep it. I thought about the tin of Victory Shaving Soap - that stuff smells great...but not even remotely in the wheelhouse as FAB. I was recently given a puck of Queen Charlotte Esquire by Bruce @Graybeard57 gave me...but with a name like Queen Charlotte...I might as well don a Red Coat and mumble something about tea and crumpets (by the way...I do love me some crumpets...if you don't know what a crumpet yourself a favor and find some...Trader Joe's sells them, but they go quick when they do have them...don't waste your time on the cinnamon and raisins...just get the plain...pop them in the toaster...put some butter on it and a little honey...and you are in heaven...totally not on my diet...but I can dream...but I DIGEST). I finally decided on Strop Shoppe Instinct. I am envisioning a BBS shave!
The Danger Zone:
I have the house to myself...well, there are the doggies...but they just like to lounge around until it's time to play or eat! The 4th will be uneventful for me as the wife left town to visit her sis in Western PA. But some downtime is really what I need. I am not feeling very ambitious about anything today and spending time with my friends here at TSC is okay by me! Might even make a video today...who knows...the couch...err...I mean...the sky is the limit!
I am super excited! I have three purchases in the books. The wife likely won't be too happy once she sees the bank and credit card statements...but I have a motto that served me well in the Marine Corps and the rest of my military career in the National Guard...Better to Beg for Forgiveness than to Ask for Permission! I'm not sure if this actually applies to marriages...but what is done...well, is done. Anyway, One of the purchases is a Soap and After Shave combo that most places are out of...I snagged a set and can't wait to try it out. The other two are being made. When they come in I will share them with you all...but for's a secret!
Josh @Dagwoodz talked about his poker exploits the other day and it got me thinking. I used to play "a little" poker in the day and really enjoyed it. Priorities took over and I just didn't have the time nor could I afford it. I might get back into it casually again soon. At any rate...the Main Event for the World Series of Poker is taking place right now in Las Vegas and ESPN is televising it each evening with live coverage. Hmm...the wife is out of Lazy Boy recliner is unoccupied...I have a Costco sized container of pork rinds...I have sausages and chicken thighs to go on the could this be a bad idea. Did I mention that I have pork rinds?
I might get out today...there is a guy at work that has expressed an interest in Traditional Wet Shaving. So I am thinking of running to Bath & Body Works and pick up a tube of C.O. Bigelow cream. He isn't interested in soap yet...and to be honest...the tube of cream is one of the best for a beginner. You can use it with or without a brush...he is a little odd...and I have reason to believe that he doesn't want to be bothered by a brush either. But at any rate...soap and a razor should be great. I think I have a Gillette Super Speed that I can give him...I ju
st need to clean it up. I have a Merkur Long Handle already out on loan, or I would let him use that one. Anyway...I might get out of the house today!
I hope all of you have a wonderful 4th of July Celebration. With all the grilling and fireworks going on...make sure you stay safe and be careful! If you are from parts unknown and countries that do not celebrate American Independence...then just know that some of us here in the US are thinking about you and your freedom...and we hope that whatever situation that you are in...that you are happy and that if your situation need improving that you are able to do so!