The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Occam OREN
Blade: Feather Pro (5th Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Iron Throne
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Fresh Vetiver

I opted for only one shave with the Aluminum General so I could move on to the OREN. I guess I didn't realize that I needed a screwdriver to do some unscrewing to change out base plates. This is an automatic negative for me. I really don't need to make my shave routine anymore complicated than what it already is. So I opted to leave in the base plate that it came to me with. Plate number two it is then. Okay, so...I really did not want to like this razor. And I am still not a huge fan of the design. The construction of the razor seems to be very high quality, or as much as my amateur eye can spy. But the design seems a bit gimmicky...out of the ordinary just for the sake of being out of the ordinary. I there really a functional purpose to how it is designed? And with some of the shave angles the razor did prove to be a bit unwieldy. All that being said...with three passes out of the way...I had one of my smoother shaves in a very long time. Not perfect...I don't get those very often...but a very good and smooth shave. I liked it enough that I will have another tomorrow.

The Danger Zone!!!

Well, Mardi Gras did come and Mardi Gras did go. I managed to see only one parade this year and to be honest...I am fine with that. Some of the parades are family friendly and others are less so. I just am not in the mood to see a bunch of drunken bafoons spill their drink all over me. Yeah...I know...bah humbug or get off my lawn...which ever you prefer. With the end of Mardi the end of temptation for all the King Cakes. Lent begins today which is supposed to mean that we are all supposed to give up something and skip red meat on Fridays. I guess for a lot of people around the country that is a big deal. Here in Louisiana...shucks...I have to eat seafood... :sneaky: Yup...I can't believe it. I HAVE to eat the likes of char-grilled oysters, boiled crawfish, shrimp poboys, crawfish etouffee, seafood gumbo, catfish, redfish, or whatever type of fish.'s going to be hard going for ol' Don.

I hope the Middle of the week turns out to be a good one for the Cadre. It's back to work for me and I have a few things to do before the end of the week comes. Have a great one Cadre!
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I guess for a lot of people around the country that is a big deal.
It is a big deal in western PA, but not for me. I envy you for your seafood choices. When I moved here from the Bay Area I immediately missed places like Jack London Sq, Fisherman's Wharf, and Berkeley for all the great seafood and Mexican restaurants. We have good restaurants offering such fare, but far fewer of them.
I totally forgot that yesterday was Mardis Gras. Speaking of Louisiana, I tried boudain for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Not bad, but I'd imagine homemade boudain is better.
I totally forgot that yesterday was Mardis Gras. Speaking of Louisiana, I tried boudain for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Not bad, but I'd imagine homemade boudain is better.
Yeah there are such varying degrees of boudin. I have had such awesome boudin that choirs of heaven opened up and began a chorus. And I have had such bad boudin that I wish I was chocking on a piece of leather in hell! It really does just all depend.
Razor: Occam OREN
Blade: Feather Pro (6th Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Iron Throne
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Superior 70 and Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: TBD

Another shave with the OREN and I seem to be pretty impressed with how it shaves. Still not a huge fan of the construction though. That's a good thing though as it seems that the OREN is sold out. But still, this is a solid performer and maybe even better than solid. Some of the angles on the neck are a little weird but nothing I can't figure out. So far out of the three razors in this pass-around...I think the OREN is the better shaver. I like the way the ENOCH looks better and I think the construction of it is very solid. I think the Aluminum General is a super solid razor and I would be happy to shave with it at any time. tomorrow I will bring out the ENOCH one last time and see if I can fix some of my shaving errors. Then it will be off to the next victim...err...participant. 🤪

So I finished up the bottle of Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel. A while back I bought three bottle of Superior 70 which is basically an alcohol and bay leaf mixture. It's big in the islands evidently, specifically Puerto Rico. The island cultures use it for a whole host if things to include headaches, insect bites, aftershave, etc. Anyway... @Dave in KY and others have been using the Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla, which is to the best of my knowledge, bay leaf extract and witch hazel. I have tried on several occasions to buy the Humphrey's version with no success. So I decided that I was just going to go ahead and do a small mixture of my own and see how I like it. So I went ahead and just did equal parts (one ounce each) of just Superior 70 and drug store witch hazel.

So far I am really digging this. It feels pretty much like a regular aftershave...but there seems to be just a little bit more. I am going to try this for a bit, but I think I will try to add a couple other things to it also at some point...maybe some aloe or another additive.

The Danger Zone!!!

Well...I decided to go back to the gym yesterday. First time since I had the flu. I really didn't want to, but my lower back hasn't been feeling all that well lately. They it's been working is that as long as I keep doing my lower back pain has not only been kept in check, but has been actually improving. The beginning of the year I went to my Orthopedic Doctor and was told that the exercises that I have been doing has kept my discs from further compressing. So, the gym is absolutely mandatory for me. But anyway, I really didn't want to go..I was super sore last night night. But I have to say that this morning...I feel really great! It's amazing that just one session can make a little difference also.

Got a little news the other day and I debated whether or not to post it here on TSC just quite yet. It's super early...I mean like really early. looks like I'm going to be a daddy. I'll just leave it at that. :giggle:

I hope the Cadre has a stupendous day today!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless (6th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Stirling Soap Co. - Triumph
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Superior 70 and Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling Soap Co. Triumph

This was yesterday's shave and man was it a good one. I had all the growth of the weekend for reasons that I will explain below, and it came off in a glorious fashion! I ended up with a DFS+ and maybe better.

I have been using the Superior 70/Witch hazel mix and I am really enjoying the stuff. I might increase the ratio of witch hazel so that the Sup70 - witch hazel ratio is 2:1. But man this stuff is good. I even at one time just splashed some on even though I didn't shave. It was very refreshing.

The Danger Zone!!!'s been a hell of a couple of weeks. First I ended up with the Flu. Then the wife. Then we found out about the little sea monkey floating around in the wife's belly. Then Friday, the wife had REALLY hard time breathing because of chest congestion that she started to get during/after the flu. So she went to Urgent care on Friday afternoon...they told her that she needed to go to Woman's Hospital (a local hospital that got it...just women...mostly in connection with pregnancy, breast cancer, and other issues that specifically affect women) and to their Emergency Room. Went to the emergency room and they did a bunch of tests. So the verdict? She has/had a respiratory infection caused by Parainfluenza 4. Parainfluenza is not the flu...but is like the flu and can cause things like croup, bronchitis, and pneumonia. SOOOOO...Richelle was admitted to the hospital. Friday night/Early Saturday morning was really rough. Her blood pressure skyrocketed, and she was on all sorts of treatments. Saturday was better and Sunday she was about as good as she could be for what she went through. Still had a little congestion...but was able to breath. Since Thursday, I don't think Richelle had more than an hour's sleep at one time and was really exahusted. They let her go Sunday evening. Yesterday she was able to follow up with her PCP and we feel that she is on the mend. Sunday and Monday night she had the most continuous sleep in almost a week. Things are better now.

If there is a sliver lining from all of the hospitalization, we got our first ultrasound. They were able to identify the little peanut and even though it is pretty early (between six and eight weeks), a heartbeat was confirmed. Just a bit of flickering light...but it's there.

Anyway...a lot going on in the Danger Household.

Hope the Cadre is having a wonderful Tuesday!