Well...I decided to take the bike into the shop today. It turned out to be a little more than I originally anticipated but it's all good. Upgraded the tires and got a better seat. Worked out a deal with the guy working on it that if a part that was on the bike was going to better than he was replacing it with, he would see what he could do to clean and salvage it. Anyway...I was anticipating this to take a couple of weeks. I received a call from the shop a little bit ago and was told the bike was ready! What?! All this done in a day? Now that is what i call service. Here is the before and after pic...

The bike guy said that the bike wasn't in the worst condition he has seen...but it was the dirtiest. He said it took him two bottles of degreaser to get it clean. Took it for a quick spin...it might actually ride better than when it was new.


The bike guy said that the bike wasn't in the worst condition he has seen...but it was the dirtiest. He said it took him two bottles of degreaser to get it clean. Took it for a quick spin...it might actually ride better than when it was new.