The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (Black) (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Soap - Iron Throne
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Ante-penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Penultimate Aftershave: Superior 70
The Ultimate Aftershave: Avon - Everest

Another shave with Iron Throne and this scent is really grabbing me! Now I WANT this scent in an aftershave. But I started think about a nut shell the scent notes are: Juniper Berry, Bay Leaf (Bay Rum), Cedar, Sandalwood & Black Oud. This is a little like Captain's Choice North (with the Juniper and all). I don't think Scott is making Caotain's Choice any longer, but it still can be had a couple places. I turned to some other things. It has little bit of Avon Everest in it too! Add some bay rum and a little darkness to it...and man you got yourself and Iron Throne Aftershave! Did I do all of that? Nope. But I did use some Avon Everest in conjunction with some Superior 70 and I can totally live with that!

Shave was PEFECTO! Okay maybe not entirely perfect...but really good. Went back to the Progress after yesterday's shave with the Slim don't go as well as planned. Nice smooth shave. No cuts, nicks, or weepers. In-fact...I had no sting once the aftershave products were applied.

I am starting to dig this Witch Hazel/Superior 70 layering. I just need to get a bottle and mix them together. It's some pretty good stuff. I have some Everest on currently...but you know what comes next. Yup, I have to ensure the people in the elevator at work can participate in all the good smelling me that I have to offer. So, no worries...I will douse myself again before I leave the house!

The Danger Zone!!!

The dental splint is going much better than expected. It seem I can sleep most of the night with it in. So my concerns of not being able to sleep with one are put to rest.

Work is getting a little interesting. The boss man is being suspiciously nice. I mean...really suspicious. Being down two investigators and being down a third in about a week...the work load is going to pile high for all of us. I have been with this agency for almost three years now...and I never seen my supervisor pick up a case (at least from start to finish). I wonder if his demeanor has anything to do with this. Interesting.

But it's FRIDAY CADRE!!!! And I for one am ready for the weekend. Though...there is no football, and I have a lot of house work to least it is all done on my time. But wait...what is that? There is football on this weekend? Yup...looks like the XFL begins their season this weekend with games on Saturday and Sunday! Not sure if I will watch it...but it's still football.

Come on Cadre! Just one more day left!
My thoughts exactly. I watched the AAFL, and we all know how that ended up.
I think the XFL has a bit more funding. Plus...I think they got a good system down. Two games on Saturday and two games on Sunday from now until the end of April.
I think the XFL has a bit more funding. Plus...I think they got a good system down. Two games on Saturday and two games on Sunday from now until the end of April.

Very true. Also I think they went about assembling their teams the right way. They got some decent names. We shall could give me a reason to not participate in house chores :unsure:
Suspiciously nice bosses are weird. I had a supervisor at my last time that loved to try buttering me up to pick up OT.
I don't mind "nice bosses." But mine is notoriously a pain in the butt and the agency is just waiting for him to retire. He is the only one that doesn't realize it. So when he comes around and tries to be all "buddy buddy" with me and others...I am instantly skeptical.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (Black) (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Grassroots lavender
Brush: Synthetic Shave Brush by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Lavender Pour Homme


Busted out my new CBL Shave Soap...Grassroots Lavender! And Boy! Chris does not disappoint! This is what I would call a "bright" lavender. Not really a lavender in the truest sense, but a good approximation of a lavender that not only relaxes...but also puts you in a really good mood! Chris describes this scent as:

Grassroots Lavender is an aromatic lavender scent based on the classic English Lavender scent by Yardley with top notes of Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lavender and Bergamot. Middle notes of Clary sage, Cedar and Geranium and Base notes of Tonka bean, Musk and Oakmoss. The resulting scent is a floral and somewhat woody lavender that is as unique as it is enjoyable.

Yeah! What Chris said! All I know is that it smells great!

Three extra passes...and as another member on the forum says..."I feel right as rain!"

Some splashes...okay not splashes. Some glugs...okay not glugs. I just jumped in a barrel full of Fine's Lavender Pour Homme. Again...I have to make sure that the people in the elevator can at least get a glimpse into my enjoyment! Yeah...I smell great!

A quick word about the soap...if you didn't know...the proceeds of this soap goes to a charitable organization. I will let Chris tell it in his own words:

Grassroots Lavender is a Limited edition soap being sold with only 100 tubs being made and 100% of the proceeds being donated to Academy for Grassroots Organizations. Academy for Grassroots Organizations is a unique organization that has special meaning to CBL Soap. Chris Lindsay (owner of CBL Soap) has served on Academy for Grassroots Organization’s board of directors for more than 14 years. Academy for Grassroots Organizations is unique because it’s mission is not to serve individuals in need rather they help to strengthen the organizations that serve those in need so they can better meet the needs of the community. Its called “capacity building” and Academy for Grassroots Organizations is a capacity building leader in California’s Inland Empire. To learn more about Academy for Grassroots Organizations visit their website ( or see what Guidestar has to say about them (

When I last checked...there were still 31 tubs of this soap in stock, and it's on sale!

The Danger Zone!!!

Got a little work done this weekend...but not a lot really. The weather does not want to cooperate and the yard is too wet to do much about at the time being. Oh well...eventually.

A few things going on this week at work...but it shouldn't be all that difficult.

A quick appears that the Journals are filling up with a lot of members! Wow! this place is actually getting crowded! But there is always room for more!

I hope the Cadre kicks off the week well and makes it a great one!
A classy floral (and not an overly floral floral) is always nice!

Hope you get some “bites” on your lines in other ponds this week!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (Black) (4thrd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Grassroots lavender
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Lavender Pour Homme

Super quick one today as I have to get out the door early this morning. Apparently there is a wreck on the MS River Bridge and according to News Services this morning...the Interstates and service streets are like the Thunder Dome out there.

Same...Same Channel...Same Time...Same great shave! Love everything there is about this soap. It truly is at the top of the list here. Three passes and some splashes of aftershave and I am ready to go!

The Danger Zone!!!

Running to New Orleans today for a couple interviews. It's supposed to rain a bit...but everything should be great.

Thanks Cadre for all you do!