The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Don be slinging out the Lavender & Peppermint like:

I echo the thoughts of the other guys, degrees have their merit, but they’re really just an expensive piece of paper that checks a box. It sounds like with the Director you have, you’re building more valuable knowledge and experience than a degree could ever give.
Great shave and pic today. I might have to pull out my tin of SS L&P for a shave. It is great stuff.
Bummer about the sub par shave Don! Great read and picture thou!

I hope no one is grading my use of what I learned in English class here!

I'm sure your great at your job, degrees or no degrees. Good luck with the presentation!
don't judge me on my grammar and misspellings here...I rarely draft and rewrite my posts at TSC
Yeah, but would it kill you to at least proofread them???

Nice one Don...I generally don't mind when the lather building process takes a while. Since I bowl lather, it's a mindless process that is pretty soothing, and very gratifying when I get the lather "there".

On the work stuff, I'm right there with you. Sometimes the school of life will make you a much more well rounded individual than someone who is scholastically trained. Life is the ultimate lesson in critical thinking, so your education in a practical sense is probably right up there with theirs.

The funny thing is that I know this...but I still have some insecurities. Just something that I need to work through. Thanks for the sentiment.

Nice shave Don .I've been curious about the Sheraton and have been watching and reading for your thoughts. Hope you get it straightened out.. Hope work settles down for you. Cheers

I like the Sheraton fair enough. I don't think I want it to be an everyday razor, but nice for a change of pace. It's not aggressive at all...but not the mildest either.

Don great read. And please don't judge my misspellings and grammar here either! I spend to much time doing that in my technical papers for work LOL!

Love the usage of Lavender for ma homies!, I just love that Fine scent!

I know the feeling! I can crank out a grammatically perfect paper at work, but I come here and I struggle with subject/verb agreement! That Fine scent is absolutely wonderful!

Nice set up, Don. Today must be a Lavender & Peppermint day, as I too used a similar scented soap this morning. Regarding the Sudsy Soap: I had a tub of that Lav & Pepp soap and must admit that the scent was wonderful. I find the combo of the two scents to be very calming.

And don't ever feel "inadequate" about what "framed-paper-from-some-school" hangs on somebody's wall. Many times, the "school of hard knocks", experience, and self-education, will trump a formal education. Take James Eads, for example, of the Eads Bridge in St. Louis, MO; self taught engineer of enormous importance.

That is a very good point. My job deals with a very specialized part of the law. And I am to analyze and come to legal conclusions also. The others have been trained for this sort of thing, while I have a completely different perspective. It's not bad or wrong...just different.

Very nice shaves, Don. I enjoy Sudsy Soapery, and have a few of their scents. I'm pretty sure I'm still not cool, but that's just going by what I hear at work lol. were cool before cool was an in thing!

Don be slinging out the Lavender & Peppermint like:

I echo the thoughts of the other guys, degrees have their merit, but they’re really just an expensive piece of paper that checks a box. It sounds like with the Director you have, you’re building more valuable knowledge and experience than a degree could ever give.

I think you are right...and that Lavender & Peppermint? Yeah...I made it rain!

Great shave and pic today. I might have to pull out my tin of SS L&P for a shave. It is great stuff.

It most definitely is!

Bummer about the sub par shave Don! Great read and picture thou!

I hope no one is grading my use of what I learned in English class here!

I'm sure your great at your job, degrees or no degrees. Good luck with the presentation!
Bad shaves are going to happen from time to time...Thanks!

Yeah, but would it kill you to at least proofread them???


Hey! No time for love Dr. Jones.
Was able to pick this guy up at a ridiculously low price. It wasn't the scent Ii really wanted, but since I got it on the cheap I went with it. From the name I thought it was going to be a barbershop know...something powdery. From first whiff, there is nothing powdery about this! It's a new tub, never been used. I won't shave with this for a few days, so if anyone wants me to send them a sample of it...send me a PM with an address where I can send it to...and it is yours.

Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Super Max Platinum Plus (3rd Shave)
Soap/cream: Mystic Water - Coconut Sandalwood
Brush: Stirling - Best Badger Fan
Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
After the Aftershave: Fine Platinum
The Stuff that goes on After the Aftershave: Fine Platinum EdT

I decided to ditch the Sheraton today...there is just something about it that doesn't agree with me for more than a shave. This might be a razor to PIF at some point. Oh well, popped the blade into my trusty old Slim and the two pass shave gave me better than a DFS. Normally I measure my splashes in glugs...but today just seemed like a douse kind of day. So I will be walking into work today smelling the God's of Olympus! Because that is what Fine Platinum is reserved for...right? I'm not a god...but I could be a demi-god! Either way...with this stuff I feel like one!

The Danger Zone

The weekend is upon us, and everyone is preparing for the weekend (or is it working for the weekend...thank you 80s Canadian rock band Lover Boy). I have an aunt coming in from out of town, and the wife is leaving town. A lot going on and I am stuck home watching the dogs...oh well, such is life. Maybe I will finish up what I haven't watched yet of Ash VS. The Evil Dead!

Hope everyone has a most enjoyable weekend!

On Edit: I forgot to mention something. I stepped on the scale this morning and I weighed in at 269.2 pounds. This may not seem like a big deal, but it has probably been about 15 years since I weighed less than 270. I may have been longer! Anyway...I have been hanging around the 273-275 area for a few months now.
About a month ago I saw some movement in the weight but it was always go up and then down and then up again. I know this water weight so I really hadn't paid much attention. But I did notice that the trend was very slowly going down. To break the 270 mark is really a psychological barrier that I am so happy about. I just wanted to add...thanks guys!
Nice one Don...Platinum is indeed a great scent. I just wish that SWMBO liked it as much as I did and didn't tell me to wash it off whenever I wear it around her!
Don that is absolutely amazing on the weightloss. Also mic drop on your shave today! Coco-sandalwood and Platinum! DAYUUUM!

I was going to post an update on my weightloss because the other day at my weight in I finally hit the 230s! I started at 315! Hard to believe that I am where I am at. I also bought a size LARGE tshirt the other day. That's right no X's in front of it! Keep working Don you are literally extending your life! At least that is what my doctor told me I am doing.
Don that is absolutely amazing on the weightloss. Also mic drop on your shave today! Coco-sandalwood and Platinum! DAYUUUM!

I was going to post an update on my weightloss because the other day at my weight in I finally hit the 230s! I started at 315! Hard to believe that I am where I am at. I also bought a size LARGE tshirt the other day. That's right no X's in front of it! Keep working Don you are literally extending your life! At least that is what my doctor told me I am doing.

Thank you so much Chad! I am sitting right at 59 pounds of weight loss! I never thought I could do it. I started out at my heaviest I was just shy of 340. I really want to get down to the 240 range, and I think that is doable. When I left the Marine Corps in 98 I was right at 220. So I think 240 is about where I need to be 20 years later. And you are right...we are both extending our lives! So happy you found your weight loss groove. And man...a Large? That is amazing!
Thank you so much Chad! I am sitting right at 59 pounds of weight loss! I never thought I could do it. I started out at my heaviest I was just shy of 340. I really want to get down to the 240 range, and I think that is doable. When I left the Marine Corps in 98 I was right at 220. So I think 240 is about where I need to be 20 years later. And you are right...we are both extending our lives! So happy you found your weight loss groove. And man...a Large? That is amazing!

I know I was shocked when I put on the XL shirt and my wife said... go down a size. Well it fit. That reminds me I was gifted a new shirt for father's day from my goddaughter and godson I will try and snap a pic before I head out this afternoon.

You and I are both similar body shape and build it seems. I think you are near 6'3" also? I am really trying to get right around 210 or 205. I know it might be a stretch but for officiating purposes that is where I would prefer to be. But time will tell. I know it might be TMI but I am starting to face a problem with loose skin now. Here soon you will be posting you are at 250! That was a great milestone for me!
Exellent set-up and photo, Don. And congrats on the weight loss - you are doing a great job!
Great shave and picture Don!

dangerousdon said:
I stepped on the scale this morning and I weighed in at 269.2 pounds. This may not seem like a big deal, but it has probably been about 15 years since I weighed less than 270.
That is AWESOME! Congratulations! Now you need to resurrect that bicycle, a good cardio work out will really aid in the weight loss!
Great shave and picture Don!
That is AWESOME! Congratulations! Now you need to resurrect that bicycle, a good cardio work out will really aid in the weight loss!

Thanks Craig! And about that bicycle...

The wife has been wanting to get more active lately and we decided to go look at a bike for her. Last week we bought a Schwinn Mountain Bike from Target. She road it once and wasn't thrilled. She felt like it was too small for her. She was right. We decided to go to an actual bike shop on Friday. The guy who assisted us was very helpful. I know a little about bikes because I was in this situation about 10 years ago when I bought my mountain bike. But a lot has changed. The guy that helped us basically just answered our questions, offered his opinions, let the wife test ride a few bikes, and WAS NOT pushy in any way. A very pleasant experience!

Anyway, the wife decided on a Trek Verve 2. The wife has no interest in going off road and if she does it will basically be on paved trails or trails that might as well be paved. I actually was skeptical at first when the guy suggested we look at a hybrid. When hybrid bikes first came out they were basically mountain bikes with with thin road bike tires. Some of the hybrids today are still like that. This hybrid is designed specifically for the road, but has the durability in the frame and wheels of a mountain bike. Needless to say, she loves it!

So back to my bike. This bike I have (I'll post pics of it in it's current condition later) was a nice bike when I purchased it back in 2009. I used it for when I went back to school and I rode to and all over LSU's campus. Road it as a recreational bike a little after that. Let's just say it need a tune up and parts replacement. Then the flood happened and it was under five feet of water for a couple of days. I was thinking of taking it apart and rebuilding it myself as a learning experience.

Back to the bike shop...I was talking to the guy and he was telling us about their services. Basically, for $200, they take the bike completely apart. Everything but the frame gets tossed and replaced with new manufacturer parts. Frame gets cleaned and everything lubed. I was sold on this idea...except I would be putting a decent amount of money into a bike that really doesn't have much value right now. With the heat of summer right now (it's been averaging 95 with a heat index of 105 and humidity around 75% over the past couple weeks...typical Louisiana summer), I likely won't be going out on many trails right now. My bike, even after a restoration, is considered an entry level mountain bike and really isn't equipped to handle much more than level bike trails. So in my impatience to get out and start riding. I have decided that I will get my bike repaired by the shop...have some road tires put on...and do some road rides for the time being. In the meantime, set aside some money to buy a bike that will accommodate me more than just buying the very basic again.

This went on a lot longer than I expected...sorry guys! Thanks for reading!
Not a bad deal for fixing up your bike! Great the the missus is going to join in! I hope you both can get at those trails soon.
$200 to replace everything, derailers, brakes, shocks, tires? Heck that sounds like a great deal!

My bicycle is about 10 years old. It is a fully equiped mountain bike. All of my normal rides are on a paved surface. Some times I do go dirt trails, haven't in a while. I just wanted to have the flexibilty of going off road. I don't see myself getting a road bike. I don't really have the desire to ride on the public roads around here.